Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1199: Hiding a knife in a smile

Inside the wooden house, Ye Shikai found a lot of living appliances, but they were all electronic products, not even the most basic telephone, but he found a lot of "old antiques", such as big iron pots, bamboo bowls Wooden chopsticks, as well as many wooden cooking utensils, are all things from the last century. Ye Shikai couldn't help thinking about who the owner of this wooden house was.

"Sir, there are no people or institutions here." The two dark guards double-checked it. A house appeared in a barren mountain and a remote mountain. According to the routine of the film and television drama, this must not be simple.

"Let ’s go, we have to hurry." Ye Shikai said lightly. When he came to the door, he still bowed gently towards the wooden house. Perhaps there were some senior people who lived here. Politeness and bowing can be considered an apology.

"Twenty people are left here." Ye Shikai found a good commanding height and took the others to other places.

"Boss, if nothing happened to the sacrifice of the Zheng family this time, wouldn't we be busy? Look here, we are at the commanding heights, there is no glimpse at all, there is no one at all, I think it is Zheng Gongzi's nerve sensitivity." Ji looked around, the mountains were empty, a gust of wind came in, and the empty valley rang.

"Zheng Gongzi is the most intelligent person I have ever met. His plan is dripping, and he has helped us before. This time, even if we pay him back." Ye Shikai looked back at everyone, and to be honest, he was better than anyone else. I hope this is just Zheng Su's suspiciousness, because if there is a fight, there will be casualties, whether it is the dark guard or the moon guard.

"Adult, there are footprints found on the hillside ahead. It is initially determined that there are 20 or 30 people." At this time, a dark guard came forward to report.

"There should be no one here. There must be a problem with such a large-scale personnel." Ye Shikai heard the expression, and his expression suddenly became tense. Sure enough, Zheng Ye did not expect that there was indeed an ambush here.

"Destroy the soul, if you take a few people to catch up, if you find someone, don't take it lightly, but if the conditions are right, try to catch the individual back." Ye Shikai issued an order, and the Hades would rarely stay alive. The Western underground world is very direct in doing things. In the phrase that is often circulated, the strong do not choose opponents, because they are invincible, but lurking in the outer suburbs, the situation is special, and they make a big shot and make the noise a lot. Not only can they not help Zheng Zheng, but they will Embarrass him.

As the eldest son of the Zheng family, he has begun to take over from Zheng Li to take charge of the sacrifice activities. Anyone who fights out will be able to affect it, but it will definitely affect Zheng Ye as the person in charge. This is not what Ye Shikai wants. The difficulty of this task is that it ca n’t be troubled. Out of motion.

"Boss, the footsteps disappeared into a muddy field, I think they should have entered the muddy field." It wasn't long before Soul Soul brought people back.

"Where is the mud, since they have entered the mud, there should be footprints with mud nearby." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"We looked for it, there were no footprints around it, and there were no traces of grass around it," said Shisha shaking his head.

"Perhaps they put plastic bags in the mud and they didn't stick to the soil, and there were no footprints in the surrounding grass, which means ... our clue was broken."


"Cousin, you seem to be very nervous. Are you unwell?" On the other side, everyone in the Zheng family also headed towards the mountain. Because many of the participants were children, they did not walk five kilometers. I have to rest for half an hour.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling well recently." Zheng Zheng laughed and beat haha. After all, Zheng Su is his cousin, and he is a "red man" in the family. It is not appropriate to be tit-for-tat. The family has many eyes and elders. The ministers are all in the process of selecting candidates, and the prototype of internal fighting has emerged, so Zheng Ye must draw those centrists and add chips for himself. Therefore, he is also good at seeing people talk and seeing ghosts talking about ghosts. In fact, He has no problems at all, but since Zheng Su said so, he might as well take it.

"My cousin is busy with the sacrificial activities of the family. It's really hard. So many uncles and uncles have to greet him, it is really tiring." Zheng Su said softly, looking harmless to humans and animals, but Zheng Ye is not a fool. Zheng Su is a dark-skinned man. The city is extremely deep. The most important thing is that she has great ambitions and is jealous of the owner.

"Okay, why don't you go back to Donghai to help me, cousin?"

"Ha ha, of course that's good, but there are still a lot of things to deal with in Chang'an, Tang family, Li family, Gongsun family, all parties to do something, I'm afraid I can't get back." Zheng Su said lightly.

"My cousin has been out all year round and has worked hard."

"Son, there's something wrong with the road ahead." At this time, Mo Changfeng came over ~ ~ and said a few words in Zheng Ye's ear, Zheng Ye's face changed suddenly. As a teacher and confidant of Zheng Ye, Mo Changfeng is the one he believes most in the Zheng family, and Mo Changfeng's cultivation is also very high. Take him this time just in case.

"Cousin, is something wrong?" Zheng Su said faintly, looking unhurried, as if ... he already knew what was going to happen.

"There is a problem in the way ahead." Zheng Zheng did not hide, in fact, he always suspected that the person who had secretly assembled family opposition to target him was Zheng Su, and she could not wait for Zheng Zheng to be ugly in front of the whole family.

Zheng Zheng rushed forward with a few guards. Sure enough, the road in front was full of rock piles, and the highest part was even higher than people. It seemed as if the hill on the left was landslide and blocked the road. .

With so many people in the family and many children, how can they follow this path? In this way, Zheng Ye will be dissatisfied.

"Elder Mo, you quickly lead someone to clear a way." Zheng Zheng ordered.

"Yes, Master."

"What's the matter, cousin, it seems really unfortunate. It was originally a mountain road and encountered a landslide. It should delay a lot of time." At this time, Zheng Su also came over and made it clear that he was laughing at Zheng Zheng.

"The sacrifice is of great importance. Of course, I am prepared and the tools are all ready." Zheng Zheng sneered. Although the road was damaged, it was at best a delay. According to this situation, the debris can be up to an hour at most. Clean it up.

"That being the case, let me take a rest first." Zheng Su nodded. Zheng Zheng was puzzled. It hadn't rained in the past few days, and the investigators hadn't found anything strange a few days ago.

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