Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1505: Housewarming

"Relax, there will be no such thing in the future." Ye Shikai held He Linghan in his arms. He wanted to give this newlywed wife a promise. In modern times, he also tried his best to protect Su Qingyu. Instead, she hurt her. On the wedding day of Yanjing, she was shot, unconscious, abducted by Boss Xing, and bombed by the group. She passed by death again and again. Finally, Ye Shikai and He Her divorce was tantamount to a stab in her heart.

Now he came to the Qin Dynasty. Through these eight months, he also understood the law of survival here, that is, weak meat and strong food. Here, with power, he has status. As long as he is strong enough, he can even easily Depriving one's life is more "primitive" and "bloody" than modern.

It took only more than eight months for Ye Shikai from a helpless outsider to seal the "wing general" in the court. Of course, in addition to his own efforts, he also met many "nobles". These people are the most important Help him at this moment, with the current power, he can protect He Linghan.

After all the people marched all the way, they finally arrived at the county seat of Dongjun County, Liyang County, and Ye Shikai went for more than half a month this time. Most of the sergeants should also return. If they haven't seen each other for a long time, he is worried about whether the troops are relaxed.

"Sir, I will go back to the barracks first. Without such training for a long time, those brothers are probably loose and used to training." Mancang said. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"Okay, you go quickly." Ye Shikai was worried about this. He was full of urgency in infantry training, and he was more at ease.

"Linger, let me take you home first." Ye Shikai turned his head and said.

"it is good."

Everyone came to Liyang City. After all, it is the location of the county government. Naturally, it is much more prosperous than Heyang County. There are a lot of merchants coming here, and many farmers send grain, cotton, and coal to the city for sale. Ye Shikai I was alone, so I did n’t have so many requirements. I was a general who lived in the barracks. Now that he is married, and He Linghan is by his side, naturally he can't wrong her. Ma Yao "takes care" of him and directly He sent a mansion for two people to live in, but Ye Shikai also understands that if he accepts this benefit, he owes a kind of affection, so he politely refuses, but uses his "deposit" A local family bought a house.

After some decoration, although it is not luxurious, it is also very good. At least, Ye Shikai, who thinks that he is aesthetically pleasing, is very satisfied. Of course, there is naturally a waiter in the house. He originally planned to recruit a housekeeper, but Ye Shikai fell down. It's really hard to find a confidant. As for Xue San and Mancang, they are generals with troops, and naturally they can't be used as stewards.

"If you lack a housekeeper, then I will come." He Linghan said lightly.

什么 "What, Linger, the housekeeper has to take care of the upper and lower levels of the middle school, and there are many things." Ye Shikai naturally did not want the new wife to be so busy, let alone, the housekeeper also needs experience.

"Relax, give it all to me." He Linghan looked at the decoration in front of her, a smile gradually appeared on her face, and she could see that she was satisfied.

"Actually ... this is also the second time I visited this house. The last time I just glanced at it and thought it was pretty good and bought it." Ye Shikai explained.

"It's pretty good, you know, I don't like things that are too luxurious, but it makes me feel uncomfortable, so it's pretty good." He Linghan didn't pay much attention to the material, even if it is modern. It is also a very good quality.

"In the future, I may often go to military camps. I wo n’t stay at home for long. You stay home and take care of yourself." Ye Shikai gently stroked her shoulder. Judging from what happened last night, Ye Shikai may still be in the future. There will be an assassination. Now that he is married, the enemy will also focus on He Linghan, so this house must be guarded by his confidants.

"Xue San, transfer half of my guards to guard this house and patrol day and night. In addition, recruit some family members, pick some clean ones, and have your own supervision."

"Oh, general, don't worry."

In ancient times, there were darts, responsible for protecting people or things. It is equivalent to modern security companies. It is not good for sergeants to patrol private homes. Xue San, after all, is a mixed race. He should know many people and want to find a group of " "Bodyguard" is not difficult. First https: // https: //

"Rest assured, I'm familiar with this. I used to steal goods from the dart board and knew a lot about them," Xue San proudly said.

"Xue San, how many times have you stolen." Ye Shikai also became interested and asked curiously.

"It's always been more than a thousand, but I never steal from the poor. Besides, they have nowhere to be found, and they can't steal any valuables. I'm only interested in those wealthy families of Zhumen wine and meat. "

The so-called "theft also has the way". At the beginning of Longshan, Ye Shikai saw the quality of Xue San. Although he was a thief, he was also helpless ~ ~ He is still kind , To say the least, he is not the kind of bully of the weak. Although he is a thief, he is not a "crossing mouse" that everyone calls, even from the perspective of the poor. .

"Have you ever been caught?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Of course there are. Those **** are really cruel and almost waste my legs. If it is true, then for a thief like me, it is a broken road." Xue San said here, his emotions inevitably a little excited, often Walking by the river, there are no wet shoes. He is a thief and sometimes misses.

"Okay, you go to find someone quickly, you saw the assassination last night, if there is no decent guard at home, can you do it?"

"Master, I understand everything. Xue San promises to pick the best and most loyal guard, and absolutely guarantees the safety of his wife." Xue San said on one knee, Zuo Yan, to show solemnity.

"Master Jun Wei arrived." At this time, a waiter suddenly called out, and before Ye Shikai's response came, Ma Yao entered the courtyard.

"Haha, brother Ye moved to his new home. Congratulations." Ma Yao hugged his fist, and the attendant behind him also lifted the two large boxes.

"This is a little bit of my heart. Brother Ye must not be disgusted."

"Master Ma's kindness, his subordinates have received it." Ye Shikai nodded and said, "I encountered something in Hanoi County before, which delayed the time and asked my adult to forgive me."

"Those are trivial matters, not to mention, now that Brother Ye is back, my East County can sit back and relax."


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