Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1442: Return to Sheung Shui Village

Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian led the army from Xianyang, hurrying and hurrying. It took only fifteen days to return to Heyang County. The two thousand heavy cavalry and the three thousand heavy armored soldiers were all the best equipment of Qin Kingdom. Ye Shikai specially Let the soldiers dress up. Since it is triumphant to return to their hometown, they must return decently and diligently.

"Lao Ye, now you are the commander of the defense army in Heyang County, then according to the process, you should go to the county 衙 first and meet with the county magistrate, and we will work with him in the future." Shangguanjian suggested. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"You make some sense, then we'll go to the county first." Ye Shikai nodded and said, the troops set off toward the county. What they didn't expect was that before the army had reached the county, they saw the city gate. Many people gathered, of course, they did not come out to "walk" but to come out to meet.

The specific time when the puppet troops returned to the city, even Ye Shikai himself could not determine, how did these people know in advance, and they were still greeted at the gate of the city.

"Look, the troops are back." When the people saw the neat army formation in the distance, they ran over immediately, and Ye Shikai motioned for the troops to stop.

"Great, the front line won."

"Yeah, look, they're all back."

Qi Ye Shikai rode on the war horse, his eyes glanced around the crowd, as if looking for someone.

"What girl are you looking for?" Shang Guanjian saw his mind at a glance.

"How do you know." Ye Shikai did not deny it, but among the crowd, he did not find He Linghan. Many people came to meet him, and he was really afraid to miss it.

"Nonsense, except for those brethren in the army, in Heyang County, who else will you have except He," Shang Guanjian smiled lightly.

"He girl is very good, she looks good, and she is also good at heart. If you really like her, go and ask your relatives. This boy is married and the girl is married. What a hesitation." He directly said what he was saying. He Linghan is a good girl, and Ye Shikai is also a hard-boiled, bold and heroic young hero. Although they are not a perfect match, they are also quite suitable, not to mention Ye Shikai is no longer a young boy, but a garrison commander of a county. He is young and has a bright future.

"No one knows the exact time when we come back. Sheshui Village is dozens of miles away from the county. It's hard for Girl He to go back and forth dozens of miles every day. I'll wait for you here."

"That's true too." Ye Shikai nodded, traveling back and forth for dozens of miles, and there was no transportation. Ye Shikai didn't want He Linghan to toss like this every day, so find some time to return to Shangshui Village.

"Ye Junjun, Shangguanjunjun, welcome and welcome." At this time, a group of people in official clothes came out and enthusiastically came forward and pulled Ye Shikai's palm.

"The county magistrate greeted us specially at the city gate, and I thank the garrison."

"Ye Jun is really polite. You are the heroes of Heyang County. You beat the wolf tribe in the front line. Now the entire Heyang County, oh no, it should be the entire Hanoi County. Your deeds are circulating. "The magistrate took Ye Shikai's hand." The trek is exhausted, are you exhausted, quickly enter the city, I will take the wind and wash the dust for you. "

Xie Yeshikai was naturally unwilling to refuse, so he brought the sergeant into the barracks in the city. A group of people came to the army with food and fine wine. The news of the triumphant return of the troops quickly spread from the county.

"Ye Junjun, we have heard about you. General Mongolian issued a commendation order to the county. Now the people in the county regard you as heroes."

"It's just some of the commanding strategies. There's nothing to boast of." Ye Shikai waved his hand. The waiter around him filled his glass. He didn't want to drink too much. After all, he would return to Shangshui Village tomorrow. Such as mud, it is not good for him.

"The military is really too modest, come, and I respect you again."

Ye Shikai was already feeling drunk, and he still had a sense of diligence. He tenderly resigned to the magistrate and asked several sergeants to help him return to the barracks.


The next day, noon.

"This is the time." Ye Shikai, holding her heavy head, drowsily got up from the bed.

"It's noon, sir," a sergeant replied.

"What, it's already late this night." Ye Shikai beat his head hard, not expecting that he should have slept for so long, walked out of the camp, and Shangguanjian was waiting outside the camp.

"Lao Ye, it looks like you drank a lot of wine last night."

"All are infused." In this era, there is no such high concentration of spirits, but if you drink too much, you will get drunk.

"You were drunk just now, and I gave you a military order on behalf of the local sergeant in Heyang County for a few days off," Shang Guanjian said.

"I have no opinion, I would have given them a holiday, too." Ye Shikai looked at the "messy" dining table outside and asked, "Is the county magistrate gone?"

"Of course, he is a county magistrate after all. He has official documents to deal with every day. He returned to the county early in the morning." Shang Guanjian explained.

"Really, so high-profile ~ ~ Ye Shikai shook his head gently.

"Okay, you sort it out a little bit, we are going back to Sheung Shui Village."

Ye Yekai and Shang Guanjian let the army stay in the camp, with their own guards, and flew straight to Shangshui Village for a few months, in a flash ...

Many people rode on the battle horse and entered from the village entrance. A lot of villagers came along to greet their "heroes".

"Village chief, it's been a long time." Ye Shikai asked everyone to dismount and walk, and at a glance he saw the three old men in the village.

"See the military service." San Lao saw Ye Shikai and couldn't speak with excitement. First https: // https: //

"The three old ladies are polite. If you hadn't taken me in, you might have starved to death in this troubled world." Ye Shikai quickly helped the three old men and everyone walked towards the village.

"Brother Ye, you are finally back. Hurry up and see Girl He, something happened to her family." Suddenly, a young man who knew Ye Shikai hurried over and said eagerly.

"What, what's going on." Ye Shikai listened, her heart trembled. He Linghan's home, only her and Uncle He, how could something happen.

"It is a bully in the village. There is a group of rogues in his hands. He covets the appearance of He girl and wants to marry her as a wife." San Lao sighed and said slowly.

"What did you say?" Ye Shikai could not help but rode on the war horse directly. Although Mancang didn't understand what was happening, but seeing Ye Shikai so angry, he said nothing, and let the pro-guards directly prepare for the order.


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