Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1433: Snake out of the hole

"Military, some people outside the camp wanted to see." Suddenly, a guard came into the report.

"Who is it."

"This ... I don't know, it's a merchant, with two guards, and a carriage with a big box on it."

"Unexpectedly, they couldn't hold their breath so quickly." Ye Shikai's mouth rose slightly, and he was holding a pair of swords and guards, riding out of the camp with a sword and guard, and he really saw the "customer" not far away.

"See Ye Junhou."

The order Ye Shikai didn't expect is that as soon as his talents arrived, the leading merchant said respectfully.

"It's strange. This is the first time I've been to Yangxian and I'm not familiar with the people here. How can you know my name?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Haha, please do not misunderstand Ye Jun, if you don't even know the name of the person you are visiting, it is very rude." The merchant said with a smile.

"Okay, you can just talk about anything. I don't have much time, and I have to go back to bed." Ye Shikai said impatiently.

"Military be quiet and restless." The merchant clapped his hands, and the two guards behind him removed the wooden box from the carriage and placed it on the ground.

"Please look at the military."

The security guard opened the wooden box slowly, and inside it was a neatly arranged gold nugget. Anyone who saw it would be excited to "forget to breathe".

"The villain came this time on behalf of the owner of my house, and the military officers in this wooden box also asked the army to smile."

"Okay, there is no help but no effort, since this is what your master means, then, may I ask what he wants to say." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"The army led the army to Yangxian. The host was busy with business, and he could not visit the army in person. He gave special troops to the army. It was disrespectful." The merchant replied, Ye Shikai said coldly, these polite words were no nutrition at all, actual He is very clear that the "owner" in the front of the population is probably the latter of the Yangxian grain shop, but he doesn't point it out, he just wants Ye Shikai to get money and things.

"Five thousand and four hundred stones, I am afraid that there is more than one thousand gold." Ye Shikai said suddenly, seemingly unintentional, but the listener understood it, and immediately understood the meaning.

"Military personnel are sensible people. Today's food should be given to the military personnel. As for this money, it is a gift for the military personnel. Tomorrow, my master will still be grateful."

Sure enough, the merchant in front of him finally said what he said. It seems that the owner of this grain shop intends to "break down the wealth and dispel disasters". Even if the 5,400 stone grain is sold at par, it will cost at least three thousand gold, or even more. Many, if Ye Shikai goes deeper and finds a hidden "granary", then the loss must be more than three thousand gold, but if he actively gives one thousand gold to Ye Shikai, although there is still a loss, but the wool comes out of the sheep, the latter can still be obtained from People in Yang County received "compensation".

This abacus is so good.

If you put it on ordinary people, you might have agreed to it, but Ye Shikai is not those who are greedy for money, but, as Han Hao said, if they insist on investigating, after all, they are just passing troops, and they rashly manage Yangxian affairs. Insufficient words. Moreover, the army just stayed here to rest, and soon set off, and it is impossible to investigate this "earhead snake" in a short time.

"Since it is a good intention of your host, I will accept it." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and a dozen guards behind him immediately took the box away.

"Haha, Ye Jun is indeed a happy person. My host will be grateful tomorrow. It's too late today, and the villain will retreat and leave."

"You're welcome, I think ... we will see each other again." Ye Shikai turned and murmured.


The next day.

"Xue San, what happened, did you find a place to hide the food?" Ye Shikai remained awake all night and waited until dawn, only to see Xue San take a dozen brothers back to camp on horseback.

"Military, this time you must praise me and my brother. I have been busy all night without stopping my legs ..."

"No crap, did you find it?"

"Of course, please look at the military." Xue San took out a map from his clothes and placed it under the oil lamp. This is a map of Yang County. Several locations were marked with ink on it. Three.

"How, military, have you been taken aback? These 13 places were explored by myself and my brethren. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them. These places are very hidden and protected in secret. At the guard, we cannot enter and we don't know how much food is inside. "

"Others are not important. This is a big fish. There is only a lot of food in it." Ye Shikai sneered, good guy. I didn't expect this hiding place to be twice as much as he expected. No wonder he is not a good person. Willing to spend a thousand dollars to rest things.

"Sir, are you planning to take all these points away?" Mancang asked.

"Why, do you think I'm the kind of kidding person?" Ye Shikai asked a question back to ~ ~ The subordinates were just worried. If the adults do this, they may be retaliated by them. It ’s like killing parents. ”After all, we ’re new to this. We do n’t know the means of these snakes. "

"It's full, I don't think you're afraid."

"Of course, my subordinates are not afraid." Mancang stood up excitedly and firmly said, "Even if my adult asked me to go to the sword mountain, my subordinates were not afraid of it. Before fighting with the wolf tribe, he did not even kill Helian in the thousand troops. Fear, let alone these marketplaces. "

"What are you afraid of?"

"Subordinates are just worried, your safety."

"Ha ha, full warehouse, if I said I did this, I would make the other person embarrassed and angry to avenge me, would you be surprised?"

"What, sir, why did you do this." Mancang was so shocked that there was a cause for it, but it didn't seem to be a smart man's choice to provoke others for no reason.

"You don't need to worry about these things, it's enough to do what you should do." Ye Shikai waved his hand and stood up from the chair. "Let's go, tell the cavalry team immediately, all gather together, and quickly enter the city. We want to Come and do something big. "

"Hey, let the subordinates do it." Mancang nodded and responded. In addition to notifying the cavalry, he also convened a pro-guard, and stood beside Ye Shikai.

Ye Yekai put on her armor, took her sword, and walked out of the barracks. Now that the army is about to leave Yangxian, the only way to completely eliminate the latter is to lead the snake out of the hole.

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