Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1323: King

"Actually, you don't have to go this way because of me." Ye Shikai is a little embarrassed. This downhill road is difficult and difficult to say, and it is very narrow, but fortunately, as long as this road is passed, the next one In the big forest, they will be relatively safe when they get there, and they will not lose their way as long as they find the direction.

"If your safety is not guaranteed, it will be a blow to all of us." Ji Qian said lightly, and pointed to the shadow people behind him. "You don't need to worry about them, they are just wall grass, they can only be used. , Since they want to use us for security, they also need to be ready to be used. "

Ji Qian's statement is not the truth, especially the unfamiliar interest groups. There is no so-called affection between them. Some only use each other to avoid danger. Don't forget that these shadow people were their enemies an hour ago, and if not They, where Aphrodite's plan would be so easy to succeed.

"Of course I understand what you said. I don't care about their life and death. I care about you, Pharaoh, and nightmare them."

"Then you can rest assured." Ji Qian pointed to the forest below. "Look at that forest, it's spacious enough that we can spread out our hands there. This way, even if Aphrodite is still there, Backhand, we do not have to be afraid of her. "Ji Qian explained.

Indeed, although the dense and endless woods are a good place for ambush, it is safer than the mountain roads that are "exhaustive" and "extremely narrow".

"That being the case, let's hurry." Ye Shikai quickened his pace, and everyone followed closely.

"What are we doing here, aren't you afraid of being ambushed." Emily came to the forest and looked at the branches above. Basically each tree was more than 20 meters high. It's all blocked, and there is a faint mist. If anyone ambushes in a tree, everyone will die. No matter how you look at it, this is an extremely dangerous place.

"Look around and see if there is any water source." Ji Qian ordered everyone to spread out, and it was almost a day since drinking water was almost gone. Although the sacred mountain is different from the high mountains outside, there is not necessarily a water source, but Ji Qian still wants Try it out, even if it's bang.

"Nightmare, take a few people to investigate nearby, and come back immediately if there is danger."

"Yes, sir, I will go now." Nightmare took the remaining dark guards one step ahead. The reason why Ji Qian asked everyone to find water was to investigate whether there was an ambush here.


The crowd stayed a little rest in the forest, Ye Shikai took out a cow from his pocket and handed it to Ji Qian.

"Hungry, this is for you."

"How come you still have food." Ji Qian took the cow, and after eating half of it, shove the remaining half back into Ye Shikai's hands.

"The habit that was left when I was training in Longya." Ye Shikai laughed. At that time, there were often survival training in the wild, so he would also take his food with him from time to time, which could be of great use in crisis situations.

"We can't stop here for too long, we will leave after two hours." Ji Qian looked at her watch, it should be dark in another hour, although marching in darkness is a taboo, but Ji Qian still decided If you take risks, you can only blame Aphrodite for destroying the original downhill road. If you take a detour, you will have to walk at least 50 kilometers more.

"Wang Kai, are you better?" Ye Shikai turned his head and asked. In the battle just now, he consumed too much internal force and didn't slow down for a long time.

"Relax, you can't die." Wang Kai shook his head. Even if the red light of the setting sun reflected on his face, he could still see some paleness. It seems that this time he hurt his vitality. Speaking of it, if not Wang Kai Against Doris, the situation is only worse.

After half an hour.

"Boss, we've searched all over. This broken mountain has no birds and no dripping water." Extinct soul sat on the ground tiredly. The sacred mountain is different from the big mountains outside. Here are the ruins. Although the difference is not only But under this mountain, no groundwater exists.

"Let's have a rest."

"Do you regret this time to come to the Lord God Conference." The two back to back, Ji Qian suddenly asked.

"Even if I don't come, Aphrodite will still plan and plan the next action. As long as she doesn't die, she will attack me, doesn't she?" Ye Shikai asked back, grinning twice. "But to be honest, I I really regret it. If it was outside, Aphrodite's scheme would not be successful. "

"Actually ... I guess one of the reasons why the new Lord God is caught by her is that we are afraid of us."

"What does this mean?"

"Since the last time you performed in the holy mountain and Atlantis, people in the underground world hate and fear you, they jealous of you, but they want to surpass you, but they want the Three Gods of War and the new Lord God. After taking office, everyone was in danger, and they kept away from the Three Temples. This just gave Aphrodite a perfect opportunity to win over them and become a new collective of interests, not only before or now ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ It will be the same in the future, as long as our three temples are still there, they will be our enemies. "Ji Qian analyzed.

In the final analysis, this underground world has a "king" but no "empire." At the time, Zeus and Ye Shikai were both "kings", but they did not have enough strength to completely defeat all the opponents. The Three Temples could kill Zeus, but There is no time to kill the other main gods. In this case, there will be a second and third "Zeus", which cannot become "the emperor" in the underground world, and the battle will never stop.

It seems that no one has ever done it before becoming the "Emperor" of the underground world. Can Ye Shikai be the first person to laugh at himself? He is now a dead man with no internal strength. Maybe even when the throne of Pluto will not be maintained, Not to mention being the "king".

"Enough rest, let's go."

Everyone set off again, the sky was very dark, but there were few flashlights, so they could only use the most traditional method of lighting and ignition.

Even in the middle of the night, the forest is still filled with mist, and the sky is full of moons and stars. It is dark and there are no fingers. Ji Qian holds Ye Shikai's palm in fear of something wrong.

"Wait, stop." When the crowd walked into a bush, Ye Shikai suddenly stopped everyone.

"What's wrong?" Ji Qian carefully observed the surrounding environment, but the visibility was too low, and she found nothing unusual.

"There is movement around."

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