Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1490: Great day

In the view of Ji Qian, although some of the Hades were determined to go to the secret place, she did not agree in the bottom of her heart. The soul destroyer and the magic girl, the nightmare and the magic fox, they were all concerned. No matter Who is in trouble is bound to have another person living with pain, even the ghost, there is Gu Xin waiting for him silently in the East China Sea. If the ghost is in an accident, what should Gu Xin do, so Ji Qian does not want them to go together However, the legs are on his own body. Since several warlords in the Hades have made up their minds, Ji Qian cannot stop them, and can only let them go.

"You think you must go, but I am afraid that not everyone is willing to go. On the contrary, some people are afraid that they do not want you to go." Wuyan first silenced for a while, then suddenly said.

"What do you mean, who would not want me to go." Ji Qian asked back.

"Are you not sure, I can even say that these people are not in the minority." Wuyan continued to say "For example, a few gods in your underground world abroad, they want the stars and the moon, they want Ye Shikai to go wrong, now he is missing, If you found him back, wouldn't it have broken their wish. "

还有 "Also, some Chinese families who have disputes with Ye Shikai, they must also have the idea of ​​gloating. If you want to save him, they will certainly obstruct it."

"The last thing you want to save, I'm afraid ... is Chen Yuxin." Silently speaking, Ji Qian didn't refute. The two women were very clear. With Chen Yuxin's personality, how could she tolerate Ji Qian to save Ye Shikai. Is it equal to letting other women seduce her husband, let alone Ji Qian, who has a special relationship with Ye Shikai, if it really makes Ji Qian save someone, it is equivalent to increasing her position in Ye Shikai's heart, Chen Yuxin Will you be willing, of course not.

"Speaking of which, the Chen family seems to have nothing to do recently." Ji Qian murmured, Chen Yuxin has many masters, not only the elders of the Chen family, in addition to the structure of the Chen family, there is also an intractable movie agency. The key is The thing is, now that Ye Shikai is gone, who can guess what Chen Yuxin will do.

"Headless, Qianer, you are here." At this time, Ji Tao came in slowly.


"The owner of the quarter."

"I've made people ready for dinner, and headless, please."

"Okay, I happen to be a bit hungry, so let's go eat first." Ji Qian asked.



Qin Dynasty.

"Linger." Ye Shikai looked at He Linghan in front of the dresser, with an intoxicated smile on his face, a red wedding dress, gold and silver jewelry, and finally rouge, which looked noble and elegant, different from the ordinary in the village. Woman, He Linghan is dressed up like a "girl", her appearance reminds Ye Shikai of the day when she married Su Qingyu, but she is wearing a white wedding dress, but well, it looks good. Still looking at people.

"You ... why are you here now?" When He Linghan met the people, his face turned red. According to custom, Ye Shikai should not be here before night.

"What's the matter, that set of vanity is just for outsiders." Ye Shikai put her hand on her shoulder, which was somewhat ironic. When he returned to Huaxia, he wanted to live a peaceful life and returned. After that, all sorts of things happened one after another. He didn't get a moment of peace, but now he actually enjoyed it once.

"No." He Linghan pursed his lips, took the red hijab next to him, and lowered it directly.

"Look back at night."

"Okay, I respect you." Ye Shikai knew that He Linghan was shy. After all, this was a feudal dynasty. He was not in a hurry and walked out of the room slowly.

"Sir, I discussed with my brethren. Just in case, the guards are still responsible for keeping the village safe. We are eating and drinking here, and I am afraid that the robbers in the forest will come to join in the fun." Mancang said before He made Ye Shikai almost endanger his life, so this time, he never dare to relax. After all, today is a day of great joy, vigilance, and so many gold and silver, cloth, food, those robbers will jealous.

"Well, then you can bring some wine, meat and silver to reward some brethren, so pleased." Ye Shikai nodded.

"I see, thank you, sir."

"By the way, do you see Hua Lian Die?" Ye Shikai suddenly remembered what happened a few days ago, and did not know what he said wrong, so he ran away with Hua Lian Die, and he was not allowed to look for it, woman His temper was really inaccurate. Seeing that it was the wedding day today, he was too late to see Hua Lian Die. This made Ye Shikai even more confused. Hua Lian Die said he would come to see his wedding.

这 "This ... I haven't seen her for a few days, but some of her guards are still here. I think she should be nearby."

"Yeah ~ ~ You all go down first." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and it was not their fault to find anyone, but ... Hualiandie is a little too wayward, and the situation outside is so chaotic At least ... she should also ask someone to take a word, but with so many guards around her, safety should not be a problem.

"Oh, sir, I'll take the brethren to the village entrance first."


According to the procedure, Ye Shikai should ride a horse to He Linghan's house in the morning. He was still worried about the sedan and the band. He Linghan brought everyone directly from the county a few days ago, saving a lot of trouble.

"Look at it, it's General Ye, looking at it, wearing armor and riding a war horse, more mighty."

"Well, that's right. General Ye went to the county and brought back so much food. This will help the village survive."

"The general's wedding banquet has begun, let's check it out too."


The welcome team banged the gongs and drums, played with joy, and immediately attracted the men, women, and children in the village. Many people chased the welcome team, even behind Ye Shikai's war horse.

"Dear folks, I have prepared a sumptuous banquet. In my home, everybody will go there to wait for me. What?" There are too many villagers here to join the fun, Ye Shikai had to take them away first.

"Well, folks, let's go first and make way for General Ye." The three old men in the village also helped Ye Shikai to greet the villagers.

"General Ye, I haven't thanked you well before. If you didn't send so much food, the village ... I really don't know what to do."

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