Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1374: Takayama

He waved his sleeves without words and spilled a handful of white "powder" from his hands. Chen Yuxin didn't dare to carelessly. He waved the pure Jun sword and condensed a protective cover in front of him with a strong sword gas. Close to the body.

However, these white "powders" did not float with the wind, but instead seemed to have life, floating towards the wooden bridge.

"Everyone is careful." The wind chimes are wary of people. These powders are very fine, and no one can find them in the air, but the wind chimes are still one step behind, almost a second later, the members of the shadow agency fell in pain. The ground mourned, without any sign, like a sudden poisoning, and "terror" red spots appeared on his face.

"This is not a powder, but a kind of tapeworm. It is tiny and finer than powder, but once inhaled, they will make people die, they will be miserable, and they will die if there is no antidote." Silently said.

"Do you think I care about the lives of these people? They were originally my dead, and today, you will be buried with them." Chen Yuxin continued to stab with a sword, but she did not know Chen Yuxin's means, even Ye Shikai. I do n’t know. After the two got married, Chen Yuxin only showed himself to Ye Shikai as his wife. There were many things that he did n’t even know.

"See if you have this ability." Wuyan tapped on tiptoe. If she really wanted to kill her, she could not save Chen Yuxin's life with a sword, but she was resentful, but she was pregnant with Ye Shikai's child. .

Even if the last time outside of the Temple of the King of Kings in North America, Ye Shikai was very upset with Chen Yuxin, but in the final analysis, he still cared about this unborn child. If it was not for this reason, Ye Shikai would have been ruthless.

Wu Wuyan crossed the air easily and fell down the river. His disciples also rushed over. There were also a few old men who looked like the elders of Xi Zong.

"Head, you are all right." Although these elders are older and almost speechless for nearly half a century, among the Emperor Zong, there are only generations and no age, and Wu Yan can take charge of the eighteen-year-old Fangling And there is a place among the rivers and lakes, and its ability is obvious to all.

"Head, please allow me and several other elders to go up and kill this demon girl."

"It's good to say I'm a demon girl. Okay, today I'm going to kill the ring." Chen Yuxin was desperate and angry, Feng Ling and Li Mei also rushed over. Although they lost the members of the film agency, the two commanding forces, even if they were Hades will not dare to care.

"Wait a second, don't fight any more." At this time, Ji Qian suddenly came out from one side and walked between the two sides. It seemed to be persuasive, but ... her appearance only made Chen Yuxin even more angry.

"Ji Qian, you finally dared to come out. Where is the lower case man? This is your woman, which left him uncertain." Chen Yuxin can't wait to rush to kill Ji Qian. She is also worried about Ye Shikai's situation, but at this moment, Even Wang Kai, who was among the remains of the Holy Mountain, did not know Ye Shikai's whereabouts.


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"More than two thousand people are not able to stay in Gongxian. This day, they will eat five or six hundred stones, which is unbearable for Gongxian." Ye Shikai inspected the granaries in Gongxian, and could not help but look dignified, his brows locked, and empty granaries It is not too long now. It is not long before the autumn harvest. Based on these grains, even if the surplus grain of each household is added, it is just barely enough to support the next harvest. The army cannot be stationed here.

Looking at these empty granaries, Ye Shikai also faintly understood why Shangguanjian wanted to attack Longshan so much. The army only carried dry food for half a month, and it has now been three days. Once the dry food is consumed, they and the robbers There is no difference between bandits.

Only when the loot hoarded in Longshan is seized can the operation of the army be guaranteed.

I was just arguing because of disagreement.

He returned to the camp, and Ye Shikai saw Shang Guanjian drinking inside.

咳 "Cough, Shangguan, I just thought about it again a moment ago, and I agree to attack Longshan." Ye Shikai coughed twice. The two had a bit of annoyance before, and they needed to relax the atmosphere.

"Really, Lao Ye, do you really agree?" Shang Guanjian was agitated when he heard it, and suddenly stood up, even overturning the bottle on the table.

"The situation and ideals are always inconsistent. If we do nothing, we will starve to death in the end, and even affect the people in Gongxian County. You are right, we will attack Longshan, drink a lot of meat and eat meat."

"Great, brother." Shang Guanjian hugged Ye Shikai excitedly.

"However, we must be well prepared before the attack. Not afraid that death does not mean death in vain. I need some time to thoroughly investigate the situation in Longshan." Ye Shikai replied.

"Well, how long do you need."

"No accident, three days."

"Three days ... No problem, I'll wait for you for three days." Shangguanjian thought about it ~ ~ Military food can support more than ten days. If we get some food from Gongxian, we will barely support it. For two weeks, giving Ye Shikai three days was no problem. Starting

"In addition, find some people's clothes, I will take ten brothers to enter Longshan." Ye Shikai's words were amazing, and Shang Guanjian was shocked.

什么 "What, this will not work, you are the deputy commander of the army, how can you dive into Longshan yourself."

"Since I'm the deputy commander, I naturally need to find out everything. Frankly speaking, I can't believe all the words of Sun Xianling. I have to investigate whether there are hoards of grain and ordnance in Longshan." At that time, reconnaissance was the basic ability of each team member. In the modern era of high-tech weapons, dragon teeth can still penetrate the investigation, let alone now. Ye Shikai has this confidence.

既然 "Since your mind is determined, I will not stop it anymore, but will it be too dangerous to bring only ten people. There are thousands of thieves in Longshan. If you are exposed, I am afraid ..."

"Many people are easy to expose, so the fewer people they bring, the more secure they are. These days, a lot of robbers and pirates joined Longshan. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in." Ye Shikai will plan to say in detail, Although the number of casual people is small, they are all elites. They are all the skills of Ye Shikai's painstaking training. He has experience on the battlefield and has excellent psychological qualities.

"I have notified Mancang and brought his brothers Wu Weizu to wait for me. One more thing, I want to borrow your deputy, Zhao He."

"It's no problem. I am ambushing the sergeant on the outskirts of Longshan. You bring a signal arrow. If it is dangerous, ask for help immediately."


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