Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1246: Overhearing in the bathroom

"Wolf brother, I don't know what Zheng Gongzi is looking for." Ghost tried to inquire about the news. Zheng Ye was also a busy man. He was sensible every day. Ghost was just a little person to him. This time Zheng Ye asked the wolf. To ask him to come forward, this is by no means simply nagging. To be honest, the ghost does not want to have anything to do with Zheng Hao, but well, I do n’t already know him now, Zheng Hao still has a lot of power in the East China Sea Yes, it is still the Zheng family owner in the future. He has a good relationship with him in advance.

"This ... Zheng Gongzi didn't say it clearly, and it's not easy to ask as the following, but Mr. Gu can rest assured that Zheng Gongzi and Mr. Ye of Yanjing are good friends, so speculate that this banquet, It should be good. "

"Is this really true?" The ghost is skeptical. This wolf seems to be quite loyal to Zheng Ye. Zheng Ye wants to expand his influence. He naturally draws more supporters from the inside, and the outside world, of course. For people like Wolf, all those "dirty" things can be left to him.

"Of course, although I'm not Zheng Gongzi's confidant, I still know a little about him. If I don't have the skill, I won't do anything for him." The wolf brother feels like a ghost. He has to be just like human beings and understand everything. To put it simply, he has high emotional quotient and can handle any relationship, so his eyesight will not be poor.

"Well then, I'll wait for you at the hospital tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll talk to Zheng Gongzi first." Brother Lang hung up the phone after speaking.

"Ahem, are you going out for dinner tomorrow." At this time, a sudden sound came from behind Ghost, and he was so shocked that his mobile phone almost fell to the ground. Turning his head, Gu Xinzheng looked scornfully. Looking at him, his eyes were full of jokes, and the bathroom door wasn't known when it was opened. It seems that the ghost of the conversation just now is too "serious", and Gu Xin should also hear the content of the call " "Completely complete", although she could not know all the details, but at least she knew someone was going to entertain him, and she was called "Zheng Gongzi" by others.

"This Zheng Zheng, I know him." Gu Xin's words turned sharply, and suddenly he said so, it really made the ghosts stunned. Gu Xin was just a little nurse. Zheng Zheng was a big man. How did they know him?

"You ... don't get me wrong, I don't know him, oh no, I know him, he doesn't know me." Gu Xin quickly explained, "I had a meeting in the hospital before, the leader said, this Zheng稷 is a big sponsor of our hospital, which gives the hospital a lot of money every year for the purchase of new medical equipment and daily maintenance or something. "

"I heard that he is an entrepreneur in the East China Sea. He is very young but already worth tens of billions."

Gu Xin said all the information he had learned, which was roughly correct. Zheng Zheng was indeed young and promising. Although he did not rule out family factors, he was wrong if he was worth ten billion yuan. I am afraid ... Hundreds of billions, and in addition to the money, there are many practitioners in the Zheng family in his hands. These can not be "smashed" by throwing money.

"Ali, how did you know him?" Gu Xin asked in turn before the ghost responded.

"Um, it ’s also a coincidence. I helped him. He knew me once or two." Wraith didn't want to expose the things in the Hades, so he just found a reason. Gu Xin couldn't go anyway. confirm.

"Really?" Gu Xin seemed unbelievable. "But I just heard the name of the wolf brother. He is not a good guy."

"Ah, what about men, of course you don't understand it." Ghost perfunctoryly said, "Be assured, this wolf brother is also under Zheng Zheng's men. Since we are friends, then wolf brother naturally respects me for three points."

"Oh, okay, but ... why did you hide me from this matter, and you knew Zheng Zheng, and didn't tell me, did you plan to hide me again?" Gu Xin's questions came down, and the ghost couldn't answer. Already.

"Of course ... No, it won't be long before I will tell you sooner or later." The ghost posed a smile. "Now that you already know, then tomorrow's party ... I'll go."

"Wait." Gu Xin called him suddenly. "As your girlfriend, can I go."

"Ah." Ghost cried curiously. Unexpectedly, Gu Xin also wanted to go to the banquet, but was it really good? After all, Zheng Ye only invited him by himself. Although he had a great career, it was impossible for him to distress one more mouth, but ... It seems a little impolite.

"Why, isn't it? Anyway, you also know Zheng Zheng, it's impossible ... you have a secret to talk to." Gu Xin was dissatisfied with the ghost's reaction, nonsense, if it is not a secret, let the wolf brother directly convey it. Now, since an interview is needed, it must be a big deal.


The next night.

Ghosts are naturally beyond Gu Xin. Men in the world are all girlfriends. Gu Xin is not a kind of material-oriented person, and he is not a person who loves small and cheap. Although the restaurant Zheng Zheng invited him to, every one The price of the dishes is worth the monthly salary of ordinary white-collar workers in the East China Sea, but Gu Xin is not obliged to eat, and this environment is not suitable for "discreet" dining. Gu Xin prefers to hold chicken feet at home She was eating barbecue while watching the game. She came here for one reason only, that is, to monitor the ghost ~ ~.

What she is concerned about is the content of the chat between these two men. Gu Xin does not seek the riches and riches of life. She only wants to be down-to-earth and live a stable life. She does not want the ghost to be tested again. How could he be willing to make a good deal with him? With Gu Xin's thought, Zheng Ye must use the ghost's skill to help him do some "dirty" things, and he will certainly make good profits. Gu Xin absolutely Ghosts are not allowed to do this.

"Welcome to Mr. Gu." As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I saw two rows of tall welcoming young ladies standing on both sides of the doorway, bowing deeply to the ghosts. He had recovered his memory, but he was naturally surprised. Frightened.

"Ha ha, Mr. Gu is very honored to be willing to appreciate the light." It was Zheng Zheng's eldest son who came out of the gate.

"This is ... Miss Gu Xin, fortunately."

"Zhengzi, we meet again." Ghost responded.

"It's windy outside. Come on."


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