Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1175: Cheery person

"It is not difficult to find someone in the East China Sea, but it is not so easy to deal with the organization of a cultivator." Zheng Zheng shook his head in embarrassment. Where there is someone, there will be organization. Huaxia and In fact, it is the same in foreign countries. The reason why the practitioner ’s secret cannot be known to the public is because the internal force cannot be explained by science, and the impact of this secret on society.

Imagine if a group of practitioners used internal forces directly under the general public and showed faster speeds than cars, just like heroes with super powers in science fiction movies, this would surely cause uproar, and then everyone ’s focus would be Gathering on the practitioners, then the major families and organizations will be affected, and even more seriously, they will even distinguish the practitioners from ordinary people and treat them separately. In this way, all of them will be chaotic.

The organization of the practitioners, even if it is a killer organization, will abide by this rule, that is, learn to "low-key" in the crowd. If such an organization really exists in the East China Sea, it will definitely become a threat to Zheng Zheng, and he will not Just sit back and watch, but you ca n’t openly “kill the ring”, so he needs to adopt a more secure and low-key approach. This is why, even in the East China Sea, Zheng Zheng, who has been covered by one hand, still says that it is not easy to deal with a practitioner organization. The reasons for this need to come bit by bit.

In addition, there is another point. It is easy to eradicate a person, but if you want to uproot an organization, it cannot be solved by "brute force". You need to investigate the entire organization to get started.

However, it seems that Ye Shikai has not waited at this time. The ghost and Gu Xin's affairs will be delayed for a long time and become more troublesome. Similarly, he also does not have this ambition and will clear all the boss behind Xing and the master behind him.

All he knew was that he wanted to save people and that's it.

"If Zheng Gong can help each other, I will thank him in the future."

"Mr. Ye, please rest assured, since I have agreed, I will definitely do it for you, and here is the ground of the East China Sea. If I ca n’t even set up a cultivation organization, how can I stand here?” Zheng Zheng waved his hand and motioned Ye Shikai need not worry.

"Mr. Ye, in fact, I still have something to discuss with you this time." Zheng Yan's words turned around, and there seemed to be something inexplicable and inconvenient.

"Gong Zheng, but it doesn't matter."

"Actually, I have already spoken with Miss Ji, and I have already planned to ask Mr. Ye for his opinions." Seeing Zheng Yan so verbose, Ye Shikai began to doubt what the matter was, Why Zheng Zheng is so hesitant, but what is certain is that this matter is not simple, otherwise if Zheng Zheng can handle it by himself, why should he find Ye Shikai.

"The family has grown up in the East China Sea for a long time, but the management of the industry is powerless. To this day, a large part of the power within the family has been difficult to control."

"I see." Ye Shikai interrupted Zheng Ye's words, and half of that was enough.

"If Zheng Zi needs my support, I will give money for money, I will give money to others, and I will give the shot in person. I am unequivocal." Ye Shikai said firmly, Zheng Ye wanted to successfully take over Zheng Li's class, And to eradicate alien forces, you must have strong strength. In addition to the family's close friends, your own confidants, of course, you need outside assistance, Ji family is one of them. In addition, Zheng Ye invited Luo Shi Qi, also wants to cooperate, a little more strength, a chance of winning.

In addition to his talents, Zheng Rong is recognized as the leader of the younger generation of the family. Besides, his reason is that his vision is broader than those of the wealthy second generation who are waiting to die. Ye Shikai just heard that Zheng I spent two years traveling around the world. Although he was studying, he has been collecting information about the underground world. Therefore, he also knows a lot about the main shrine. No wonder he recognized Ji at a glance. Qian and Ye Shikai have another identity.

Not only is it known that Zheng Ye is even more daring in the arts. Among the Chinese families, the attitude of the underground forces abroad is generally repulsive, and Zheng Ye ’s idea is to cooperate with him, let alone, Qi Qian He has already formed an alliance with him, that is to say, it is not only the Ji family, but also the Temple of the Moon that aligns with the Zheng family. Perhaps, it will not be long before there is the Hades.

Zheng Zheng is indeed bold and even said to be "crazy". If his affairs outside the UN are taken out by others, his reputation will be hit hard.

It was a dangerous move.

Perhaps because of Ye Shikai's "cheeryness", Zheng Xuan didn't respond for a while, and was shocked, sitting in place, without speaking for a while.

"Mr. Ye is really willing to cooperate with me." Zheng Ye reached out his hand with some sincerity, as if it was the "cheery" thunder of Ye Shikai ...

"Of course, a gentleman can't chase a horse without a word." Ye Shikai also stretched out his hands, holding both hands tightly together ~ ~ That's great. Mr. Ye is really a refreshing man, haha. "

"Grandson Zheng, we all understand people. In fact, we know that there are no eternal enemies and no eternal allies. We can cooperate now because we have our own needs, aren't we?"

"But we can become allies, isn't it a kind of fate," Zheng Zheng said with a smile.

"That's good, but seriously, if I can, I hope that the cooperation of this ally can continue."


"What did you and Zheng Gongzi say so long." When Ye Shikai left the mansion, Luo Shiqi had been waiting in the car for more than two hours, and the phone could not be reached, naturally it was unhappy.

"Nothing, just talk casually." Ye Shikai took out a cigarette and smoked, said lightly.

"It won't be that simple. Gongzi Zheng and I talked for twenty minutes, and I saw that his attention was all on you." Luo Shiqi was dubious and looked at Ye Shikai suspiciously.

"Really, I didn't notice it."

"You don't need to lie to me. Since Zheng Zheng already knows that you are Pluto, he must also know your strength. If this is the case, in his eyes, your value is far higher than me." Luo Shiqi A reassuring smile appeared. "It seems that this is a worthwhile trip."

"Then I would like to thank you for bringing me."

"By the way, where are you going next? I'll take you there." Luo Shiqi snapped her fingers and the driver started the car.

"Why don't you come back to Yanjing."

"The agreement was signed in twenty minutes, which was far beyond my expectations. Anyway, how much time is there, why not play in the East China Sea?"

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