Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1507: 2 times

The attitude of many generals of the Qin Dynasty towards the prisoners was more like treating them as cannon fodder and entering the battlefield. If they could be defeated, they would be able to rush ahead. Even if they were defeated, they could consume the most The strength of the enemy forces can be said that their lives and deaths are completely meaningless to the opposing sides, just like a person who has been "abandoned".

Therefore, unless necessary, the prisoners will not get much equipment, even the weapons are old and broken, so on the battlefield, even if they really want a counterattack, they will not pose a great threat.

Therefore, if you want to serve people with morality, the first step is to treat all people equally. This is why Ye Shikai asked Ma Yao for enough equipment and silver money. To make the criminals feel that they are a member of the Qin Army, they must do it from the outside. Up.

上 "Shangguan, order your husband, and tonight, have a meal and entertain the new sergeant." Ye Shikai commanded.

"Relax, leave it to me."

For the next week, Ye Shikai lived in the barracks and was busy merging these prisoners into this collective. As a county captain, although Ma Yao is not a leader, he is a general. Letting other generals put down their complaints against Ye Shikai also made a lot of efforts and the results were good. Although these generals lost many opportunities for success because of Ye Shikai's existence, they also "replenished more and demolished less."

Fortunately, Ye Shikai's efforts have paid off. The training situation is much smoother than he expected. Most of these criminals have committed crimes. They are still fierce in their bones. They are even more murderous than some ordinary people who have been recruited. If they can train, Well, this is a dead soldier. In addition, when these criminals heard that the general was Ye Shikai, not only did they have no resentment, but "convinced themselves." They would never disobey any military order issued by Ye Shikai himself.


"Linger." Ye Shikai dismounted outside the door and walked directly in. He hadn't returned for a week because of the military camp. He Linghan must be concerned.

"Fu Jun, you are back," He Linghan said lightly, without any complaining tone in the words.

"Linger, I'm really sorry, I haven't found time to go home this week." Ye Shikai pulled her to the bed and said softly.

"It's okay, I've heard that you are busy in the barracks. Sometimes you don't have time to go home. I don't blame you." He Linghan was sympathetic. She passed Xue San and kept inquiring about Ye Shikai. Although the two Didn't meet each other, but He Linghan was also known to be seven or seven.

"You and I have just been newly married, and I haven't taken you to play well." Ye Shikai is still guilty and full of calculations. The two will be married for only half a month. If it is modern, Ye Shikai should take her to honeymoon. .

既然 "Since you are a general now, you should put troop training first. I am fine at home."

Ye Yekai took out a wooden box from her pocket, which contained a pair of fine jade earrings.

"This was bought by me when I went to Xianyang to receive the reward. It was from a master. I thought it was pretty good, so I bought it for a lot of money." Ye Shikai personally put on the earrings to He Linghan. She was originally a beautiful woman. Woman, wearing this pair of earrings, even more set off her temperament. He Linghan is not a woman who loves money and does not like wearing gold and silver, so Ye Shikai picked a pair of jade earrings to match her.

She Linghan took a picture of the bronze mirror, her mouth slightly raised, and she could see that she liked the earrings not because of its exquisiteness, but because it was a gift from Ye Shikai to her.

"Father, do you look good?"

"It's beautiful." Ye Shikai couldn't help but murmured that at this moment, his brain seemed to have lost his mind, maybe this was the so-called "hook the soul".

The two lips touched each other and kissed together ...

The next day.

"It's really hard for you to go up and down the house these days." Ye Shikai gently rubbed He Linghan's shoulders. He was very loving. In the concept of the ancients, the housekeeper was a "required" of a virtuous internal helper. He Linghan, who had to take care of the house of hundreds of people at once, had to pay attention to all the expenses and all the details. It was indeed a bit difficult. It was obvious that He Linghan was too busy to learn these things as soon as possible.

"It's okay, I don't care about these. Since you are not at home, I will take care of everything for you."

While no one was around, Ye Shikai suddenly kissed He Linghan's forehead, making her immediately blushed.

"Fu Jun, you ... what to do if it is seen by the subordinates." He Linghan was very traditional in heart. It should be said that the concept was that, under such a large public, even husband and wife could not do such intimate things.

"Haha, what if you are seen, I am the master of my family, what do people see?" Ye Shikai said with a smile.

"In short, this is not right."

"Okay, just now it was just a joke ~ ~ Ye Shikai gently wiped her little Qiong nose.

"Fu Jun, you once told me that you are from another era. Can you say more?" He Linghan turned sharply. This sentence seemed to be talking about Ye Shikai's heart. After a long time, he Neither spoke. Before the two had not confirmed the relationship before, Ye Shikai told her such a secret, but only part of it. After all, the relationship between the two was just affectionate. He Linghan was not convenient to ask many details, but now , The two have become real husband and wife, some secrets, He Linghan has the right to know.

"Okay." Ye Shikai slowly sat on the chair and said lightly, his face was full of exhaustion.

"I told you that I am not a person of this era. This is true. For everyone, my life is a mystery." After confirming that no one was around, Ye Shikai said.

"Fu Jun, how did you come here, and ... what did you look like in that era?" He Linghan was like a curious baby and asked many questions. She believed Ye Shikai's words, even if it sounded like night, but He Linghan didn't. No doubt.

"Do you know the practitioner?"

"I don't know." He Linghan shook his head. It seems that in ancient times, cultivation was "monopolized" by the family, and the people have never even heard of it.

"I encountered a beam of light at that time, which was so dazzling that I couldn't see what was in front of me, and then ... I was brought here by this beam of light, and I couldn't explain the details."

"Father, do you want to go back."

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