Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1277: "Wandering" in the city

"Impossible, who can he go to in addition to you." Chen Yuxin didn't believe what Ji Qian said. In her opinion, Ye Shikai must be on Ji Qian's side, but Ji Qian was not willing to hand over people. Nothing more.

"Chen Yuxin, you are really stupid for three years. He disappeared in the urban area. I was in the forest at that time, and he had no internal strength. Did he walk over dozens of kilometers with his legs?" Ji Qian directly swears.

"Where is the other person?" Chen Yuxin began to feel anxious when she heard this. Ji Qian didn't look like she was lying, and there was some truth. Ye Shikai had no internal strength, no cash on her body, not even a phone call. If he runs out, where can he go?

"You have a face to ask me," Ji Qian said coldly. "If you hadn't ruined his Dantian, he wouldn't have been where he is now."

At this moment, Chen Yuxin couldn't say anything anymore. Obviously, Ye Shikai disappeared. He disappeared in a city with a population of 10 million. He has no penny and no communication tools. The only thing he can rely on is his superiority. Regarding the physical fitness of ordinary people, Longya taught him how to survive in the wild, but did not teach him how to survive in the city. Of course, Ye Shikai also received training in the "urban course", but if he encountered any former enemies That is really the power of chickens. In short, if there is no one around Ye Shikai, there will be problems.

"If it weren't for you to bring someone to spoil the game, he should be in the Temple of God now, how could he disappear." Then, it seems that Ji Qian still underestimated Chen Yuxin. Until now, she was unwilling to admit it was her mistake.

"If something happened to him, I would never let you go." Ji Qian had no intention and Chen Yuxin did not make sense to argue here. Now Ye Shikai is missing, and it will be in danger at any time.

"That's what I want to say. If something happens in lower case, even if you are Miss Ji, I will definitely make you pay."

ten minutes later.

"Sir, what happened." Serena escorted Ji Qian back to the car, Chen Ligong and Shihun both anxiously asked.

"Oops, I got the news just now, and he escaped from the film agency." Ji Qian continued, "But now ... his whereabouts are unknown, and we have not received his call."

"What, Lord Hades escaped, it was incredible." Serena was shocked and escaped in the hands of a group of practitioners. It was like "the ducks that flew to the mouth were flying away." This is not easy to do, but why? Since it is "Pluto", naturally there are some means that others do not have.

"But he is missing and he hasn't called yet." Speaking of where he was most worried, it was already one morning and one afternoon from last night to now. Even if Ye Shikai asks for help from a passerby, it is not difficult to make a phone call. Well, but why, he didn't call, and he didn't call Chen Yuxin, which was so unusual.

"Will it be the boss who is worried about being discovered." Soul Analysis analyzed. "After all, he was most worried at that time, being caught again by the film agency. If he rushed to call, he might be found."

"Soul extermination makes some sense, Lord Pluto is resourceful, and there must be a way, maybe he is not convenient to communicate with the outside world now." Serena also comforted.

"I hope so, quickly release everyone's hands and look in the entire city." Ji Qian knew that this was a haystack, but as long as there was a glimmer of hope, she would not give up easily, but here is North America, which is the home of Zeus, There is a lot of influence here in the Temple of the God King. They want to find someone, but it is easier than the Three Temples.


at the same time.

Ye Shikai is also wandering in this city, frankly, he has never been here, he has no mobile phone, no cash, and even no identity card. If this time the police stare, he will definitely be regarded as " "Smuggling" of "black households" and then caught.

In addition, the "shadow" agency must also be looking for him in the city, and it was easy to escape. He must think of a perfect solution. Walking alone in the city, it is easy to have a "lost feeling", not only psychologically, but also Physically, the first problem Ye Shikai has to solve is to find his place. Fortunately, he found a paper map of the city in the trash can. Although it is not very detailed, it can still be used.

Ye Shikai stroked Dan Tian's position lightly, and could not help but feel a bit sorry. If he had internal force, his current actions would be much more convenient.

Fortunately, he is proficient in English, so it is not difficult to understand a map. He is not sure whether the situation around him is safe. With the ability of the "shadow" agency, and with Zeus' local power, it is simple and unique to find him. The solution is to reduce contact with the outside world.

Ye Shikai found a gathering place for the poor on the map. This is also a gathering place for many foreigners and “stolen people”. The management is relatively small. Over time, there is a mix of fish and dragons. Everyone has it. Not easy to find.

Ye Shikai had no money on her body, so she had to walk past it, and it was already night when she walked there. Forget it, she had not eaten for a whole day, and her stomach had begun to "brain protest". There was no way, no internal strength, physical strength. Consumption is no different from ordinary people. If you are hungry, you will have no energy. If you do n’t get something to eat, he will be starved to death sooner or later.

With Ye Shikai's ability, if you really want to "rob" or something, it is not difficult, but his three views are still "positive" and will never do such a thing ~ ~ even this Not Huaxia.

With both hands and feet alive, don't starve to death.

It is already late at night. Ye Shikai plans to find a place to sleep first, and then find a place to work odd jobs tomorrow. After searching for a long time, Ye Shikai finally finds a tunnel and lays down with a newspaper.

"Hey, boy, who are you?" Suddenly, a shout awakened Ye Shikai, raised his head, and looked at it. There were three black men standing in front of him, all fierce and evil, and his body looked a little taller than Ye Shikai. cut.

"Of course it is a homeless man, can't you see it?" Ye Shikai replied in fluent English. Does he look like he has half a dime besides his clothes? Besides, if he has money, he still As for sleeping authentic.

"Then, do you know, whose territory is this?" The blacks seemed to be surprised by Ye Shikai's English, an Oriental who could speak such fluent English.

"I care who he is."

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