Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1541: Uprising preparations

急 The most urgent task is to stabilize Chen Ping. The other thing is to immediately tell Ye Shikai about this event and let him come back to preside over the whole situation. If he seizes the military power, if Ye Shikai wants to fight back, there will be no chance.

"Oh, I'll find an adult right away." Xue San nodded and turned to leave the barracks.

"Military, this **** actually wants to take away the adult's military power. Obviously, he wants to be detrimental to the adult. We can't sit still." Mancang seemed very anxious. He is Ye Shikai's confidant and the most loyal person in the army. He certainly could not accept Ma Yao's military order.

"Don't worry, right now, we must quickly find Lao Ye and know his attitude. As for Chen Ping, we can't be rushed." Shang Guanjian seemed calm and organized.

"Right now, Chen Ping has no soldiers. 20,000 troops are still under our control. With a full warehouse, you immediately order the entire army, fully armed, and stand by. You are ready to dispatch."

"Okay, I'll go right away. The brethren are looking forward to the horses. I don't believe that they will obey Chen Ping's order." Man Cang also left after speaking, in order to prevent Chen Ping from seeing the abnormality, Shang Guanjian also asked The relatives fenced the tent camp, monitored it closely, and stabilized the situation before Ye Shikai returned.

"Lao Ye, I'm going out today, I hope you have the same thoughts as me." Shang Guanjian muttered, glaring at Chen Ping in the camp, and turned to leave.

Liyang, Yefu.

"Sir, this is the case. Now that the Shangguan army has controlled Chen Ping and the troops are still in our hands, Chen Ping should soon notice the anomaly and ask the adult to come back to preside over the situation as soon as possible." Xue Sanxiang Ye Shikaihui reported .

"Well, Shangguan did a good job. It seems that Ma Yao still doesn't trust me." Ye Shikai didn't feel chill, and he didn't mean to blame. In this troubled world, Ming Zhe's life is also a very common way of doing things. Ma Yao There is no guts to disobey the imperial edicts of the emperor. Of course, no official dared to disobey in the court or the place. It is a shocking “good thing” to raise soldiers to save the people, but Ye Shikai has no right to ask everyone to join him.

"Master, what shall we do now?" Xue Sanzhui asked.

"Come with me." Ye Shikai took Xue San to the living room, and He Linghan was waiting there.

"See Madam."

"Three brothers Xue are polite." He Linghan answered with a smile.

"Linger, now I have to rush to the barracks and command the troops. After I start the army, you will be implicated, so you hurry up to the carriage and go to Chu. There is the site of the insurgent army. Ye Shikai looked at He Linghan, and his eyes were full of worry. This time the two of them will be separated. Although Ye Shikai has arranged everything, to be honest, he is still quite worried.

"Well, husband, you can rest assured."

"Xue San, I want to give you a task." Ye Shikai turned around and looked at Xue San.

"Lord, please tell me."

"You took my guard and escorted his wife away, went to Chudi, and found Hua Liandie. I have a letter here for Hua her, and you give it to her." Ye Shikai thought about it, he must "rebellion "Then his family members are bound to be" wanted "across the country. Only in Chu Di can save his life.

"Hey, my subordinates are fighting this old life, and they must try to protect the safety of his wife. Please rest assured." Xue San knelt on one knee, saying absolutely.

"Xue San, don't call me an adult. Remember when we first met in Longshan, did you call me anything?"

"Ye ... brother."

"Brother Xue three." Ye Shikai took Xue San's hand and slowly made 揖 "Brother, I will give you all my family members, please."

"Brother Ye, my Xue San was nothing more than a junk on the rivers and lakes, doing the tricks of stealing chickens and dogs. I am honored by my brothers and are willing to reuse me. In the future, my Xue San's life is yours."

好 "Okay, time is tight, you're out of town right away."


"Fu Jun, you gave us the guard, then what do you do?" He Linghan asked. The two thousand guards are Ye Shikai's confidantes. The equipment training is the best. The **** personally escorted Ye Shikai.

"Relax, I will be fine." Ye Shikai relieved, suddenly, he stepped forward, kissed He Linghan, his lips touched, and a sadness appeared in the hearts of the two.

This seems to be a farewell, and they are not willing to turn around first ...

He Linghan does not regret this decision. She is willing to help Ye Shikai to realize his ideal. It does n’t matter if he gives up his life. Does Ye Shikai regret it? Maybe, there are some. When his guard escorted He Linghan out of town, he did have a desire to take back the order. The impulse is just that ... the boat has become a boat, and "rebellion" is a way to go to the end, he has no possibility of turning back.

Ye Shikai dismissed the servants in the house, gave them all the gold and silver that could not be taken away, and turned to glance at the empty mansion. Ye Shikai's heart had mixed flavors, and some of them were not taste. Here he and He Linghan lived happily. Place, unexpected, leaving so soon.

After a long sigh, Ye Shikai turned around and left ~ ~ to ride straight to the barracks.


"Lao Ye, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I don't know what to do." Shang Guanjian was at the gate of the barracks and saw Ye Shikai's return. This relieved him.

怎么 样 "How's it going to be decided after you go back?"

"Shangguan, I have made up my mind to stand up and resist. Just now I asked Xue San to take my guard to **** Ling to Chudi. If they go well, they can arrive in half a month." Ye Shikai turned sharply and asked "Shangguan, would you like to be with me?"

"Lao Ye, you are so out of touch with this statement. I have no relatives in Shangguanjian, so naturally I have no concerns. If you go back, I will follow."

"it is good."

听说 "I heard that Chen Ping has arrived, where is it now." Ye Shikai asked.

"Hum, these wine sacks and sacks are drunk, and now they rest in the camp."

"It's not too late. If I expected it well, the army will gather here tomorrow. They will drive all the people here and kill them together. We will start at that time."

"Okay, I listen to you all." Shangguan Jianying said.

"Before I do, I have one more thing to do." Ye Shikai's face suddenly darkened.

"Lao Ye, what else do you have."

"Shangguan, go and gather all your brothers, I have something to say."

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