Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1471: withdraw troops

"Yes, the generals in the past were pouches and rice bags. Really fighting with them did not work. These insurgents must also think that the generals of the united soldiers are not practical and practical. This is exactly what can paralyze each other." Jian agrees very much. With the so-called "one soldier, one bear", he really understands it. Ma Yao is still like this, can the generals below have the ability.

"I have made a new plan, and we will succeed this time." Ye Shikai smiled proudly.

"So old Ye, what plans do you have, tell me quickly." Shangguan Jian was anxious to leave this "mold" broken place, so he asked immediately.

"Of course, three days later, we withdraw."

"Ah ... what, withdraw troops, I heard you right." Shang Guanjian almost doubted his ears and his mouth was closed.

"Of course you heard me right, withdraw troops, withdraw all, weapons, fodder, not even a grain of rice."

"That is why ah."

"Of course to hide the eyes of the insurgents." Ye Shikai explained.

"No, what does this mean?"

"Shangguan, have you heard of the Ming Xiu boardwalk, secretly Chencang."

"I haven't heard it." Shang Guanjian touched his head, Ye Shikai sighed, indeed, it is still Qin Dynasty, this allusion is not yet available, he needs to wait until the Chu-Han period of hegemony to know.

"That is to say, we need to hide the real purpose and use action to confuse our opponents to achieve a surprising victory." Ye Shikai pointed to the map. In the process of reaching the two positions of the insurgent army, all the way was mountain, although the road was not Narrow, but easy to defend and difficult to attack, the insurgents must also be prepared for adequate defense. If you attack hard, the casualties are not small, the only way ... is to make a surprise attack around the road.

"I found a path that can be detoured from the back of the mountain, directly to the rear of the rebel army's stronghold, high and low, as if they were defeated, they will lose." Ye Shikai drew a route on the map with a brush.

"How did you find out."

"Of course, thanks to Xue San, he found it behind the mountain, and there was no eyeliner for the insurgents on this mountain road." The two smiled and understood each other's meaning, and the positive withdrawal was for the insurgents. In order to make them think that Qin Jun was forced by the weather and the environment and left helplessly, when they put down all their vigilance, it was a dead time ...



Yanjing, base of the Luna Temple of the Hades.

"The body's internal organs are damaged in many places. They should be severely injured by those with high internal forces. The wounds on their bodies are also quite strange. They seem to be injured by sharp tools, but they are not ordinary sharp tools ..."

"Predecessor Dugu, this person is my friend. Now he is seriously injured, so please treat him in time." Ji Qian Zuozhu said, for half an hour, Dugu Tianke has been "smashing thoughts", making her better than in bed Wang Kai was still anxious.

"Ha ha, Ji girl, rest assured, although this person was seriously injured, but it is a strong muscle and bone. The natural warrior's body, plus my medical skills, will not take three days to ensure that he is as good as ever." Du Gutian Ke laughed Said.

"Thank you, Lord Luna, and this senior for your help. I thanked two adults for my family." Wang Kai's confidants took care of them all the way, and finally came to Yanjing Wharf alive. Ji Qian heard the news and took the first time People sent them to the base, and heard that Wang Kai was seriously injured and the temple of war was destroyed. She was also deeply regretted. The forces of the Hades and the Temple of the Moon were evacuated from Europe one after another, and the African temple of war was isolated and helpless. It was to be expected that Floridian aimed.

"Just stay here and take care of him with peace of mind."

"I see, Lord Luna."

After half an hour.

"Girl, Ji, your friend is also a cultivator. Although he is a Huaxia man, he has western energy in his body." After Duke Tianke healed Wang Kai, he walked out of the room and met Ji. Qian.

"He is a good friend of mine, with an upright personality, and he has also helped me many times, and asked his seniors to heal him." Ji Qian mistakenly thought that Du Gu Tian Ke refused treatment because of Wang Kai's identity, and pleaded with Du Gu immediately.

"Haha, girl, don't worry, I'm not the old-fashioned person, not to mention I have promised you to heal him. The so-called Yinuoqian will naturally not shirk." Dugu smiled lightly.

那就 "That's good, how much more trouble seniors need this time."

"In fact, it is not troublesome anymore. The old man travels all around, and is idle and doing nothing every day. This time when I come to Yanjing, I will just stroll by."

"Senior, have you heard about the ruins of Kunlun Mountain?"

"Although the old man has long disregarded these major events in the cultivation world, the girl who has heard nothing recently also talked about it." Dugu Tianke sat cross-legged on the ground, and seemed to be recovering his internal strength.

"No words, is she going to Kunlun Mountain, too?" Ji Qian asked curiously.

"Haha, Ji Girl, you still think about the Kunlun Mountain. It's simple ~ ~ Let's say that, as the largest relic of Huaxia, the opening of the Kunlun Mountain means change, even the cultivation family The reshuffle of the company will inevitably have a group of unknown members. By this opportunity, it will be a blockbuster and become a prominent figure among practitioners. Perhaps the situation of the four big families in Yanjing will change. "The always easy-going Tiangu, Dang When talking about the ruins of Kunlun Mountain, it is serious.

"Is it really that serious?" Ji Qian lived for more than 20 years and only heard about the ruins of Kunlun Mountain. Now listening to Du Gu Tian Ke saying, she felt a sudden panic.

No wonder, even if Chen Yuxin is pregnant, she insists on going to Kunlun Mountain. In order to ensure the status of the Chen family in Yanjing, she will never miss such an opportunity. Last time, she personally visited the Chen family and persuaded Chen Yuxin to stay. Know what her choices are.

Based on Chen Yuxin's feelings for Ye Shikai, she will surely keep the child, but Ji Qian has no idea. After all, Chen Yuxin is not a mediocre person. On the contrary, she often does something unexpected.

"Girl, Ji, you wouldn't be thinking of Chen's girl." Du Gu Tian Ke Lengbuding said, as if he could read the mind, "the key is straight."

"Although Chen Ya wasn't my grandfather since I was a child, her grandfather Chen Yaozu was my friend. I have heard about her a little bit. At first, in order to inherit and consolidate her position as a homeowner, she made some" shocking things. " "The thing, this time, I don't know how she will choose."

"Speaking of it, the Chen family has been pregnant for four or five months, but unfortunately, I don't know where Ye Xiaozi is now."

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