Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1352: Cave granary

War is a "meat grinder" for the young and middle-aged peasants. If you want to survive on the battlefield, you must learn the skills to survive on the battlefield. The Qin army fights, the queue is neat, and the line is forbidden. If anyone Disobedience to the command in the queue will be beheaded on the spot, and wherever Qin Jun goes, he will "open the road" with the strong arrow of the crossbow and then the advance of the army formation.

Therefore, most of these new soldiers have to start training from the queue, but this is also good. Taking a few hoees can first serve as a spear and a wooden shield as a shield. Time is short. Ye Shikai understands this. The new arms are In the process of rushing, even the team's training volume has increased. Maybe it will be one day, maybe three days, or maybe tomorrow.

Advance, retreat, cover, but on the battlefield, more soldiers are concerned about two points, one is whether they can save their lives, the other is to kill the enemy, get the military title, and then reward or something, It is also because of the advantages of the system that the Qin Army has the motivation to kill the enemy, from the top to the bottom.

Of course, it does not mean that everyone thinks so. After Qin's destruction of the Six Kingdoms, many soldiers from the Six Kingdoms also joined the army. They have seen the war in person, and they do n’t think about how to fight for military power. More How to save lives, and even ... how to avoid the battlefield.

Ye Shikai's eyes fell on the weak soldier who had just said. When he said this, he was obviously afraid of fighting. The people present were all fellow youths, so Ye Shikai didn't ask to the end and gave him face.

Speaking of it, Ye Shikai can understand that military merit is his own, but he must have his life to take it. If he does not even need his life for military merit, he is a gambler, and he is also a "bloodthirsty" gambler.

"Okay, take a rest." At noon, Ye Shikai looked at the scorching sun in the sky. Now it is July and the summer is in full bloom. That being said, if I go to the front now, I am afraid that I will be there and it will be close to winter .

"Lao Ye, Master Han, you didn't say it casually." While eating, Shang Guanjian suddenly asked, and Ye Shikai's chopsticks gave a sudden meal.

"I told Uncle Ho." Ye Shikai did not lie. In fact, there were several soldiers and chiefs under his hands, but they would not arbitrarily talk. In the army, "rumors" were spread at will, enough. Beheading.

"That's okay, they won't talk nonsense." Shang Guanjian didn't say anything. Perhaps he also saw the relationship between Ye Shikai and He Linghan, so he didn't say much.

"Mr. Han's meaning, although our officers know that the war is about to start, we cannot tell everyone that the war is imminent and people's hearts are floating. This is the most taboo. If the front line is tight, the backyard can't catch fire anymore." Worried, Shangguanjian could not help reminding him again.

"I understand what you mean." Ye Shikai interrupted him.

"That's good."

"I think tomorrow, the order in the county should come. At that time, the three old men in the village, with ranks, will start to raise grain and grass, and the chief of the pavilion will start to carry out military service, and our task will soon begin."

Ye Shikai didn't say much. The battle was imminent. If it was a victory, it would be a good thing. If it was defeated, the northern wolf tribe would break through the Great Wall defense line. At their speed, they could kill here from Yandu for a month. Qin ’s The army is far away from the battlefield, it takes time to mobilize, and how fast the infantry can be compared with the cavalry. The county and county defense forces alone are not the opponents of the wolf clan.

And if the wolf breaks through the Great Wall defense line, it is a plain. Qingqi can go all the way to the village to burn and plunder. The situation is unthinkable, so the only way is to keep the wolf out of the Great Wall.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the critical situation of the war that the county defending government issued such an order, and Shang Guanjian also reminded Ye Shikai "hiddenly".

If everyone knows that the border is in dire straits and is in danger, then who can guarantee that no one will take the opportunity to fall into the grass for pirates, or those escorted escorts, will they **** rations or arms and flee, if it is true, then The defense forces must be self-defeating.

Therefore, it is necessary to send a garrison to the border customs along with the military service, one for supervision and the other for additional troops at the border.

"We have other tasks in the afternoon. Come with me." After lunch, Shang Guanjian took Ye Shikai and a dozen sergeants out of the training place and went to a place that Ye Shikai had never been to.

"Where is this?" Ye Shikai looked at the cave in front of him and asked curiously.

"You don't know if you go in." Shang Guanjian waved his hand, and immediately two sergeants lit a torch to lead the way, and the group slowly entered the cave.

"So much grain." When Ye Shikai saw the sight of the cave, he couldn't help but be shocked. A cave was full of grain bags, and it looked like a lot.

"This is nothing more than a thousand stone grains. If you see the granaries of the border defense army, that's really a lot." Shang Guanjian chuckled twice. Indeed, it can store hundreds of thousands of people for a whole winter of granaries. It must be spectacular.

"Here is the grain depot in Shangshui Village. These are also the food saved by the villagers in Sheungshui. In order to prevent drought and no food or raise military levies ~ ~ Once the county's order arrives, Rank will come to count the grain and then send it out according to the amount. "Shang Guanjian explained to Ye Shikai.

"So, here is the lifeblood of the entire villagers, right." Ye Shikai nodded and touched the stored grain bags. Without these, the villagers in Sheung Shui would face hunger or even death, so use "Lifeline "It's no exaggeration to describe.

"You can say that the ranks of the village may come tomorrow the day after tomorrow. In order to prevent accidents, there must be guards here, and guards must be guarded to prevent fine work or robbers from burning the grass."

"Okay, I understand, I will take someone to stay here, rest assured." Ye Shikai immediately understood that since this granary is related to the safety of the entire Sheung Shui Village, it must be handed over to a reliable person.

"That's good, Li Tunchang." Shang Guanjian suddenly turned around and sang loudly, a man who looked like an officer came forward.

"Subordinates are here."

"Gather all of your people here and be responsible for guarding the grain depot. There is one more point. You must also obey Ye Shichang's order, understand." I'm afraid it's the first time in Daqin.


"What else do you not understand? Still, you have the confidence to win Ye Shichang." Shang Guanjian scolded.

"Well, subordinates obey."

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