Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1427: To Xianyang

"This operation was done very well. The wolf tribe's supply battalion was burned to nothing and nothing was left." Han Hao was very excited. There was a fire that could see the fire light dozens of miles away. Wolf The clan can be described as "losing his wife and losing his army". He wants to secretly build up his power and take advantage of the opportunity to go south, but has also lost so much material and personnel.

"I will report the situation to General Mengda. Brother Ye, you are really a blessing general. If you have been staying at the border, you can be promoted to General Benefactor, or even Mongolia. The general ’s left arm and right arm, by then, the entire Heyang County will know everyone. ”Han Hao patted his shoulder and laughed. Since ancient times, the vice general has been in the limelight, and it will inevitably cause the“ general ”to feel uncomfortable. If it is higher, it is possible to replace it, but Han Hao seems to be very open. Instead of being jealous of Ye Shikai's credit, he also encouraged him. Maybe ... he sees the hearts of the people, whether it is Ye Shikai, or Shang Guanjian, or It's a full warehouse. They are people with dispositions. They are not righteous, but not the kind of white-eyed wolf. On the contrary, as long as Ye Shikai makes a contribution, Han Hao will naturally be able to get the light and get the reward.

"Adult Han has won the award, these are all his duties." Ye Shikai nodded.

"One more thing, I'm afraid Brother Ye doesn't know." Han Hao smiled mysteriously. "Last time you sent some sergeants home, but you received the praise of the elders in Heyang County, plus you took your brother to stand With so much credit, now the entire Heyang County knows your brother, no one knows it. "

"In fact, it's nothing. They are the only children in the family. If they died in the battle, wouldn't the whole family be alive? Furthermore, if the army is a string, this string can't always be stretched." Ye Shikai Explained.

"Brother Ye is absolutely right, but, like this kind of thing, don't have a second time in the future, brother must understand, after all, the military mind is first." Han Haoqiang Yan Huan laughed, there seems to be something in the words Meng Tian also knew this. He didn't comment on it. In other words, Ye Shikai allowed some sergeants to go home. He disagreed and didn't object.

For a long time, pondering the thoughts of his boss is a "learning", Ye Shikai is not stupid. He has experienced the ups and downs of life, and has experienced human circumstances, but Meng Tian's disapproval or disapproval is actually "opposing".

Besides, if 400,000 troops at the border heard the news, if they also made a request to go home, would Meng Tian agree or not agree ...

"Mr. Han, my subordinates understand." Ye Shikai said in a note.

"Haha, that's right. My brother is capable, has connections, and works hard. It ’s a matter of time before I get promoted." Han Hao Kuan said, "In fact, I know your mind very well. I am the commander of the Heyang County Defense Forces. So, which of these brothers was not delivered to me by the county elders. They were injured and killed. I feel more distressed than you, but ... this is the battlefield, and the dead are inevitable. "

When will the war end?


Unconsciously, two months have passed. These days, the army has remained in the fortress, and there are no instructions. The daily thing is training, patrolling, and once giving Ye Shikai an illusion that the war has ended ... ...

"I don't know, what happened to Ji Qian." Ye Shikai was standing on the city wall, blowing the bitter north wind, and the body was covered with fur armor sewn by He Linghan before the expedition. For two months, for many It ’s just a moment of rush, but it ’s just another sixty nights in bed and two salaries. But for loved ones looking for “missing people,” it ’s day and night, Ye Shikai. Can think of how many people in modern times are worried about him.

Ye Shikai still remembers that, when he was in the Sacred Mountain, he encountered a giant beast, and then encountered a burst of light, and then ... came across here, caught off guard, and he didn't even have a chance to respond.

Now, I am afraid that everyone thinks he is dead. Ye Shikai laughed bitterly. A "Pluto" without internal force was taken away by the beast alone. He also disappeared mysteriously for three months and did not leave the holy mountain, even if he was not. The monster was eaten and starved to death. Ye Shikai also made the worst plan. If he really could n’t go back, he could only pray in his heart. Do n’t worry about him anymore, forget him as soon as possible ... ...

Of course, Ye Shikai did not renounce herself, but to explore all the secrets, including why he passed through, it takes time to explore. You ca n’t take it too fast. Imagine if Ye Shikai yelled, he would only be caught by someone as a lunatic Neither the ancients nor the moderns would believe that there was a traversal of this matter, and he had to ask the "superior".

"Lao Ye, it turns out that you are here, standing alone on the top of the city, what to see." At this time, Shangguanjian led someone over.

"Good news, do you want to listen?"

"What's the matter, hurry up." Ye Shikai was quite depressed and had no mood to joke with him.

"We are going back soon. The fortification appointment for the fortress has been issued by the superior."

"What did you say?" Ye Shikai stood up suddenly and shouted, "So, can we go back."

"Um, that's not true. Before going back to Heyang, we have to go to Xianyang City first." Shangguan Jianyu made a surprise. Xianyang City, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, was a bustling place in the Qin Dynasty. But ... why are they going to Xianyang ~ ~ Why are we going. "

"In fact, it was the request of General Mongolian. This time, we have the best record and the most credit in all the county defense forces. Especially you, General Mongolian gave you a small banquet for three days and a large banquet for five days. Obviously, you are highly valued and want to promote you. When we arrive in Xianyang, maybe he will also take you to meet His Majesty the First Emperor to find a better military position for you. "

"This ... how bad, otherwise I'll leave it. You and your brother Han will take your brothers. I will go back to Heyang County alone."

"Hey, Lao Ye, have you burned your head, or do you think I'm kidding? General Meng, but he wants to carry you personally. This is how many soldiers dream of. When you arrive at Xianyang City, General Meng will tell you A few words of good words, you get the attention of His Majesty the Emperor, and it is easy to take a military post. Even if it is placed in modern times, who doesn't want to be able to become a superior person, but Ye Shikai thinks more about returning to Shangshui Village.

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