Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1450: Come by accident

No need to think about Ye Shikai, who has shot so generously, and the female guard of the sword, it must be Hualiandie. She and Ye Shikai talked in the tea house for a day, it must be for the personal guard to send the gold jewelry of.

"Okay, then you can accept it. She is indeed my friend. These gifts are a gift for you." Ye Shikai put the wooden box on the table. Hua Lian Die is the emperor of the Chu Kingdom, and now she swims again. In doing business in the Seven Kingdoms, in addition to money, there should be some treasures, or the practice of practitioners, but unfortunately, Ye Shikai now has no internal strength and does not know the cultivation of Hualian Die, but since she is willing to help Ye Shikai find repairs Dantian's method is good news. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

He Linghan lit the fuel lamp, sitting on a chair, and using the dim light, he stitched the mouth on the fur armor little by little with the needle and thread in his hand, while Ye Shikai looked at her silently next to him. Stop communication ...

"Okay, son, the nails have been sewn up for you." I don't know how long, He Linghan put down the needle and thread, and folded the fur nails to Ye Shikai.

"Thanks a lot."

The night was dark, Ye Shikai left Uncle He's house, and the cold wind hit his face, calming his mind, riding a horse, Ye Shikai returned home, lying in bed and sorting out his thoughts, he suddenly remembered that once in the misty forest Some things he said.

Although it's been almost half a year, the experience of being lost in the forest has kept him fresh. Mona said to him that thousands of years ago, Ye Shikai rescued a common people in her hands. This was the first time he had met. Later, he seemed to go to a school ground, but it was not the Hanoi County school grounds, but the East County school grounds.

I'm right, it's Dongjun.

Ye Shikai thought of this, immediately got out of bed, took out the map he carried with him, and looked up under the oil lamp. East County is just east of Hanoi County, and the location of Sheung Shui Village is at the junction of the two counties. Forty miles east, you entered Donggun.

In other words, it doesn't take long for him to appear in East County and meet Mona there.

This is a very important clue. Ye Shikai found the location of the East County School on the map and marked it there. For the next month or so, he should be in the county, so it will take at least one month to go to the East County. after that.

"East County, East County." Ye Shikai murmured and repeated this place, feeling as if he had heard it somewhere, but if you think about it, you don't remember anything.

Unconsciously, one month passed quickly, and the county had to review the troops. Ye Shikai naturally took the cavalry team off in advance. Heyang County was still some distance away from the county. He didn't want to be late.

"Shangguan, this time I may have to go for a while, you will take the rest of the brothers to stay in the county." Ye Shikai said immediately, but Shang Guanjian originally wanted to go, but was rejected by Ye Shikai, now He is the leader of the garrison in Heyang County. Heyang County's safety is the first. He must take the cavalry team. Then he must keep a confidant in the county to rest assured. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"Come on, you can rest assured, there will be nothing if I am in Heyang County." Shang Guanjian nodded.

"How is the dry food prepared?"

"All the rations for ten days were collected and the forage was taken for five days. We were all cavalry, more than enough." Mancang reported.

"Okay, let's go immediately." Ye Shikai led the cavalry and left the camp with a mighty force. Many people on the road sent him away. Ye Shikai remembered that a few months ago, Han Hao took the five thousand children of Yangyang out At the time, the wolf tribe was just a chief, but now he has become a wing general.

"Sir, would we like to go to Sheung Shui Village first, and you and the girl Ho?"

"No need." Ye Shikai shook his head and refused. Last night he and He Linghan made it clear, and again, this time it was just going to the county for more than a month, and not going to the front to fight. Points.

"Let's move forward at full speed. Just so I can see the results of your training." Ye Shikai looked at the cavalry behind him and waved his arm. "



叶 Since Ye Shikai's departure, the Hades has become a mess. The news has spread everywhere in the underground world, and the masters on the Dark List have begun to move, and San Temple has felt unprecedented pressure.

Everyone sat in the conference room, with a dignified expression on everyone's face, it seemed to be meditating ...

"It's been a long time, and the boss still hasn't got any news. We ... what should we do." Finally, it was still the magic girl first spoke.

"Even if the boss will not be found at 1:30, we should keep the Hades, here is the boss and our hard work. Whoever dares to offend, I disagree first."

"We are now scattered, I suggest that all of Yanjing's staff be withdrawn ~ ~ The masters of the Dark List have begun to approach the Three Temples. I think they are waiting for an opportunity," Mengyu said coldly.

"No, we managed to take root in Yanjing, and it was the place where the boss lived. If we pull back the staff, it will be difficult to get in again next time." Despair immediately retorted "And the Chen family ’s That woman ... Keke, it ’s after the underworld. If we now remove Yanjing's manpower, then who will protect Xunzi. "The" Xunzi "in the soul destroyer naturally refers to Su Qingyu, although she and Ye Shikai Has been divorced, but the people in the Hades are still called like this, which shows their disgust with Chen Yuxin. Of course, Chen Yuxin also wants to get rid of them. Besides, I do n’t know how many times the “Shadow” agency and the Hades have confronted each other. Previously, because Ye Shikai was there, they were just fighting in the dark. Now Ye Shikai is gone, and Chen Yuxin will naturally be angry at Hades.

"But don't forget, Doris and Aphrodite are still there, they are the ones who want to destroy us the most." Nightmare continued, and the most important thing is that even Nightmare is not Doris. Opponents, if they have instigated the masters to attack the Hades, then it will be difficult for them to resist only by their few Hades.

看起来 "Looks like you're in trouble." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the door, and then a man came in from the door.

"Ghost, why are you back."

"Haha, come in fast."

"I heard that the boss had something wrong, so I came from the East China Sea." The visitor was the ghost. To be more precise, it was Gu Li, this former "underworld think tank" was back.


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