Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1255: Reception

However, why isn't he happy at all? Isn't this the comfortable life that he wants, Ye Shikai asked himself in his heart, after so much experience, this goal has already "changed flavor". It is the result that determines his own, but affects his mood But it is a process. This process is a nightmare for Ye Shikai. Now, he just woke up from the nightmare ...

"Xiao Kai, would you like to go with me at a business party in the evening?" Chen Yuxin spoke sharply, stretched out her delicate hand and rubbed his shoulder, murmured in his ear.

"It's not good, you are already pregnant, you still have to move less." Ye Shikai felt a little inappropriate. Although she was only more than two months pregnant, her abdomen had slightly bulged. It stands to reason that pregnant women should stay at home and rest well. You should not just go out casually.

"It's okay, I will pay attention, and the process will not be very long, we will be back soon." Chen Yuxin continued.

"Then ... watch your body and don't drink."

In the evening.

Zhuxi Hotel.

As one of the top luxury hotels in Yanjing, this place is often used to host cocktail receptions, and today it is even more solemn. The Yanjing Chamber of Commerce held an annual feast. There are also big and small entrepreneurs here in Yanjing. The hotel is not only luxuriously decorated, but also the venue is large. This venue is large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

In addition to the staggered scenes, there are many people talking about the hot news today. Ye Shikai doesn't like this atmosphere. He stands at the corner and drinks red wine. He was indeed a big "hot spot" in Yanjing. After all, Yanjing's four beauties are the second best. This alone is enough to make all men jealous.

"Are you here too?" At this time, a faint voice sounded on his side, turning his head to look, a beautiful face came into view, the person in front of him was so familiar that Ye Shikai knew it Enlightened, lost my mind ...

"It's you, Qingyu." Ye Shikai murmured. She has lost a lot of weight after seeing her for a long time, and her face looks like ... she's not as mental as before. The meeting will only have light makeup, but this time it is different, she seems to intentionally cover the fatigue on her face.

"long time no see."

Ye Shikai almost forgot that Su Qingyu didn't like to be the focus of the crowd, especially because of her beauty, which often attracted the attention of many people, so if she went to the reception, she would basically only turn around.

This is a reception hosted by the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce. As a young entrepreneur of Yanjing, Su Qingyu was invited to join the list. The development of Tianya Group is fast, but what everyone is puzzled about is that although its development is fast, However, it is very stable, and even took a lot of "big orders". The financial strength of Tianya Group may not be enough to support turnover, but only a few people know that since Ye Shikai went out of the house, Su Qingyu has been worth, It is one of the richest women in the world, but others don't know yet.

"Are you okay lately?" After the two were silent for a long time, Ye Shikai finally couldn't help but say something, it was so easy to see each other, what should I say.

"Very good, there are no major events in the company. The last thing has passed." The "things" in Su Qingyu's mouth should be the "organs" in the elevator of the group last time, and almost destroyed the entire building. Now, when I think about it, I still have some fear. The cause of the matter is still under investigation by the police.

"That's good."

The two have n’t seen each other for a long time, and they seem to have lost a lot of common language. Does Ye Shikai still love Su Qingyu? Asking himself, he is still in love. The two were not separated for emotional reasons. The love in their hearts was not a few months. Can disappear, of course, in front of Chen Yuxin, Ye Shikai is impossible to say, only when the night is quiet, he can miss secretly.

"She's pregnant, don't you go and see her." Su Qingyu suddenly said, I don't know if Ye Shikai heard it wrong. Why is there a cry in her words?

"Xiao Xin is okay. Actually, I want to persuade her not to come, but ... I can't say she." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly.

"In the future, you can live with peace of mind." Su Qingyu said lightly, this is her heart, this is also her limit, they all say that the highest state of loving a person is when the other half finds happiness, Bless him, but how many people can do it, Su Qingyu can do so well.

It is impossible for Su Qingyu to say, "I will drink your child's full moon wine at that time." She did not have the courage. Ye Shikai could already see her red eyes. This was not illuminated by the lights. The two met. Afraid to remind her of her previous experience ...

If it had been before, Ye Shikai would have held her in her arms to comfort her, but now ... this is impossible.

Ye Shikai could only stand opposite her, watching her silently sad. Maybe when she was alone, Su Qingyu would not cry, but when she met, she couldn't control her emotions.

Ye Shikai turned around, he was worried that if the two looked at each other again, Su Qingyu would burst into tears ...

"Miss Su, I'm so lucky." At this time, Chen Yuxin came to the two of them and stretched out her palms.

"Hello, Miss Chen." Su Qingyu gently wiped his eyes, his movements were very small, it seemed that he didn't want to be noticed, and his voice was also very soft. He seemed to be afraid that people could hear the crying sacrifice. She shook hands, and Su Qingyu didn't look at her. Now her eyes are very red. She doesn't want to be found abnormal.

The corner of Chen Yuxin's mouth raised slightly ~ ~ Keke, Xiaoxin, don't drink, if you are tired, let Ruoya send you back. Ye Shikai naturally did not want what happened to the two women here. Su Qingyu and Chen Yuxin are like water and fire. Even if the surface is calm now, if you go deeper, there will be problems. Su Qingyu is not the kind of love fighting with others People, but Chen Yuxin ... her emotions can easily get out of control.

"Well, I'm a bit tired, too," Chen Yuxin said, leaning her body lightly on Ye Shikai's body. The two looked very close, and this scene was in Su Qingyu's eyes ...

"Xiao Kai, let's go home." Chen Yuxin grabbed Ye Shikai's arm.

"Miss Su, let's go first." Chen Yuxin said with a smile.

"That ..." Ye Shikai gently lifted her arm away. "Xiao Xin, go back first, I still have some things, I will go back later."

"Xiao Kai, let's go back. There are many people here. And don't you dislike this reception?"


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