Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1286: deal with

The Temple of the Gods and the Hades has always been the enemy of the enemy. Now Zeus was ambushed by everyone, seriously injured and killed. Suddenly, Ji Qian understands the truth. When it is more chaotic, you should cut it quickly. Clearing the Temple of the King of Kings is the best effect now, but it also needs to consider the actual situation. The Temple of the King of Kings is also a heart now. Although Zeus died, the remaining people will not surrender under the leadership of Aphrodite. They will fight with the Three Temples, and even after a fierce victory, the internal resistance of the Temple of God will emerge endlessly. They control a "time bomb". Instead of throwing this "hot potato".

"Miss Ji, now Zeus is dead, and my cooperation with you is over. I hope you will keep the agreement." Chen Yuxin looked at Zeus, who had become a corpse on the ground, expressionless. Zeus was immortal and had nothing to do with her. Even if he is a hero, Chen Yuxin will not give him any evaluation, because what she cares about is only Ye Shikai, and the cooperation ends. In return, whether Chen Yuxin or Ji Qian found Ye Shikai, they must be handed over to Chen Yuxin himself.

"You can rest assured." Ji Qian waved a hand slightly, frankly, she really did not want to do this. Although Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin were husband and wife, Ji Qian knew how Chen Yuxin treated him.

Ji Qian also had the impulse. After finding Ye Shikai, she was brought back to Europe directly. The big deal is to tear her face with the Chen family. Ji Qian is not afraid of any challenges, but she is worried that Ye Shikai does not agree with this. She always leaves Ye Shikai's feelings. In the first place.

Having said that, the death of Zeus does not mean that the matter is over. Ye Shikai is still missing, and I do not know whether he has left the city. Thinking of this, Ji Qian's face is a little more worried.

"Master Luna, what shall we do now?" Nightmare asked, and it was nothing if Zeus died in the wilderness.

"Bring the corpse, we go to the Temple of the King of Gods." Ji Qian had already planned. None of the people present could control the Temple of the King of Gods. Since this is the case, it cannot be ended like this. Be the guard of the Temple of the King of Gods. When I see this corpse, I will be shocked, even trembling. In this way, the effect will be achieved. Without the leader of the Temple of the King, it will not be an opponent of the Three Temples. When she returns to Europe, Ji Qian intends to start The "occupation" of the Temple of God's Temple in North America has greatly weakened the ability of the Temple of God to "regenerate".

"That's also good. Let the cubs in the Temple of the Gods have a look. Their bosses are dead, the trees are scattered, and their good days are short." Wang Kai laughed out loud, but it was a pity that Zeus finally died. He did not "see for himself".


"Ye, you are finally here." At the same time, in a corner of the North American city, Ye Shikai also came to "go on an appointment." Martin's men took him to a bar. As soon as he entered the door, Ye Shikai saw dozens of them. The big man was drinking beer on the side. Most people would not dare to look at it at a glance, but Ye Shikai was fearless. He had been used to this. Martin came out from a room inside and gave Ye Shikai a big hug. When the surrounding Han people saw the people, they also stood up.

"Mr. Martin, is this where you arranged, how do I feel ... more crowded." Ye Shikai was brought into the room by Martin, frankly, he was very curious, thought that Martin would invite him to A relatively "quiet" place to meet, but here it is unexpected.

"Relax, Mr. Ye, these people outside are all my men. Of course, this bar is also opened by me. In fact, there are usually no guests, just a place for the rest." Martin poured a glass of whiskey for Ye Shikai. "So , You do n’t have to worry. No third person knows what we said today. "

"Well, let's talk about it and want me to do something." Ye Shikai opened his eyes. Chinese people like to talk about their emotions before speaking, while Westerners like to talk about things directly. Ye Shikai doesn't like to spend so much time talking directly. Things are more pleasant. Speaking of which, with Martin's so many gold bars, if I really don't do something, I'm really uneasy.

"I'm about to talk to you about this." Martin shook his head and said, "I wanted you to participate in an operation, but something unexpected happened and the operation was cancelled."

"Really, I'm a little curious, what exactly is the action." Ye Shikai was surprised in his mind, and could not think of such a thing.

"Ye, you don't know. A big event happened yesterday, and the whole of North America was shocked. Especially as me, you may not know, but ... it is really a big event." Hesitating whether Ye Shikai can "understand".

"Just say it, maybe I really know something." Ye Shikai waved his hand. The tramp was just his appearance, but Martin really didn't take him as a tramp.

"Sure enough, Ye, you really are not an ordinary person." Martin said suddenly, and Ye Shikai found himself "on the set" now. It turned out that Martin was telling his words.

"Whatever you think." Ye Shikai doesn't seem to matter, it's not important whether he is an ordinary person or not.

"Then I'm more curious now, Ye, you know who it is." Martin asked back.

"Don't rush to answer you first, you first talk about what happened."

"Well, do you know the Lord God in the underground world ~ ~ This ... have heard it." Ye Shikai did not deny what Martin said, this event is about the Lord God. If you do n’t know, Martin would not continue.

"Among them, Zeus, the dominant **** in North America, was killed yesterday."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Shikai was so shocked that he just shouted, got up from his chair, and struck Martin.

"Ye, what are you so excited about?"

"Oh oh, nothing." Ye Shikai realized his own malaise, and quickly sat down, but ... this Zeus died, which is beyond his imagination. Who is it that killed Zeus.

Ye Shikai and Zeus were also rivals. I thought the two sides would surely die in each other's hands. Unexpectedly, Ye Shikai's internal power was lost, and Zeus was killed when he was here.

"Did you ... know this Zeus?" Martin tentatively looked at Ye Shikai's response so much and seemed to be familiar with Zeus.

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