Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1402: Reinforcements are hard to come by

He Shangguanjian instinctively chose to believe in Ye Shikai. In his opinion, everything Ye Shikai said would often come true, even if it sounded ridiculous at first, and even if everyone was not optimistic, Ye Shikai could always use the result to "face."

Since Ye Shikai has also expressed this concern, it is natural that Shangguanjian cannot afford to take it seriously, not to mention that the Wolves lost 4,000 people. This is a shameful battle. With their hot personality, they will definitely return. By then, they will More people will definitely be brought, and the situation at the fortress is suddenly tense. Starting

If Ye Shikai is given a month, he can guarantee to train these thousand people into a sharp knife on the battlefield. It is also a "killer cymbal" that they can counter or even counter the wolf clan.

What a pity, the wolf clan won't give them so much time.

"Then I will report to Master Han Hao, and let the superiors increase the fortress." Shang Guanjian looked far ahead, and could faintly see many wolf cavalry training at the racetrack, raising dust and aggression. They practiced day and night in order to avenge themselves. .

"I have already reported it, but you can also rest assured that the fortress wall is thick and the city is high, and one man can be used as a barrier and cannot be broken by others. I think that 5,000 people are enough to hold on." Ye Shikai carefully After inspecting the city walls, although Mapeng resells arrows and wants to counter water, fortunately, the city walls are still solid. If there is no heavy siege equipment, this wall cannot be broken, and the wolf tribe lacks most. Especially large instruments.

"Next, what should we do."

"The training of the cavalry ca n’t be stopped, and preparations are intensified. In addition, the remaining 6,000 people will also take turns to patrol the fortresses in batches, and the beacon towers must pay more attention. Together with the beacon, the reinforcements can be reached within two hours. "

"Okay, these are all right, I will go down and order immediately." Shang Guanjian nodded.

之中 Among the barracks.

什么 "What, why can't reinforcements come?"

"Brother Shangguan, don't be thrilled. Now the wolf clan is also increasing its troops. I heard that a number of siege equipment have been added. The pressure on the various defense lines of the Great Wall is very high, and there are many wounded soldiers these days. Sent to the rear for medical treatment, it is really a tight battle and it is difficult to reinforce in the short term. "Han Hao's tone was quite helpless. Although the Shifeng Fortress was garrisoned with 7,000 troops and well equipped, it was also the front line of the battlefield. To tens of thousands of wolves.

"I will understand, Master Han, when will the reinforcements arrive sooner?" Shangguanjian was quite worried. The Wolf family increased their troops, the defense line was tight, and the reinforcements were difficult to reach. These things are very bad. Symptoms, fortunately, the formation of the cavalry team should greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

"This ... I'm afraid it's difficult to say an accurate date, but rest assured, I will urge the superiors as soon as possible. His Majesty the Emperor has ordered the deployment of the fifty thousand capital city guards to the front. They are all Daqin's elite troops. If they arrive, We can alleviate a lot of stress. "

"Mr. Han, Xianyang is thousands of miles away, and reinforcements must be here for half a month, and Lao Ye and I don't think it will take long for the wolf tribe to launch a new attack. If we don't have a little defense, we can only be slaughtered. "Shangguanjian heard the news, naturally he did not buy it. As the saying goes, it is difficult to save the fire near the water, everything depends on himself.

"Since the reinforcements will not come, we should be ready to fight. Shangguan, you pass my general order, let the sergeant build the high wall, and prepare a lot of rolling arrows."



什么 "What, the reinforcements cannot come." Sure enough, when Shang Guanjian told the news to Ye Shikai, he really surprised him.

"Well, unexpectedly, the battle is already so tense."

If the battle is likened to a game of chess, then each stronghold, each army is a piece of chess, each chess piece has its own role, as for other battle conditions, they will not manage, nor can they manage.

In ancient times, warfare was long and there were no fast communication tools. Therefore, even generals on the front line may not have an understanding of the entire battle situation. In fact, in order to prevent the army from being shaken, many generals will conceal their soldiers and soldiers to conceal the true battle situation. Even if the war has shown signs of defeat, the general will lie to victory. In this way, the sergeants underneath can maintain morale. In fact, Ye Shikai can understand that this is all tactics. If the Shifeng Fortress is tens of thousands of wolves at this moment Surrounded by clan groups, Ye Shikai would probably do the same. Otherwise, if the truth is told, it will only make the entire army collapse faster.

"The current situation is not bad, we will continue to change everything. Let ’s do it in accordance with the request of Lord Han, build a high wall and prepare to roll."

"Okay, I just need to prepare. You are the commander of the cavalry, so stay tuned." Shang Guanjian also cares about the training of the cavalry. Although he is not a commander, he also knows this. How important it is.

Ye Shikai came to the racetrack, the fortress is not large ~ ~ It is not easy to move out such a large area, but Han Hao still ordered that even if the sergeant sleeps a little, it is necessary to ensure the training ground. scale.

"See Captain Thousand." Wan Rongyuan galloped on a war horse and dismounted in front of him.

"Wan Yuanyuan, what's the training situation?" Ye Shikai walked slowly, Wan Yuanyuan looked expressionless, Ye Shikai was very "awe" of people like him, usually not much, but once on the battlefield, what he did Because it often shocks people, that is, as the saying goes, "there aren't many ruthless words".

"Please rest assured that the training is going on as scheduled and everything is under control. If you give me another two weeks, I promise to train a tiger and wolf master." Wan Jiyuan nodded and said that Alimu and Ye Shikai had carefully introduced After this person, he usually did not say a word, but he was not the kind of cowardly person. If he went to the battlefield, it would really be "a bad wolf."ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"I'm afraid there isn't so much time, Wan Jiyuan, if you give you a week, how much can you train." Ye Shikai looked sad, the clouds condensing in the sky, as if the signs of a war were imminent.

"This ... Sergeant's riding should be trained properly, but it is not possible to really form a combat force." Wan Jiyuan's analysis is objective and does not boast. This is also what Ye Shikai admires him most.

"Is there any other way?"

"If you return to Captain Qian, riding and chopping abilities can't be achieved in a day, and there are many recruits among these cavalry. One week ... It's too short."


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