Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1406: Defensive battle

"Hurry up, hurry up." Ye Shikai shouted, the wolves in the distance have pushed over the siege equipment, in addition to the ladder, siege hammer, there are also trebuchets, this is determined to break through the fortress. .

"Guard troops, come with me and block the city gate." Shang Guanjian shouted loudly, the wolves came aggressively, so fast, it must have been planned for a long time, the north gate of the fortress was reinforced, and it would not be easy to be hit. Broken, but the wolf's trebuchet is really a headache.

Under the cover of the cavalry, the infantry of the jackal wolves ran up the ladder, and the siege hammer was slowly pushed over.

"The crossbowman puts his arrow and focuses on the siege hammer." Ye Shikai gave a loud sigh, all arrows rushed, and he shot down a group of wolves, but the soldiers in the back took over immediately and continued to push the siege hammer.

"Don't stop, keep shooting arrows."


Ye Yekai looked up sharply, and more than a dozen megaliths fell from the air like meteorites. This is the wolf's trebuchet.

"Hide, run away." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, the boulder was smashed on the solid wall, and some directly fell into the fortress. Many sergeants were hit by the boulder. They broke the bones and died on the spot. Moreover, the boulder also smashed a few small gaps in the city defense. In this way, even if the city defense is stronger, it will sooner or later be "smashed."

"Abomination." Ye Shikai patted the dust on his body. If he hadn't leaned against the city wall in time just now, I'm afraid he would have been hit by a boulder directly.

"Come, take the wounded soldiers down, the crossbowmen don't stop, suppress them." Ye Shikai stood on the wall and commanded the defense.

"Captain, the wolf tribe has set up the ladder."

"Don't panic, use a rolling stone." Ye Shikai picked up more than 20 pounds of stone, one piece in one hand, and threw it down the ladder. He smashed on the head of the wolves and vomited blood. Ye Shikai personally supervised the battle. Qin The morale of the soldiers rose sharply, and the climbing up of the wolf sergeants was beaten down with bows and arrows.

"Captain, the siege hammer of the wolf tribe has reached the gate."

Ye Yekai looked down, and sure enough, the sergeant of the wolf tribe had attacked the city gate, and even shielded the "slammer" of the siege hammer with a shield. In this way, he could prevent the attack of the arrows.

"Everyone and me." Ye Shikai saw the boulder thrown by the trebuchet next to him, and mobilized his guards, and everyone lifted the boulder and pushed down the gate.


Several tons of megaliths smashed directly from the gate more than 20 meters high, making a loud noise, smashing the siege hammer directly, and pressing a dozen wolf tribe soldiers below.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Continue to shoot arrows." Ye Shikai took out his sword and walked behind the generals, but where he went, the morale of the nearby sergeants rose greatly. Even in the face of the wolf's blade, they were not afraid and determined. Not allowing one person to enter the city wall, fighting fiercely for half an hour, causing heavy casualties to the wolves, the fortress's front gate is not wide, the wolves cannot rush up at once, they can only take turns to attack in batches, when the Qin army repels the wolves After the fourth offensive, the generals were already panting and exhausted.

While the wolves withdrew and took a rest, Ye Shikai hurriedly lifted the wounded sergeant down and simply repaired the city defense. Although the fortress was still firmly held in his own hands and morale was still high, Ye Shikai did not dare to relax at all. First, it has been half a year since the battle. The smoke from the beacon tower is still not extinguished, but the reinforcements have been delayed. Ye Shikai has sent troops to inquire. Second, although the wolf clan has been hit hard under the city, the war is high and the offensive is almost Unaffected, the next battle is still difficult. Starting

I remember that when Ye Shikai was in Longya, he often led the team out to perform tasks, and he was caught in siege several times. The current situation reminds him of the battles he had before. The more he was in danger, the more he needed the sincere unity of the generals. Often at this moment, people's hearts are the most difficult to measure. If they move up and down, they can save themselves from danger, but if the army is disheartened and they don't even need to attack with the wolf tribe, they have already lost.

"Lao Ye, are you here, have you been injured?" Shang Guanjian took someone to the city wall, just to see Ye Shikai resting against the city wall.

"Relax, I'm fine." Ye Shikai shook his head and stood up from the ground. "How many brothers did we hurt."

"Almost 800 soldiers were killed, with a total of nearly 1,500 minor injuries." Shangguanjian's face was dignified. Even with minor injuries, it was equivalent to losing nearly 2,000 combat power. This loss is too great, but again, the wolf The clan's loss is even worse.

"Hurry up, get your arrows ready, and Rolling Stones must be prepared." Han Hao told the sergeant to prepare Arrows and Rolling Stones in advance. He also understood that the next attack of the wolf tribe would come soon.


"Brother Shangguan, Brother Ye, the next battle requires two leaders to do their best."

"Master Han, please rest assured, the general and the fortress will coexist and die."

"Reinforcement will arrive soon, brethren, we must persevere." Han Hao walked up to the city and shouted to the sergeants below ~ ~ The most important thing before the war was the military heart, especially the cold Weapons can be won by anyone who is fierce and brave enough.

"It must win."

"It must win."

The sergeants were deeply infected and had high morale. Even the lightly wounded who had just been bandaged took their weapons to the city wall to supplement the shortage of troops.


"Captain Qian, when are we going to." As soon as Ye Shikai stepped down the city wall, Wan Xiyuan brought a few chiefs to the battle. They were on behalf of the cavalry.

"The cavalry team has not formed a combat force, it is not appropriate to enter the battle." Ye Shikai knows the overall strength of the cavalry team. If they really let them go up, even if they win, the cavalry team is probably inevitable. This is a defensive battle, not a field battle. The defensive battle relies on solid city defense, the cooperation of heavy armored infantry and crossbowmen, the stability of the military heart, and the determination to stay on guard. The advantage of the cavalry is its mobility. In the field, perhaps the cavalry is a sharp blade, but in the narrow gate, the role of the cavalry is not great.

"Please captain Qian give me a chance. I rush out with some trained cavalry and destroy their rhythm." Wan Yuanyuan still wanted to win a chance, but Ye Shikai still didn't agree. If he rushed to open the gate, the wolf tribe Taking advantage of the opportunity to come in, it was terrible. The cavalry could not help the battle. The only thing that they could rely on was the two thousand guards of Meng Tian. Before that, they had been standing under the gate to prevent the wolf from breaking through the gate, so there was almost no Whether the loss can block the next offense depends on them.


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