Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1185: Fierce fight

I never expected that Soul Killer had such a strong trick. Since ancient times, the pride soldiers have been defeated, and since the last death of Baishan Poisoning, Soul Killer has been breathing a sigh of relief and vowed to be ashamed before, although I don't know if Li Mei is a group with the attackers on the White Mountain, but it doesn't matter.

There are no enemies under the sword, regardless of gender, age or gender.

"Come again." Soul Smasher stabbed a sword. Xueyu is a master in all aspects of training. He has deep internal strength, skilled combat skills, and moves very fast. Moreover, his unique cold power can condense frost like a water element. If you accidentally get killed, you will not be despised, but this operation is to rescue Gu Xin. As long as the protagonist is delayed to pry open the iron plate, they can withdraw.

Xueyu snorted coldly, standing still, his soul-stealing eyes flashed different colors.

Something is wrong.

Changbai sword pierced Xue Xue's chest. However, when Jian Feng just touched her clothes, Xue Xu disappeared slowly.

This sword has stabbed empty.

"Be careful of soul killing, illusion." The ghost saw the clue at a glance, which was exactly the same as the situation in the stadium at first. This was Li Mei's illusion. It was unexpected that her illusion could be applied to others.

"Fire." The magic girl yelled, took out the pistol from her waist, and repeatedly pulled the trigger at Li Mei on the second floor. The guard behind her also took out the pistol. For a time, the room was full of gunfire, Li Mei Dodging the bullets sideways, this magic trick is really powerful, it seems harmless to humans and animals. In fact, once the magic trick is used, even if the enemy comes behind, he is unaware of the ghost.

"One group, two groups, come in quickly to support us, we are trapped inside." Mo Ji shouted at the headset, but then there was no response from the headset.

"Damn, the signal is blocked."

"Leave two dark guards to pry open the iron plate, and the ghost you protect Gu Xin, and the others follow me." The magic girl shouted, and the dark guards took out their daggers, and the two sides fell into a fight.

"Gu Xin, don't be afraid, we can go out right away." Seeing a person lying in a pool of blood in front of him, even Gu Xin, a nurse, couldn't stand this kind of visual impact. On the contrary, the ghost felt okay. Although he lost his memory, he seemed familiar with this **** scene.

"Good two menacing women." Desperate souls faced the cold power of Xueying and Limei's illusion at the same time, and they seemed a bit weak. The two of them were more difficult to fight than the two Xueying at the same time. Among the main gods, there is also a character known for illusion, the beautiful **** Aphrodite.

Soul Extermination has seen Aphrodite's magic tricks, which are quite similar to Li Mei's illusions, causing the opponent to lose the position of the target and launch a fatal blow. The opponent does not even know how to die.

"Damn, these are all blind-eye methods." Destroyer constantly reminded himself in his heart that, no matter if illusion deceives vision, as long as he keeps his mind focused, he can crack it.

"What's the situation, how can there be two more snow owls." Desoul opened his eyes, but was shocked by the scene in front of him, two identical snow owls rushed towards him at the same time.

"Be careful behind me." Suddenly, Jiaohe came down, and Soul-killing lowered his head subconsciously, only to feel that the scalp was cold for a while, as if something had scratched past, and looked up, it was Xueyu. It turned out that it was just in front of me. The two snow owls are all illusions, and her deity is always behind the soul destroyer.

"Snowy sister, it seems that your time is not enough for home." Li Mei came slowly from behind, looking at Xuey with a playful look.

"If it weren't for that woman, Soul Killer had already died in my hand." Xue Yan's eyes were fierce, and he stared at Mo Ji.

"You're okay." Mo Ji came to Devil's side in a few steps. He was too strenuous to deal with both of them at the same time. Without support, he could not last long.

"Do not worry."

"Two people, do you still want to continue to fight, the dark guard has surrounded you outside, continue to fight, you will undoubtedly die." Magic Ji said coldly, after all, the dark guard is strictly trained, even if he is a weak enemy The crowd, also did not fall in the slightest, especially in melee, almost every dark guard is a knife master, fighting elite.

"Really, that may not be so." Li Mei patted her palm gently, and several walls of the villa slowly opened, rushing in for dozens of guards.

"I'm going, so many people." The ghost standing at the door couldn't help frowning, even if the dark guard could hit a dozen and three, it couldn't handle so many guards.

The most important thing is that the targets of these guards are Ghost and Gu Xin.

"Get me out." The ghost took out a dagger and threw it at the guard.

"Are you all right?" The ghost turned his head and shouted at the two dark guards behind him.

"Master, wait a moment, the iron plate will be pry open immediately." The ghost almost cursed swearing. This iron plate, oh no, it should be said that the hardness of the metal plate is too great.

"Let me come." The ghost was impatient, went to the door, pushed away the two dark guards, held the iron plate with both hands tightly, and the ghost was full of strength. Since it couldn't pry, then pull it apart.

"Ghost, this is okay." Gu Xin was also very scared, and a dozen guards were rushing towards them.

"You two, block them," the ghost shouted.

"Yes, sir."

Damn, why ca n’t I open it? The ghost saw that the iron plate had been welded to the door. If you want to tear it open ~ ~, you must ... tear the whole door along with the wall.

Even worse, you can take Gu Xin away, remembering these days without Gu Xin, the ghost is even more uncomfortable than dead. This time, no matter what happened, no matter what price he paid, he would take Gu Xin away.

"Ah ah."

The ghost gave a loud scream, and a huge power burst in an instant.


The iron plate fell to the ground, making a crisp metal impact.


"Ah." At the same time, a dark guard beside him leaned against the wall in pain, with a dagger in his chest.

"Xin'er come quickly." The ghost pulled Gu Xin over, and the guard behind him was close at hand.

"Go to death." The ghost took the iron rod from the ground and waved it with one hand, holding Gu Xin behind his back.

"My lord, you will retreat, I will cover you." The remaining dark guard stood in front of the ghost.

"Well, you take care." The ghost's eyes flashed a bit, this dark guard was completely planning to sacrifice life to hold these guards, he would surely die.

The ghost didn't want him to die, but if he stayed, he and Gu Xin would die.

"Xiner, let's go."

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