Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1456: Unveiled 4

Ye Shikai challenged calmly, and wheat was growing on both sides of the river. These attackers were hiding in this wheat field. While the cavalry had crossed the river, they hit the stream and fired arrows. They wanted the cavalry to fight without chaos, but Ye Shikai also found that Now, most of these attackers are wearing common people's clothing. It seems that they should be nearby pirates or insurgents.

"The sergeant who has crossed the river came with me, and the remaining sergeants crossed the river quickly." Ye Shikai shouted, and dozens of riders around him rushed to the wheat field like tigers. After all, they were trained by the wolf instructors and had actual combat experience. Now Even if the cavalry team is suddenly attacked, they can cope with it. What's more, they face only the insurgents with old weapons and broken armors. The cavalry teams that have passed the God's rapid charge, the insurgents are seriously injured and can only start. The retreat, meanwhile, a steady stream of cavalry had crossed the river, rushing towards the rebels.

"Brothers, there are plains outside the wheat field. They can't run, they rush me and defeat them." Mancang roared loudly, hundreds of cavalry chased and killed all the way, after all, there were few insurgents, they couldn't resist, and soon Collapsed. First https: // https: //


"Everyone pay attention, remember to stay alive." Ye Shikai shouted that these insurgents could ambush in the wheat field in advance, it must be calculated that they can cross the river, but they underestimated the cavalry's combat power, and the sneak attack failed. Instead, it "fired".

"Well, the army listened to the order, and left and right to encircle this group of people." After Shang Guanjian heard the order, he immediately let the cavalry detour from the left and right to surround the crowd. The horse had four legs. How can a person run by his legs alone? , Three times five divided by two were surrounded by Tuantuan.

"Disarm and surrender."

"Hurry up and surrender."

The sergeants surrounded a group of people and shouted loudly, seeing that the situation had gone, the group would naturally not fight to the end, throwing spears and bows on the ground, and raised their hands to surrender to the sergeant.

"Take it all down." Shang Guanjian gave an order, and the sergeants dismounted and stepped forward, taking all of them away.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Ye Shikai suddenly called out, "Who among you is the leader."

Everyone looked at each other with fear on their faces and blatantly attacked Qin Jun. This was a crime of rebellion. Once caught, it was not a capital crime but also a felony.

"I'll say it again, who is the leader." Ye Shikai sighed, everyone was shocked.

"No need to check, it's me." At this time, a strong man stood out from the crowd.

"Who are you and why did you attack my army?" Ye Shikai asked coldly.

"My 呸, Qin Guo's hawk dogs are all pretending to be tigers, and sooner or later they will be overthrown." The strong man yelled, and Mancang stepped forward, punched a heavy punch in his stomach, and he closed his mouth. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"So, you are the local rebels." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"What is it?"

"Lao Ye, in accordance with the law, treat rebels, you can be killed on the spot. As soon as we entered Dongjun, we killed a dozen brothers. We must pay them." Shang Guanjian was very angry and wanted to kill These men avenged their cavalry brothers.

"Yes, general, kill them and take revenge for the brethren." A group of brothers agreed.

"All quiet." Ye Shikai shouted.

"When we first arrived, these matters should be decided by the county captain." Ye Shikai was not in a hurry to kill them and vent their anger. After all, it was Dongjun. He still had many things to investigate, and the Dongjun rebellion was far more than that. Such a group of people, even if they killed them, would stop boiling off.

大 "Master, take these people on the road. Not only will we have a few more mouths to eat, but it will also slow down our progress, or kill it."

"No need to say more, this is my military order. If there are any commentators, military law will deal with it."



还有 "Also, the injured brothers must be healed quickly. If there is a shortage of medicine, go to the nearest county to purchase it. If there is a severely injured person, send it directly to the county for treatment." Ye Shikai instructed.

"Relax, old Ye, I'll do it."

Late at night, in the camp.

"My lord, I have already investigated clearly, here in East County, it is a mess." Xue San took a team of Qingqi back to Yingzhai and went directly into Ye Shikai's camp.

"Xue San, what the **** is going on." Shang Guanjian asked.

"Since the autumn harvest last year, the rebels in East County have sprung up like mushrooms. As for the county where we camp now, there are several groups of rebels fighting against the army all day. , Making people's lives impossible. "Xue San gasped, reporting to the two.

"General Mongolian asked us to come here, it is simply let us fight with the insurgents to die." Xue San complained.

"For soldiers, fighting is a duty. Since General Mengda promotes us vigorously, of course, it is not for us to sit in the county for peace." Shang Guanjian countered, "Since the insurgents are going to rebel, let us see who can The last laugh. "

The Qin people still martial arts, set the title for military merit, went to the battlefield, beheaded, they can have money, food, land, and status ~ ~ So many of the Qin army are like Shang Guanjian The sergeant longed for war, and the suppression of the insurgents in East County, one of them can make people's lives stable, and the two can also obtain military achievements.

"People, it seems that when we come to Dongjun, there will be no settling days. I was ordered to march in the future and we must send scouts to investigate. I will not make mistakes like this today."



The next day, during the march, Ye Shikai kept thinking about things, and Dongjun was about to go. Everything was the same as that of Mona. He became a general of Qin Kingdom, and then transferred from Hanoi to Dongjun. Unfortunately, she didn't talk too much at the beginning, and did not say what would happen to Ye Shikai afterwards.

"Lao Ye, we have been marching for three days, and there will be no movement along the way. If there are no accidents, we should be able to go to Puyang County tomorrow." Shangguan Jianhui reported.

"Okay, brothers, don't relax your vigilance, it will be safe until we reach East County."


"Report." Suddenly, a scout flying rider reported that "a team of Qin soldiers was found in front of it, about hundreds of people, and there were wounded in it. It seemed to be losing."

"What." The crowd was shocked when they heard that hundreds of Qin Bing were defeated. What they encountered was no need to guess. It must be an attack by the insurgents, and there were a lot of people. This is so close to Dongjun. Why? There will be so many rebels.

"All the troops listened to the order, let's go at full speed, let's go and see." Ye Shikai shouted.


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