Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1386: Get information

"You're right, maybe, this is a great opportunity." Ye Shikai nodded, looking at the map in front of them, they don't have a map near Jixian, let alone a detailed military map, at least from these women's mouths You should be able to get some useful information.

When I thought of this, Ye Shikai couldn't care about the heavy rain outside, and ran out wearing a coat, and went directly to the military camp in Mancang.

"Are they all arranged?" As soon as Ye Shikai went outside the barracks, he saw Mancang and several sergeants standing outside the door.

"Tunner, we have vacated an empty barracks for them, enough for them to live, and the meals also gave the officer's standard according to your orders," Mancang explained.

"What are you doing around here, peek at them?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"How can it be, Chief Tun, my brothers are all upright and bright guys, how could they do such a trivial matter?" Mancang quickly explained, seeing no movement in the barracks, pulling Ye Shikai's arm to the corner, it seemed to be Worried about being heard by those women.

"Shangguanbai will let the brethren pay more attention, so we dare not neglect."

"That's the case." Ye Shikai murmured, Shangguanjian still couldn't rest assured, but he could understand. After all, it is a good thing to command so many people.

"Okay, I want to ask them something, you need to prepare some cloth and pen and ink." Ye Shikai instructed.

喏 "Well, Chief Tun, wait a minute, I'll get ready right away."

In the barracks.

As soon as Ye Shikai entered, it seemed as if a hungry wolf had entered the flock. Several women instinctively backed away, keeping a distance from Ye Shikai.

"You don't have to be so afraid of me." Ye Shikai said with a smile. He was not the kind of violent person, and put cloth and ink on the table.

"Are you all full?" Ye Shikai didn't write directly, but first "Hush and ask for warmth". These women were arrested by the wolf as slaves, and they must have suffered a lot of grievances, even torture, even now they have encountered Qin Jun, still trembling, didn't dare to say much. If he wanted to get information from their mouths, he had to "make a relationship" first.

Then the first step is to let them relax.

"If you go back to my lord, we are ... we're full." A bold woman stepped forward slowly and said, but the tone sounded very timid, maybe because Ye Shikai asked the sergeant to give them clean clothes and warmth. For food, she was not so alert to Ye Shikai.

那就 "Well, you don't have to be afraid. As long as you are not careful, I will naturally send you back to the village."

"Thank you Lord."

Ye Shikai talked with the women for a long time. Finally, they were assured of their alert to Ye Shikai. Frankly speaking, in this troubled world, the wolf tribe and the Qin army are no better. No one is more cruel than anyone, and who is more forgiving than others. There will always be only people.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Since you have escaped from the wolf side, there should be a lot of distance to come here." Ye Shikai took out his pen and ink and continued to ask.

"Yes, a few of us walked for five days and five nights. We didn't dare to rest. We had no food. We could only drink water to fill our hunger. Several sisters died on the road, and we fled back to Qin Dynasty."

"That's the way it is." Ye Shikai nodded and said, five days and five nights, still the speed of escape, which is enough to walk hundreds of miles, they can see that they have suffered a lot.

"Rest assured, I will supply your diet in accordance with the standards of military officers. We are now going to the front line. I am afraid it will be difficult to take care of you. When I get to the nearest village, I will let the three elders in the village arrange for you."

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, we will never forget it." This is a few women who have completely believed in Ye Shikai. If it was not for him to stop in time, these women would almost have to hoe.

"Okay, I want to ask you a few questions. If you answer well, I still have a reward." Ye Shikai put a bunch of copper coins on the table. The money was enough for them to settle in the village and never have to post them. "Labels" on slaves.

"Let's just ask."

"Since you were arrested by the wolf tribe, have you ever been to their barracks?"

"Return to Lord ... We did go to their barracks. These wolves took us to the barracks, gathered them, and distributed them to the heads of the various wolves."

"So, are there many troops in the wolf tribe?"

"A lot, really a lot." Before Ye Shikai asked, a woman suddenly stood up and said excitedly.

"How much is there?" Ye Shikai looked intently, although he wanted the truth, but the truth was really scary.

"When the slaves were brought into the barracks before, the army of the wolf clan seemed to be gathering. I only saw a lot of horses, and they filled the whole meadow, specifically ... I can't count them."

Ye Shikai was panicked when he heard it, and he was standing full of grass. According to human vision, there are at least tens of thousands of cavalry, and this may not be the full force of the wolf. They also have several tribes and infantry. Did not count it, so to speak, the Wolf family sent a force of more than 100,000, or even 200,000.

"You are telling the truth," Ye Shikai repeatedly confirmed.

"Slave dare not lie, these are the truth, as for the number of people ~ ~ Slave really can't count."

"Well, this is your reward." Ye Shikai handed a string of copper money to the woman.

"Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord."


"The chief of the Tun has gone in for two hours. What are you asking?"

别 "Don't make noise, you should be getting information."

Outside the barracks, a lot of sergeants crowded around here, and there was a lot of discussion. Shang Guanjian also took people at the door waiting for Ye Shikai to come out.


Suddenly, the door of the barracks was opened, Ye Shikai waved his hand and motioned to everyone to spread out.

"It's almost time to set off. You haven't hurry up to rest. What are you doing here?" Ye Shikai let the sergeants disperse and returned to camp to rest.

"Lao Ye, what's the situation?" Shang Guanjian stepped forward, and he knew that Ye Shikai let the sergeant spread. He was worried that the intelligence would be heard. Although it came from the mouth of several slaves, in fact, it was top secret information. Starting

"Look at this." Ye Shikai spread out the cloth in his hand, and it was a map on it.

"Although it is not very accurate, but it is still usable. With this map, we can infer the approximate location of the wolf camp." Ye Shikai passed the map.

"Great, Lao Ye, so we can sneak attack."

"Then think too much, there are tens of thousands of people in the wolf camp, we only have 2,000 people, not their opponents."


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