Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1203: Autumn wind sweeps leaves

Chapter 123: Autumn Wind Sweeping Leaves (Page 1/1)

"It was said a long time ago that you are very murderous. What about you? You can't argue now." The old man turned slowly and said lightly.

"Predecessor, it was absolutely necessary just now." Ye Shikai was a bit ashamed, and the murderous horror of the ecstasy was amazing. No wonder the old man would laugh at "I felt it ten miles away." In fact, it is no wonder that Ye Shikai, if it is not to cover the crowd, he must. Nor would it be in such an extreme way.

At the same time, Li Mei and Xue Yan were also curious about this sudden old man, and they even carried a broom with them. At first glance, they thought they were witches in fairy tales, but they both felt that they were from the old man. The momentum is definitely not ordinary people, and the old man can suddenly appear without everyone paying attention, which shows that the internal force is profound.

"Who is the predecessor?" Although Li Mei didn't know the situation, she still didn't dare easily provoke the old man in front of her. There is an old saying in Huaxia that is "outside". After the old saying of "simple and gloomy" but "rich in philosophy", it seems like this old man, if placed on the road, he will be recognized as a sanitation worker.

But in fact, even Ye Shikai bluntly is not his opponent.

"An ordinary ranger." The old man said lightly, puzzled Limei, the ranger, but she never heard of any ranger in the Zheng's cemetery, and the ranger was actually an old man.

But since it is the Linglingman, it is destined to be an opponent. Li Mei signaled everyone to be ready. The old man in front of him is not easy to mess with.

"Girl, you are very young. I would advise you, old man, to get lost and get deeper and deeper." The old man murmured looking at Li Mei's eyes, but the other party was indifferent. People, persuading them to do good, seem to have become a very naive word, like letting soul destroy betray Ye Shikai, even if someone holds a gun against his head, this is impossible, let alone just a few fluttering Sentence.

"Old senior, it's none of your business, please don't stop us." Li Mei said coldly, waving her hands, and the masked mutants behind him slowly came forward.

"Unexpectedly, these beasts were created by you, eh."

"Up." Xue Yan scolded, in all directions, dozens of mutants rushed towards the crowd, and everyone was ready. I saw the old man not panic, holding his hands on the broom and gently stomping his feet, the whole person Slowly floating in the air.

"Autumn wind ... sweeping leaves." Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes and took a broom and slammed in the air. The sky suddenly lost its color. Ye Shikai felt only a strong wind that hurt his face. Turning his head and looking, the people around him are also the same, blocking his eyes with his arms, Feisha walking on the rocks, as if entering a "storm zone".

However, just a few seconds later, the wind stopped suddenly. Ye Shikai felt that his eyes were bright. The sun was still the previous one, and it was very dazzling. It seemed so different from what it was just now.

However, when the crowd looked around again, they were shocked by the scene in front of them. All the masked mutants were standing still and motionless.

A few seconds later, the mutant's body, along with his clothes, slowly turned into powder ashes, a breeze blew through, scattered the powder, and disappeared in the air ...

Even if it wasn't for the first time, Ye Shikai's mouth was shocked into an "O" shape. This kind of strength is simply God. Whoever wants to die will become ashes.

Li Mei was even more ashamed. She never imagined that this person's strength was so strong. At the fingertips, dozens of people's "mutation legion" would be wiped out.

This kind of strength, this kind of effort, even if everyone is present, I am afraid it is not an opponent of the old man.

Li Mei is now in a difficult position to ride a tiger. Her life is in the hands of the old man. For her, she is now waiting for the old man's trial. She knows that even if she turned and ran away, I'm afraid it was too late.

"Okay, you go, I dispose of these beasts. As for you ... don't come back." As soon as the old man's voice fell, everyone was stunned. This is to let Li Mei and Xue Yan go. There are those in black behind them. I am afraid the most unhappy are Soul Killer and Magic Girl. If these two women are left, it must be a scourge. Now they are "the power of chickens". Great moment.

"Thank you for your mercy." Li Mei refused with no reason, respectfully acted, and took Xueyu and everyone away.

"Boss, we can't just let them go like this." Magic Ji was not convinced, don't forget, Li Mei and Xue Yan almost killed the killer of Gu Xin and the ghost, and even the matter of ghost amnesia, extremely It may be that they plan ~ ~ Forget it, since the seniors let them go, we are not good at hunting. Ye Shikai has never been greedy. If it weren't for the old man to make a siege today, so many brothers may be dangerous. Now the old people have chosen to let them go. How can Ye Shikai be willing to pursue it?

"Senior, thank you so much this time." Ye Shikai respectfully.

"Okay, the old man is tired today, it's time to go back, and you are all dispersed." The old man glanced at the crowd and said lightly, his toes were light, and he walked away from the woods on the wind. bone.

"Let's go to Zheng Gongzi quickly, and we don't know what's going on with him." Closer to home, Ye Shikai said immediately, but still couldn't help thinking about the old man, "the autumn wind sweeps the leaves", and he has the ability to destroy the creature Ye Shikai couldn't help feeling a moment of rejoicing and fear. If the old man was a bad person, they might be ... really dead.

When the crowd rushed to the Zhengjia Cemetery, they saw a group of black men running towards the mountain, and there were several bodies on the ground. It seemed that the attackers had been driven away by Zheng Zheng. Thank goodness, Ye Shikai did not go after him. They are now wearing the clothes of the Zheng family guards, and they just mix into the Zheng family.

"Grandson Zheng, are you okay?" Ye Shikai walked into the room and saw Zheng Ye sitting there, looking a little decadent.

"Relax, I'm fine." Zheng Zheng shook his head. "It's just that Elder Zhang died unfortunately in the battle."

"Mr. Ye, how are you?"

"Well, it almost happened. We met a group of Li Mei and Xue Yan. They were a little large. We almost lost." Ye Shikai hesitated for a while, but still didn't tell the story of the mutant.

"However, we met an old man who helped us to clear the siege."

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