Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1309: I will never leave you

"Come with me." Nightmare shouted loudly. This is a golden opportunity. Wang Kai's move is like the "finishing technique" in the game. It is as powerful as a rainbow, and it is amazingly powerful. The scope is too wide. The general practice of shadow people can't stop this trick. Even Ji Qian couldn't think of it. Wang Kai still has such a killer. The element of qi is in his hands to make the most of it. Power.

But again, after Wang Kai used this trick, he killed the enemy by one thousand and damaged 800. He vomited blood directly. Fortunately, his internal strength is deep enough. If he changes for ordinary people, only one trick is enough to make him Dan Tian. The internal force is exhausted ...

"Don't let them pass." Aphrodite began to be anxious. Seeing that the crowd had been unable to resist the Hades attack, she could not help but panic, and she could only blame Ye Shikai for having such a strong martial arts person, Otherwise, if there was only Hades, Aphrodite would have killed Ye Shikai long ago.

"I'm here to fight you." Nightmare stared at Aphrodite. Everything behind this was the woman doing the trick. The thief captured the king first. In other words, as long as she killed her, no one would direct it. Nightmare picked it up. The two halberds stabbed at Aphrodite.

"Nightmare." Aphrodite said coldly, using illusions against him. For a while, in front of Nightmare, there were tens of thousands of Aphrodite all at once, each with a variety of expressions and different expressions. It is as if there are literally tens of thousands of Aphrodite in front of him. Although Nightmare cannot be immune to illusions, his mind is sober. There cannot be tens of thousands of Aphrodite in the world. These are all It's illusion, it's a blind eye, so that he can't find out which is the body.

"Take it."

At the same time, Aphrodite also made a move. With the attack of the body, tens of thousands of phantoms rushed from all directions. Nightmare panicked in her heart and picked up the halberds and waved.

Suddenly, Nightmare just felt a sudden pain in the abdomen. When he returned to his mind, the abdomen had been hit hard. The superb illusion is to disturb the audiovisual of people. It is the tiger. If he cannot find the target, he will Was bruised by the fox.

"Do you think I'm scared like this?" Nightmare said coldly, tearing a piece of cloth, and simply bandaging the belly wound. The vicious woman didn't know if there was any poison on the dagger.

Nightmare tore another piece of cloth, folded it, and blindfolded her eyes in front of everyone.

A truly powerful cultivator, the enemy is not in the eyes, and in his heart, the essence of the blinding method is to deceive the vision. In this case, it is better to close the eyes. In this way, the phantoms are not visible, and the nightmare heart is quiet ...

Quiet as if he could only hear his heartbeat and breathing.

At nine o'clock.

Nightmare frowned and pierced her halberd out of thin air.


The sound of metal collisions came from the air, and the corners of Nightmare's mouth rose slightly.

Aphrodite's illusion had been broken by him.

When he was careful enough, Nightmare could hear Aphrodite's footsteps, and his superb martial arts skills allowed him to skillfully parry and fight back even without his eyes.

"Unexpectedly I still underestimated you." Aphrodite had a self-knowledge. If the two really started, she would never be a nightmare opponent, so she simply "leave".

"Doris, Volgan, the situation is not good, we quickly retreat." Aphrodite shouted, this is the only way to retreat, originally she planned to trap them if they could not be destroyed, so ... … In any case, this road must not be occupied by the people in the Three Temples.

Several main gods are not stupid. The people in the Three Temples are fighting desperately, and Emily is also there to help. It is impossible to encircle and annihilate. If you do n’t fight, then it is bound to retreat, and there is only one retreat.

The first step is to be strong, and the second step is to suffer.

Everyone started to rush towards the exit. The pressure on Soul Killer and Magic Girl was quite high. The key is that Doris also rushed over. The trident was very powerful. Doris was more and more valiant. They blocked the attack of Soul Killer and Mo Ji. The two were helpless and could only watch the exit that was difficult to capture was taken back by the shadow people.

Aphrodite rushed out of the passageway, she could not put herself in danger.

"Quickly seize the exit." Ji Qian saw that the situation was not good, and rushed to the exit. If it was controlled by Aphrodite, the situation of the Three Temples would be dangerous. Since she can set an ambush in advance, she will go up the mountain If the road blows up, then this exit can naturally be blown up ...

Ye Shikai turned around, and he was vaguely uneasy in his heart. Now he is worthless. He ca n’t help at all, even if it is under the protection of the dark guard to the exit. If Aphrodite is really going to blow up here Then he is the most difficult one to survive.

Ye Shikai hesitated for a moment, and seemed determined to suddenly rush to Ji Qian's presence.

"Qian ~ ~ Hurry up and take advantage of their instability, you can rush out." Ye Shikai shouted out of all the people he knew, Ji Qian paid the most to him and had the deepest friendship. Unfortunately, Ye Shikai failed to treat her well. This time, things happened because of him. He said nothing would let Ji Qian miss the opportunity to escape because of him. At least at this moment, Ji Qian still has a good chance to break out.

"Impossible, I must take you out." Ji Qian looked for a moment, shook her head vigorously, and said absolutely, holding Ye Shikai after saying "If you can't leave, then I won't go."

"No, I can't help you right now, you and Wang Kai, take the nightmare to destroy the soul, and they leave quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome." Ye Shikai is still persuading, except for Ji Qian, Wang Kai, Nightmare, Magic Girl, Soul Killer, these They are all siblings who have had a life-and-death relationship with them. With their skills, in the first time they played, they were able to break through the defense of the shadow man and leave from that exit. However, none of them did so. Instead, he chose to "fight" in order to delay the opponent and allow Ye Shikai to leave first.

"I will never leave you." Ji Qian shouted hysterically, and the two looked at each other, and they were in tears. I didn't know what they saw from each other's eyes. Once a good time, they ran together. The difficulties passed, one by one, life and death, when Ji Qian took Yuewei into the ruins of Atlantis, Ye Shikai took someone to rescue her without saying anything. At that time, there should be a firm word in his heart.

I will never leave you.

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