Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1406: Martial arts

Meng Tian's martial arts are strong, and his sword is fast and fierce. Ye Shikai can only block and avoid again and again. He has no internal strength. Ye Shikai's physical strength is not Meng Tian's opponent, and the ancients used cold weapons such as swords. This is not a modern specialty. Ah, but the people on the field did not feel surprised when they saw Ye Shikai's retreat. Meng Tian itself was very strong. In order to take care of Meng Tian's face, Ye Shikai naturally did not use all his strength and conceded a few times.

"Ye Xiaozi, are you still deliberately letting me." Meng Tian kept attacking, and also found that Ye Shikai just kept dodging, and never took the initiative to take a few shots from beginning to end. This was obviously a "water release", Qin People are still martial arts, Meng Tian is even more steadfast. He hopes that the "young general" who has a good reputation in the army can show his full strength.

"Meng's general martial arts is superb, I'm not an opponent." Ye Shikai gasped, his eyes a little unwilling.

"You are unwilling to write on your face. I now order you to use all your strength to attack me. You are not guilty in any case, but if you continue to be negative, it is death." Meng Tian shouted in front of everyone, this It was to dispel Ye Shikai's anxiety. The generals were shocked after hearing it. The commander of the army was carrying the fate of the entire Daqin.

"There is no need to persuade." Before waiting for the generals to speak, Meng Tian immediately added a sentence and "blocked" the generals' mouths.

既然 "In this case, General Meng, the general will have more offense." Ye Shikai said coldly, staring straight at his eyes, since you can not win, and can not easily lose, then tie it.

As soon as the words of the crickets fell, Ye Shikai rushed straight up, and the speed was very fast, so that everyone didn't react, and rushed to Meng Tian in the blink of an eye, and stabbed out with a sword.


Qi Mengtian is indeed a famous general. He immediately predicted the path of Ye Shikai's sword. He avoided the sword front one step in advance, leaned over his side, and grabbed his arm by the way. This was to throw him out.

Ye Shikai quickly withdrew his hand, but Meng Tian's fingers were like iron pliers, and he could not shake off at all. Ye Shikai was anxious, and did not step back. Instead, he stepped forward and bumped his shoulder against Meng Tian's chest. Instead, he let Meng Tian take him. The solution, he had to take a step back, and Ye Shikai's shoulders were slightly more powerful. Meng Tian shuddered, and even took a few steps back, almost falling to the ground.

Han Hao, who was on the stage, was frightened. He kept praying that Meng Tian would not be in trouble. It can even be said that he was the most "scorched" heart on and off the stage.

He Shangguanjian also has a dignified face, but he believes that Ye Shikai will not be impulsive, and he will never hurt Meng Tian.

"Good boy, finally come up with the ability." Meng Tian smiled lightly.

"Since General Meng depends on my true ability, how dare I hide it."

The two of them laughed heartily, fighting dozens of rounds, regardless of victory or defeat, and the confrontation between the masters often attracted everyone's attention. The cheers from the audience continued, and many sergeants came together.

The two sides fought for dozens of rounds. Ye Shikai was slightly tired. Meng Tian was really a brave general. His face was only slightly red, but his sword strength did not weaken at all. If he continued to fight, he would undoubtedly lose.


However, Meng Tian once again made a puzzling decision. The two sides were fighting fiercely, and he actually stopped. This was like watching a movie. When he was about to reach the climax, he suddenly got stuck. It was indeed Some disappointment, except for Han Hao's long sigh of relief, Meng Tian finally planned to end.

"I lost." Ye Shikai said to 揖.

"No, you did not lose." Meng Tian slowly walked to his side, took his sabre, and after hundreds of rounds of confrontation, the sword's edge was already blunt, and the sword also had a lot of collapse, and even a roll blade. First https: // https: //

"A hero, how can there not be a good sabre." Meng Tian said faintly. "Today we have played against each other, you go back and exchange for a good sword, if we have time in the future, we will discuss again."

"for sure."


"You were scared to death just now." In the barracks, Shangguan Jian was relieved, saying something awful, everyone in the audience was even more worried about his safety than Meng Tian himself. There was nothing he could do. After all, he was living High commander of the army.

"You can rest assured that General Meng's martial arts are so high that even if I do my best, I can't hurt him by half a point." Ye Shikai knew very well that he was not Meng Tian's opponent, so he didn't worry about "at the beginning," "Hurt him."

Before that, he met Bai Qi in the ruins. The former Qin Dynasty's famous prestige and status was even higher than Meng Tian. So, would this Meng Tian be a practitioner like Bai Qi? This is very possible, but no internal force was needed during the discussion.

"Report to the captain, this is a gift sent by General Meng Tian to a soldier, saying it is a gift to the captain." At this time, a guard hurried in, holding a sword in his hand, and a delicate Scabbard.

Ye Shikai took out the sword ~ ​​ ~ Put it in the light, the blade can even reflect the light, it is indeed sharp, it is a sword, but there is nothing to doubt. As the saying goes, "A sword with a hero", Ye Shikai Today's performance can also be said to be wonderful.

"In addition, General Mongolian also awarded the captain 50 gold, one horse, and the army's generals for wine and meat." The newest 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"It's great." Ye Shikai nodded and said, if it was not his performance today, I am afraid that Meng Tian would still doubt their victory.


Han Hao ordered to treat Meng Tian, ​​and rewarded the soldiers with wine and meat. In the barracks, Meng Tian changed the noon seriousness, drinking and eating meat, which was very bold. Han Hao saw this scene and was relieved. Quite worrying him.

"Ye Xiaozi, I heard that you are going to form a cavalry team." At the dinner table, Meng Tian deliberately let Ye Shikai sit next to him. Everyone also saw that Meng Tian was a wise hero, and he appreciated Ye Shikai properly.

"Yes, the end general thinks that the wolf triumphs quickly and relies on His Majesty's good horses to gallop the grassland. Therefore, if you want to rebuild the wolf tribe, you can't do without a warrior." Ye Shikai replied.

"You're right. I have some cavalry instructors under me. If you need me, I can help you."

"Thank you General Gen. for your kindness, but the end will already have countermeasures. Those captives of the wolf tribe are the instructors of the future cavalry."

什么 "What, train your cavalry with a wolf."


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