Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1223: Great-grandfather

Through internal force, the practitioner can speed up metabolism and keep the body in an active and healthy state. Therefore, in general, the actual age of the practitioner is much higher than the appearance age. A centenarian looks like sixty or seventy It ’s no surprise that the old man is almost the same. The Zheng family is also a century-old family in the East China Sea. Although there are many masters, but if it is a genius of peerlessness, I am afraid there are not many. Sometimes, a genius appears and falls. It is related to the prosperity and decline of the family.

Ye Shikai once told Zheng Ye that this old man is a peerless master, and even has a somewhat "immortal" temperament. Now, Zheng Li has given this old man a high rating, and even some worship in his tone. So, this old man should be considered It is "peerless genius".

"This old man, named Zheng Yuan, is your great-grandfather's second brother, that is, your great-grandfather." Zheng Li said faintly, and took a picture from the back wall of his home, but it was not a picture, but a ... a "relationship diagram".

This is a family tree.

Zheng Li pointed out Zheng Yuan's position on the top. Sure enough, Zheng Li and Zheng Ruo were the next two floors.

"So, he is also a member of the Zheng family." Zheng Zheng is very excited. If there is such a master in the family, oh no, if such a master in the entire family, it will definitely shock the entire East China Sea.

"Of course, at the time when your great-grandfather was in charge of the family, the Zheng family was not the only one in the East China Sea." Zheng Li nodded and said, "At that time, it can be said that it was the heroes."

"I remember that the family has been at its peak since the great-grandfather's generation. It's hard to meet rivals in the East China Sea. Is it related to Uncle Zeng's grandfather?" Zheng Zheng was sitting in a chair like a child listening to stories. , Listening to Zheng Li talking about the family's past.

"Haha, of course, but at that time, I was also very young, but during that time, what I remember most clearly was the family hall, where every day was a gate, and all came to meet."

"Hisse." Zheng Zheng took a breath of sigh of surprise, but unexpectedly, the Zheng family was so prestigious at that time. Although the Zheng family is also the only one in the East China Sea, it has never appeared such "every country comes to the DPRK." It's like.

It can be imagined that this great-grandfather named Zheng Yuan was "brilliant" at that time, and he could eliminate so many opponents of the Zheng family. This is not something that ordinary people can do. No wonder he can become a "peerless genius" ".

"It's just that your great-grandfather seems to be in conflict with your great-grandfather." Zheng Li turned his head around. Since ancient times, the brothers have been united and their profits have been broken. However, if the brothers turn their eyes on each other, then the family is bound to Decadent, to put it bluntly, is "inner fighting". In vain consumes the family's heritage. In this way, can the family not decline.

"Father, why is there a contradiction? Is it because of the power of the family?" Zheng Zheng asked.

"This ... I don't know. I was very young and ignorant at that time, but since I was ten, I haven't seen your great-grandfather so much. In a few years, his family will be gone. Message. "

"But when I was a teenager, I once saw his ability. The bronze lion in front of the door, he didn't even need to touch it with his hands, he could only turn it into powder with internal force, and this was nothing more than He tried a small knife. "Zheng Li said, and there was still a hint of fear in his eyes, as if Zheng Yuan was standing in front of them.

"That's it, no wonder your father said he had such strength 30 years ago." Zheng Zheng nodded.

"Why did that great-grandfather leave? Since he is a pivotal figure in the family, if he leaves, it should cause a sensation."

"This ..." Zheng Li paced back and forth hesitantly, Zheng Zheng was a little puzzled, did he talk about the family's taboos.

"It's too long, and I can't even answer some questions. Although there have been many discussions in the family about your great-grandfather, it's just speculation. As for why he left, I don't know. Zheng Li shook his head gently. This time Zheng Ye felt that he was hiding something. Although Zheng Yuan was only a teenager when Zheng Yuan left, it should be remembered that such a big thing happened in the family. Zheng As an uncle's child, it is impossible to know nothing, not to mention, Zheng Li is the owner in the future, and has the power to investigate all the files of the family.

However, since Zheng Li is unwilling to say it, Zheng Ye will not follow up. Some things need to be investigated by himself.

Zheng Zheng suddenly felt a little annoyed. He didn't see this "character of the moment" at the sacrifice ceremony, but there will be opportunities in the future. He will definitely investigate this "history" ~ ~ Tokai Airport.

"Ghost, you have to live a good life with Gu Xin in the future." Ye Shikai and Ghost embraced each other, there are many kinds of departure, some leave briefly, some are farewell, Ye Shikai believes that this time will never be farewell, maybe If it goes well, in a few months, they will come to Donghai again to participate in the wedding of the two.

"Boss, take care of yourself too."

"Brother, come back to see you when things are over, and you can have dinner at that time." Soul killing is not so "pretentious". What's more, a meal can't be solved, let alone the ghost recovers. With memory, this is the best result, they are just a short departure, which is regrettable.

"Boss, I have something to say to Lord Luna personally." At this time, the ghost suddenly turned to look at Ji Qian, making her a little overwhelmed.

"No problem." Ji Qian nodded, and went to the side with the ghost to talk about something.

Jingle Bell.

At this time, Ye Shikai's cell phone also rang. Taken a look, it was Chen Yuxin's call. Counting it out, Ye Shikai has been in the East China Sea for some time, but she never talked to Chen Yuxin by phone.

"Hey, Xiaoxin, is there anything wrong?"

"Xiao Kai, when are you coming back?" Chen Yuxin's excited voice came from the phone. It seems that this time, she was really anxious.

"Xiao Xin, I'll be back in the afternoon, don't be so excited." Ye Shikai comforted softly. Now that Chen Yuxin is a pregnant woman and she has to manage such a large family, she must have a lot of stress. Ye Shikai doesn't want to stimulate again she was.

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