Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1503: After desperately broken

Everyone looked down, dozens of black assassins were rushing up, and they were menacing, apparently to assassinate Ye Shikai, while Ye Shikai was only surrounded by Xue San and four guards, and the remaining guards were all outside the store.

"Hurry up, let the arrows go." Xue San shouted loudly, raised a crossbow with several guards, hurled arrows at the black men below, and immediately shot down a few people, but stabbed too many guests and the area of ​​the inn Narrow, these assassins can come up in a few steps.

"Master, be careful." Xue San pushed Ye Shikai behind him, an assassin leaped into the air, his hands resting on a wooden board, and he wanted to jump straight up. Xue San stretched his leg and kicked him directly.

"Master, it's dangerous outside, you quickly take your wife into the house," Xue San said loudly.

"Damn, you pay attention to safety." Ye Shikai naturally wanted to fight with his brethren, but he also wanted to protect He Linghan's safety.

"The thief will be off." Suddenly, the two assassins turned upstairs from the other side, Ye Shikai took He Linghan behind him and waved his sword to parry.

"Abominable." Ye Shikai's swordsmanship is extremely high. When he was in the ruins of Bai Qi, his swordsmanship was praised by Bai Qi. Not only that, Meng Tian also admired his swordsmanship, and faced the assassin's pinch. One person has to be protected, but Ye Shikai is also able to parry it easily. He blocks one of them's stabbing and swings the sword with his backhand, and immediately resolves one person. Ye Shikai takes advantage of the pursuit and hits his short edge with a long sword. Beheaded.

"Sir, there are too many of them, please go in quickly." Xue Sanjiao shouted anxiously, the assassin had already rushed up to fight closely with the guards, but Ye Shikai's guards were well-trained and used the formation to guard the narrow ones. corridor.

"Linger, let's go." Ye Shikai was helpless and had to pull He Linghan back into the room.

"Xue San, retreat slowly and stand by for help." Several guards retreated while fighting. Although the number of stabbing guests was large, they could not all spread out in the narrow corridor. Ye Shikai picked up the crossbow and aimed at the corridor. .

"Everyone, squat." All the guards immediately crouched down. Ye Shikai pulled the trigger and fired the crossbow. The assassin in front was not prepared, and it was more difficult to dodge in the dark. He shot down three or four people.

"Back." While the assassin didn't respond, Ye Shikai immediately ordered the guards to withdraw from the room. After Xue Sandian, the door was closed immediately. Several people moved all the heavy things that could be moved in the house and blocked them. Doorway.

"Close the door, don't let them in."

"Sir, you and your wife, please go down the window. It won't be long here." Xue Sanjiao urged, there are more than 20 assassins outside. If they fight hard, they must be in a disadvantage. The most important thing is He Linghan Still here, she is a defenseless woman. If she meets an assassin, she will die.

Hey, hey, hey.

As soon as Xue San's voice fell, dozens of crossbow arrows shot in from the outside. Ye Shikai took a wooden board and blocked it in front of He Linghan. Fortunately, there was a large dressing table in the house to temporarily resist the arrows.

"Come on, sir."

"You ... be careful." Ye Shikai tied one end of the quilt to the window, drew it down, turned and looked at He Linghan with a horrified face.

"Linger, wait for me to hold me tightly, you must not let go, can you hear me?" Ye Shikai reminded, He Linghan nodded in horror, and opened his arms around Ye Shikai's waist.

"If you feel scared, close your eyes tightly and never open." Ye Shikai held her willow waist in one hand, leaped forward, and held the quilt tightly with the other hand. The two slipped slowly, and the length of the quilt was not enough. The ground, but it doesn't matter, Ye Shikai let go of his palm and landed firmly on the ground.

"Okay, Linger, you can open your eyes." Ye Shikai comforted softly. Below the house was the inn's chicken coop. If you remember correctly, Ye Shikai's guard was on the side.

"Are we ... safe?" He Linghan trembled and slowly opened his eyelids. It seemed that he was really scared. Ye Shikai blamed her, holding her tightly in her arms and giving her a sense of security.

"Relax." The two ran out a few hundred miles, and heard a horseshoe sound from a distance. With a closer look, it was a dozen guard sergeants.

"General, what happened." One of the leading chiefs dismounted and asked, it was obvious that the fierce fighting of the inn should wake the guard.

"This inn is a black shop, and there are more than 20 assassins in it. You will send someone to support you," Ye Shikai ordered.

"General Man has already led the brigade, and the general will not be in a hurry."

Ye Shikai was naturally worried about Xue San's safety. He was relieved when he heard that Mancang had taken someone to kill him, so he let this team protect He Linghan's safety, and he returned to the inn.

When Ye Shikai returned to the inn, the outside was full of guard sergeants. Two hundred people surrounded the entire inn. At the same time, there was no sound inside. It seems ... the battle has ended.

"See General."

"See General."

"Okay ~ ~ Get up." Ye Shikai waved his hand and motioned everyone to stand up "What's going on inside." The newest 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer end: https: //

"General Man himself personally took thirty people and killed him. Let us guard here, and we must not let anyone go." A hundred generals explained to him.

"Okay, come with me." Ye Shikai rushed in with some people, and saw that the ground was full of assassins' bodies, as well as the bodies of several sergeants. A half-dead assassin was still in his hands, Xue San was covered in blood, sitting on the floor, breathing heavily. Starting

"Mancang, Xue San, how are you?" Ye Shikai hurried forward and asked, especially Xue San, who had been fighting assassins in the inn just now, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

"Relax, I'm okay, I'm not injured, I'm just tired." Xue San laughed suddenly, quite a kind of "joy" for the rest of his life. He was not a person who was good at fighting this time, and this time with so many assassins Fighting for so long was unexpected.

"Great, you're fine." Ye Shikai laughed loudly and patted his shoulder.

"Master, there are thirty-two assassins present. Except for one live mouth, all others have been destroyed." Mancang threw the remaining assassin directly on the floor, and several sergeants placed him in front of Ye Shikai, keeping his eyes fixed. Seeing that he was all wounded, it seemed that he was not beaten lightly.

"Among these assassins, there are shop juniors, shop groceries, and chefs. In addition, where do the rest of you come from?" Ye Shikai asked in a cold voice.


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