Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1210: Go all-out

"Abominable, there was an attack." Mo Changfeng took Zheng Zheng behind him and looked in the direction of Leng Jian. Sure enough, black figures appeared around the cemetery. The site of the cemetery was low and the other party It ’s equal to playing high and low, and I do n’t know how many people there are. The most important thing is that Zheng Ye ’s close relatives, that is, his guards, are almost all in Ye Shikai. They ca n’t be tuned back at all. Notice.

"By the way, there is a flare." Zheng Min quickly took out the flare gun and fired a shot into the sky.



At this time, the Zheng family guards around the cemetery also all reacted, so many attackers came up around them.

"what's the situation."

"How could there be an alarm."

A group of Zheng's children rushed out, looking around in panic and curiosity.


Before they can react, several arrows have been shot from the air, and the speed is very fast. The practitioners are struggling to avoid them, and they are even said to be stingy.

"Ah, I hit the arrow, it hurts." One of the young disciples shot an arrow in the right arm, and the arrow even remained on the arm. It looked very scary. Others were scared by this scene. All the bodyguards evacuated into the house.

"Damn, come out to find death." Zheng Xuan couldn't help but scold when he saw this scene. If they were hiding in the room, nothing would happen. They had to come out to "watch the fun", and Zheng Xuan also It was found that the attackers were specifically targeted at those of the Zheng family, and the crossbow was strengthened enough to shoot through the thick iron skin. If it was still poisonous, the person who hit the arrow would definitely die.

"All guards, listen to my orders." Regardless of the obstruction of Mo Changfeng, Zheng Xie led people to run towards the attacker's position. In this case, he must immediately reverse the situation, except for the guards he brought with him, the Zheng family. Such a large-scale trip naturally also brought a lot of guards, Zheng Zheng shouted, let the guards obey their orders.

"Yes, Master." The guards heard this, and immediately returned to God. The Shaodong family came out to direct the order. They naturally did not dare to obey. The crowd took out their pistols and pulled the trigger against the attackers above. After all, it was from the bottom to the top. The firepower had no effect. Zheng Zheng gritted his teeth. If it was not unexpected, these must be Zheng Su's arrangements. If it was not for everyone to watch, he would let Mo Changfeng go to kill Zheng Su. .

At the same time, there was a lounge in the cemetery.

"Homeowner, as expected, someone did come." A white-haired elder said faintly when he heard the gunfire outside.

"This ceremony is a test for Yuner, but well, I believe my husband's ability. If I can't handle this crisis, I will not stay as a homeowner, even if there is no candidate. Give it to him. "Zheng Li sighed softly and said to the elders in front of him.

"Homeowner, but this is too much, here ... But in the cemetery of the ancestors of the Zheng family, there are really young people here who are working hard. If it is passed out, it is not good." One of the elders stood up and showed his face Erotic "Let me take some people to support the young master."

"Elder Zhang, what Elder Zhang said is reasonable. After all, this is a cemetery. You can't let the outside shoot out."

"Well then, Elder Zhang, I still have trouble for you." Zheng Li closed her eyes slightly and sat in the center.

"Yes, the owner, his subordinates will not shame the mission."


"Master Luna, there is a flare, there must be something wrong with Zheng Gongzi." In the woods, everyone also heard a loud sound in the air, which is the "characteristic" of flare.

"Abominable, I didn't think there was a back-hand." Ji Qian also began to calm down in front of him. If this is the case, then it is not dangerous to have only a few guards around Zheng Ye, then they are holding Li Mei here Isn't it meaningless.

"Mr. Ye, you should have heard it, too. Something has happened over there. It's meaningless for you to consume with me here." Li Mei sneered.

"It turned out that you really colluded internally and externally." Ye Shikai said coldly, and this was finally confirmed. To be able to access the cemetery of the Zheng family so easily, there must be internal staff behind it.

"That being the case, I can't let you pass anymore." Ye Shikai raised You Xijian. After all, there was Zheng Li in the cemetery, and there were many elder masters. The other party only caused some casualties at best. On the contrary, if Li Mei and Xueyu passed, that was the mistake.

"Pluto King Secret-Shadow clone." Ye Shikai operated internal forces, and more than a dozen clones appeared next to Li Mei and others like a phantom.

"Do it." Xue Yan picked up his dagger and stabbed straight at a clone.

"Up." Ye Shikai scolded angrily, the dark guards ambushing on both sides, Yuewei and Zheng family guards rushed up together ~ ~ Because it was a surprise attack, Li Mei's heart was inevitably embarrassed, especially ... After playing a 20-minute "psychological battle" with Ye Shikai, she has been paying attention to the surrounding movement.

"The Moon God's formula-the stars fall." Several silver lights shot like a meteor, which made people caught off guard. Ye Shikai's avatar was even more crazy. Although not as strong as the deity, there would be no loss even if he died. Therefore, the grenade was hung in the clothes of the avatars. At the last minute of the battle, the grenade was detonated directly, and the other party was killed together.

Soul destroyer rushed to the front, waved Changbai sword, and easily crossed several people's necks. Before that, he and Li Ji had a scheme of Li Mei, and almost died in the villa. This time, he wanted to revenge.

The two sides fought together. In just ten minutes, it was already a dead body. The firearms' help to the practitioners was not high. After all, the power and rate of fire of the bullets did not depend on the depth of the internal forces. On the contrary, cold weapons were more suitable for them. Between three feet, life and death hang in the line.

Zhengjia Cemetery.

"Elder Zhang, why are you here?"

"Master, it ’s the master who asked me to help, rest assured, these young people are given to the husband." Elder Zhang patted his chest, picked up the crutches, jumped into the air, and easily jumped to the top, fast. So that everyone did not respond, the next second, several attackers were flying down by a powerful shock wave.

Zheng Min took out his pistol and made up a shot against several attackers on the ground. The elders around Zheng Li were all the mainstays of the family. They were also old men who "hit the mountains" with Zheng Li. The strength is naturally not small. watch for.

"Master Master. Be careful." At this moment, Mo Changfeng rushed up, ejected the stones with his hands, and hit the arrows in the air.

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