Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1391: Provocation by the Wolf

The people hurry and hurry, and finally came to the foot of the Great Wall before dawn. Ye Shikai estimated that according to this season, it should be half an hour before dawn, and everyone arrived one step ahead of time.

In the darkness, Ye Shikai finally faintly saw the whole picture of the battlefield. This section of the Great Wall was built on top of the mountains and mountains. It originally had geographical advantages. Now it has a solid wall. It is not easy for the wolf to attack. Great Wall Above that, there are countless sergeants and sophisticated weapons.

Tonight without a moon, Ye Shikai can only use the torches lit on the Great Wall to look into the distance. The wolf did not attack, but set up camps from a distance of ten miles outside the Great Wall defense line. It is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye, but if a whole flat is The dense camps are a big spectacle. The distance of ten miles, the cavalry of the wolf can be killed in a blink of an eye. Even infantry, it doesn't take long to charge. This distance is dangerous. Meng Tian did There is nothing wrong, let the army gather, otherwise it would be too late if we wait for the invasion of the wolf tribe, not to mention, if such a long line of defense goes wrong, the entire line of defense will collapse.

"Captain Qian, isn't this a fight yet? I hurriedly called over two hundred thousand people. Isn't this a tossing matter?" Mancang was quite depressed. He thought he had already fought, but it was only here It was found that the Wolves just slept outside the Great Wall.

"You silly big man, if the wolf is now attacking the city, you can fly directly from Jixian County." Xue San took the opportunity to tease a full warehouse, on the brave battle, martial arts high strength, Wei Wuzu is naturally the world leader, but on the Command and planning are still far from full. Of course, he used to be a soldier, and a soldier only needed to obey. The less he thought about it, the higher the obedience.

"Your boy, believe it or not, I'm still hitting you now." Man Cang tried to start, Ye Shikai stopped quickly.

"This is the battlefield. If you still want to make trouble, step down and take your brothers with you."



"General Mongolian has a command, and the troops are waiting here, so don't make any noise." A soldier on horseback shouted loudly as he galloped. This is the person who gave the order. In ancient times, there were no phone messages and wanted to convey the order to more than twenty Ten thousand people need to use cavalry to send orders.

It did n’t take long for the sky to glow. This was the dawn. Ye Shikai felt the brightness, and his vision was much broadened. The army did not sleep all night and hurried for dozens of miles. They were all slightly tired. Some People squinted their spears and squinted, and some sat directly on the ground to rest.

"You all have a rest here, I'll go up and take a look." Ye Shikai ordered, and after finishing speaking, he took the sword to the Great Wall, and the sky was bright. Ye Shikai was clearly seen now. In the camp, thousands of war horses ran on the grassland. The wolf clan regarded everything outside the Great Wall as a racetrack, and even cooked and rested within ten miles of the defense line.

"They are provocative." Ye Shikai suddenly understood the purpose of the wolf clan. At such a short distance, they dared to entertain so unscrupulously. They were clearly sending a signal to the Qin army that the wolf clan did not worry about the Qin army. Coming out to fight, in other words, they determined that Qin Jun did not dare to come out, so it was so arrogant.

The Great Wall was built on a mountain peak. It can be said that it is a natural defensive barrier. Any general commander understands the importance of the terrain, and the time is not as good as the ground, so any general will not be willing to give up such a solid wall, abandon his own advantages, and go to the plain Going up against the wolf cavalry who is good at field charge, this is tantamount to hitting the enemy with his short strength.

The purpose of the construction of the Great Wall was to prevent the invasion of the wolf tribe. This was the initial and most basic goal. The number of wolf tribe was not small, and they were mainly cavalry. They disappeared without a trace. The infantry soldiers of the Qin Dynasty could retreat all over the body. Even if they retreat thousands of miles, with the maneuver of the war horse, they could kill back in one day and one night.

Therefore, even occupying their territory has no effect. In such a vast place, even if all the hundreds of thousands of troops are scattered in, what can be done once dispersed, it is to give the wolf annihilation opportunities. It can be said that the wolf The tribe is "you go in and back out, you go back in and out, but you can easily escape if you fight, and you will send tens of thousands of cavalry to kill to the end". The only way to face such an enemy is to build the Great Wall and use this " The "wall" blocked them and prevented them from entering the Central Plains.

Ye Shikai is not sure whether Meng Tian will lead the army to beat the wolf clan here, but since he is a famous general, he should already have a countermeasure.

A barracks can sleep about a dozen sergeants. Ye Shikai combined the number of war horses and estimated that there should be no less than 150,000 people. Seven of them are cavalry, and they rushed out to battle. Once the defeat was defeated, hundreds of thousands. It is impossible for the army to squeeze back into the city at once, and then it will be a massacre.

"Lao Ye, have you seen enough on it?" At this time, there was a urging voice from Shangguanjian below, and the husband had already brought breakfast over. Hundreds of thousands of troops were here, and there were also many serviles responsible for delivering food. They sent grain from Jixian to the foot of the Great Wall.

Ye Shikai took a noodle cake, ate it with a big mouthful, and there was rice porridge. It looked good, but if you crossed the Great Wall, the situation would be different.

"Lao Ye ~ ~ What did you see on it? Are the Wolf Clan ready to attack?" Shang Guanjian asked curiously while eating.

"If we are going to fight soon, can we still have breakfast here?" Ye Shikai replied, "All of them are running outside, and I don't know what they want to do."

"Then we are not tossing in vain. If they do n’t leave, wouldn't we not be able to leave." Mancang was very excited. Outside the door was the wolf tribe in the wild, but they couldn't leave the city to meet.

"General Mongolia brought us here, but didn't let us go out to fight, what a reason."

"Wolves come from thousands of miles, and there are still so many people. Food is scarce. They cannot stay here. Otherwise, even if a horse can eat grass, people will be starved to death." Ye Shikai explained.

"Lao Ye makes sense. These wolves have rabbit tails and can't grow."

"Now the spirit of the Wolf clan is flourishing. If I didn't guess wrong, General Meng wanted to wait until the Wolf clan's forage was about to run out, and then kill it with anger."

"That's the case, then the brethren will have enough to eat and rest, and then go to war to kill the enemy."

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