Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1330: Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 1308 of the Personal Wife's President's Wife Volume 1308 Jedi Counterattack Ye Shikai was the first time she saw Emily. It stands to reason that the two should have nothing to say. Although Ye Shikai is "fearless", it does not mean he is reckless The reason why she simply agreed to Emily's request was because he had a hunch. The matter she was about to say was definitely a "heavy news", or even news that the Three Temples did not know.

"This time I'm in trouble next time." Wang Kai couldn't persuade Ye Shikai, but was afraid of any accident, so he let Nightmare stay in the vicinity of the commercial vehicle, and then quickly called Ji Qian.

If you think about it, Ye Shikai is not without reason. They are both in this car. If Ye Shikai has a little accident, even if it is only a matter of lack of root hairs, with the strength of the Three Temples, he can definitely lead the car on the spot. "Total destruction", when Emily will die.

In a business car.

Ye Shikai carefully looked at Emily. If she wasn't wearing such a cool "combat dress" and holding a bow and arrow, she was more like a college student, or even a high school student. Ye Shikai wanted to ask her about her age, but This is not polite ...

"Say, what do you want to say." Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Why, are you so impatient?" Emily giggled, looking like a girl next door. Ye Shikai didn't want to see her, but ... time is tight. If Ji Qian is to know, he and one may An adult woman who has been alone in the car for more than half an hour, then Ye Shikai wants to get out of the car, and I am afraid that she will be subject to "trial" when she comes to Ji Qian.

"Ahem, I have something else, if it's convenient, can you hurry up." Ye Shikai looked at Alimi's "poor pitiful" and "unintelligible", it was not easy to get angry.

"Hades, it's two hours before the ruins start. Go back."

"Go back ... Where to go." Emily uttered a shock, Ye Shikai listened to it, she might be ... too direct.

"Of course, back to your Hades, if possible, it is best to let Luna and Ares go back with you, so that your safety can be guaranteed."

After hearing this, Ye Shikai couldn't help sneering. It seemed that Emily had determined that he had lost her internal strength. Although she didn't know how she got the exact news, but since she is the main god, she must have her own. Information network, Ye Shikai is not panic. Since it has already leaked the bottom, it is also the soldiers to block the water to cover the soil, not to mention, look at the appearance of Emily, she should not have disclosed the news to the public, otherwise ... why now advise he is gone.

"It seems that you already know, indeed, I have lost my internal strength." If it was not for avoiding the suspicion of "rogue", Ye Shikai would like to show Emily the wound at Dan Tian.

"That being the case, you should hurry up and leave now. At this time, it is enough for you to return to the Hades." Emily said lightly.

"Sorry, I don't plan to leave." Ye Shikai directly refuted.

"Why, don't you know where you are now?" Emily's eyes flashed with surprise, thinking Ye Shikai was pretending to be a cool shadow supporter, and she wanted to face her life and suffer.

"Of course it's clear, so I can't go, especially at this point in time." Ye Shikai looked out of the window, outside the crowd of practitioners.

"Now everyone's attention is on me. If I leave like this, I will be ambushed on the way back, do you believe it."

"That's true, after all, you are a character of the moment." Emily nodded and smiled sweetly. "So it seems that I was late for notification. I knew I should have told you before you went out." [# ¥ .. # * Fiction is better updated and faster】

"Of course, I'm very grateful to you. If you didn't help me keep the secrets, I'm afraid they won't have this look when I come." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly.

"However, I still don't understand why you let me go. Do you have any secrets about the Lord God Assembly on the Holy Mountain?" Ye Shikai turned sharply, and Emily advised him to leave at this time, something must have happened. Things.

"I never said that." Emily glanced out the window without looking at Ye Shikai.

However, Ye Shikai already knew the answer, and his face gradually became gloomy. Sure enough, this Lord's Assembly was far from simple as imagined ...

"Well, I ask another question, why do you want to help me." Ye Shikai is very clear, Emily is really helping him, keep it a secret, to a large extent, she is "ventilating the letter" .

"I never said that I was helping you. I and you just met today. How could I help you unconditionally?"

"It can only be said that I helped you indirectly when I completed my goal." Emily looked at his watch. "Well, you really don't plan to leave. If you go to the holy mountain, you want to leave. There is no such opportunity. "

"Rest assured, I have my own preparation."

Ye Shikai opened the car door and saw Ji Qian was staring coldly at him, with everyone in the palace next to him.

Damn, it's almost half an hour before you know it. Don't think about it, it must be Wang Kai's little report.

"Ahem, let's go quickly, I have something to tell you." In order to prevent Ji Qian's misunderstanding, Ye Shikai quickly explained that the two immediately understood.

"What did Emily ask you for just now." The two got in the car of the Hades, and Ji Qian asked.

"Things aren't great. Some people have to fiddle with the Lord God." Ye Shikai's ability to "interrogate" is very strong ~ ~ All Emily's words just now point directly or indirectly to this point.

If not, why would she persuade Ye Shikai to leave? According to her, she is not helping Ye Shikai, but carrying out her own plan. In that case, she doesn't want Ye Shikai to be in trouble.

"What, is this true." Ji Qian couldn't believe whether Emily was "ventilating the news" or "vulnerable intimidation", and it was difficult to tell whether she was an enemy or a friend.

"I think eight or nine are inseparable from ten, so is my intuition."

"Then I'll hurry you back, we will not attend this Lord God conference." Ji Qian will not allow a little risk to happen, and insists on taking Ye Shikai away from here.

"No, it's too late." Ye Shikai waved his hands. "If we leave now, it's equal to telling them the truth directly, then the Three Temples will never have a peaceful day because of me. On the contrary, if I survive today, then they will There will be some fear. "Ye Shikai has already guessed the consequences. Imagine that a derelict occupying the high position of Hades will definitely cause everyone's dissatisfaction. They will besiege and challenge until someone kills Ye Shikai. The only way is to fight.


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