Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1321: Desperate

After two hours.

"Boss, I've searched all the way, but I still can't find the exit." Desperate soul walked back, and the dark guards behind him looked tired, which was not only physical exhaustion, but also psychological despair. When a person is in a state of despair, his spirit is low, and sometimes it can even lead to death. On the contrary, if he gives a hopeless person a little hope, he will recklessly seize this opportunity, and Aphrodite will use vicious means, Good at planning, I am afraid there is really no other way out.

"Okay, you're all tired, take a break." The people sat on the ground, looking at the people, some were complaining, some were cursing, and some were crying. It seems that their hearts are also afraid of death, Indeed, no one does not want to survive.

But God does not have compassion on everyone, and they have given them a chance to survive. Ye Shikai has experienced several times of crisis. Each time he feels killed, but every time there is a misfortune. God's fortune, don't want him to die so fast.

But this time, I'm afraid he was really killed here, but this time, he was not very panicked, and there was no fear. Ji Qian was right next to him, and both of them were in his heart.

"Emily, you look very irritable." Ye Shikai turned around and glanced at Emily not far away, pulling the leaves on the branch frantically.

"Don't you dare to say it." Emily didn't hit one spot, she was already upset. When she heard this, it was like a volcano erupted, especially from Ye Shikai's mouth. You know, she would Having this encounter was completely given by Ye Shikai.

After the atmosphere, Emily suddenly picked up the bow and arrow, pulled the bowstring, and aimed at Ye Shikai.

"Protect your lord." Nightmare's eyes are swift and his hands are fast, blocking Ye Shikai. Emily suddenly shows a mocking smile and puts her bow and arrow down.

"Your subordinates died because of him, but they are still protecting him so soon," Emily murmured.

Speaking of which, to be able to make such a group of loyal brothers and sisters is a great gain for Ye Shikai's life. There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly. One is the sun and the other is the human heart. Unreliable things, but now it seems that these people are his life and death.

"Emily, it's my fault this time. I'm sorry to involve you. I'm sorry, so, if we can go out, I promise you an unconditional condition." Ye Shikai raised his index finger and said.

"Oh, we are all stuck here now. This promise is worthless and I'm not rare."

"You said that yourself."

呸 "I am so shameless, you have the ability to let this channel open again"


I didn't wait for Emily to finish speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from the distant channel, and she was so shocked that she stepped back instinctively.

Because the accident happened suddenly, everyone was unprepared, the dust was raised, and nearby people had no time to dodge, and quickly closed their eyes to prevent dust from entering the eyes.

A few minutes later, when the crowd opened their eyes again and saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help screaming.

"Your mouth has been opened." Ye Shikai patted Emily's shoulder, almost excited to pick her up, and Emily's mouth was also opened in an "o" shape in shock, originally The exit blocked by the rocks was restored again, as if someone had blasted it again.

The crowd rushed to the exit, like people who had been in darkness for a long time, and finally saw a ray of sunlight.

"Cough." At the same time, a woman came in slowly from the outside.

"You are here indeed." The woman glanced at the people in the same three halls, and finally fell on Ye Shikai.


"Athena, how could it be her."

Everyone seemed to be surprised by the appearance of Athena. Ye Shikai was the only one who suddenly thought that in this sacred mountain, there was only Athena who could save them, but Ye Shikai was very curious about what she used. Method does it.

"Athena, are you injured." Everyone walked up, Ye Shikai keenly noticed that her left arm was bleeding, and the armour on her arm was also a little damaged, tattered, and a little less Valkyrie's heroic appearance.

"When I went up the mountain just now, I was attacked by a group of unknown people." Athena nodded. The Valkyrie has always been lonely, and is called the "Lone Ranger" in the underground world. Difficult, but because Athena's combat power is extremely high, most people are afraid to do so.

"The group was arranged by Aphrodite. She was worried that when you came to the main altar, it would affect her plan." Ye Shikai explained everything that had just happened, and Athena's eyes were angry.

"That's it, this vicious woman." Athena cursed. She had long guessed that it might be her poisonous hand, but she did not expect that she planned to trap the people in the Three Temples here ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ It's too bad.

"How did you come up?" Ji Qian asked curiously.

"When I came up, I found that the road had been destroyed, so I switched around and turned around. When I got here, I found that the original passageway was blocked by rocks, and I guess what happened here."

"Then how did you open it, did you also bring the blasting tool?"

"No, I found that there is still a gunpowder in the rubble that has not been detonated, so I used internal force and hit the fuse remotely. I couldn't think of reopening the passage." Athena's words shocked everyone. Why is there any remaining gunpowder inside.

"I think it's Aphrodite's mistake. There are two buttons on her remote control. They should have been buried with two sets of gunpowder in advance, and they are intended to detonate together. I don't know why. Successfully detonated, so it remains. "Ye Shikai analyzed, everyone was more convinced, no wonder, just one side exploded just now, but then again, the explosion on one side alone is enough to block the passage, then if both sides explode at the same time Isn't there really no way out.

"The environment of the holy mountain has a great impact on the signal, and the phone cannot be called. I think it is for this reason." Athena nodded.

"Hadis, you just said, if we can come out, you have to promise me a condition." At this time, Emily suddenly stood up and said in front of everyone, with a proud expression on her face, It ’s really faster to turn your face than to turn your books

"I mean, but aren't you rare?"

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