Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1147: Take money for people

Chapter 1147 of the Personal Wife's President and Wife Volume 1147 Take Money and Dispel Disasters for People "But, we are on our honeymoon, I don't want anyone to disturb us." Chen Yuxin suddenly grabbed Ye Shikai's hand and placed it On the chest, Ye Shikai was unprepared, and she felt her chest trembling with her hands.

"Xiao Kai, can you feel my love." Chen Yuxin said very affectionately, coupled with the glorious beauty of the country, the pitiful eyes were enough to make 99% of men tremble with heart. Ye Shikai can certainly feel Chen Yuxin's expectation and attention to this trip. She pushed out everything else for the honeymoon. She also wanted to show Ye Shikai an attitude. I have paid everything for our marriage. Then, you have to do the same. The love she expressed to Ye Shikai, Ye Shikai certainly felt, but because of this, Ye Shikai often felt "out of breath".

"Xiao Xin, of course I know you love me." Ye Shikai said softly. "However, work is real life. Since you are managing such a large company, you must control it carefully. Do n’t forget, your company. There are so many employees here, they all rely on you to eat. "

"Xiao Kai, we don't talk about that much, everything in the company is just a small matter, we are still on our honeymoon, don't worry about it." Chen Yuxin quickly shifted the topic, she was worried that she would go on, and the two wanted Arguing.

Jingle Bell.

At this time, Ye Shikai's phone rang and looked at the caller ID. Ye Shikai quickly connected.

"Hey, Nightmare, is there any news?" Ye Shikai asked eagerly.

"My lord, it's the seventh day. Two hours ago, I already brought people into the mountains. The magnetic field here is very weird, and the deep forests and even satellite phones are not good enough. About another hour later, we will It ’s time to break the connection with the outside world. ”At this time, Nightmare was sitting on the off-road vehicle. Ye Shikai even heard the sound of“ Rumble ”on the phone. It ’s been seven days. Why is there no news? Ye Shikai ’s anxiety is aside. Chen Yuxin looked in her eyes.

"Well, you should be careful. If you find them, you must pick them up as soon as possible." Ye Shikai went back to God, and now he was anxious and useless, he could only pray in his heart, hoping that God will bless them.

"Relax, sir, I will definitely receive Lord Luna." Mengyi said firmly, he never disappointed Ye Shikai, but unfortunately, the ghost was not there, otherwise ... they would not stop there, but if Ji Qian really found Baishan Xuelian and helped the ghost restore her memory. That is to save the Hades in crisis. Ye Shikai owed Ji Qian another time ...

"Xiao Kai, is it a matter of the Hades?" Chen Yuxin asked after Ye Shikai hung up the phone.

"Well, you also know that they are currently unknown in Baishan. I'm really worried." Ye Shikai's nervousness and anxiety were already overflowing on his face.

"Don't worry, I've asked Jayden to take someone to look for. Miss Ji is so strong that she will be fine." Chen Yuxin patted his back gently, comforting softly.

"Well, Xiaoxin, this time, thank you for helping me." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Since I am your wife, I will do my best to help you, Xiaoxie, as long as it is your request, I will agree."


Northeast China, Baishan.

"Everyone, quickly withdraw." Ji Qian shouted out loud. Although these mercenaries hired by the women in black were not so "faithful", they were extraordinary in strength. They even forced the practitioners back. Taking this opportunity, he quickly led people down the mountain, and Mohun was supported by two months of guards, and he went down the mountain swiftly.

"Selina, hurry up." Ji Qian shouted when she saw everyone was almost withdrawn, otherwise Serena's retreat would be blocked.

"Okay, sir." Selena heard and took a step back immediately, trying to distance herself from the woman in black by speed and take the opportunity to leave, but her speed was still one step slower, and several practitioners had blocked her. Behind.

"Serina is careful." Ji Qian saw this, and hurried over immediately, both palms knocked the blocking practitioner down to the ground.

"Master, thank you very much." Serena hurried to Ji Qian's side. The other side was well-trained. Even if Ji Qian went all out, it would be difficult to win, not to mention that they are now at a disadvantage and can only withdraw.

"The moon god's trick-the stars fall." Ji Qian waved the jewel staff, the silver light fell from the sky, exploded between the two sides, and thundered a few times, everyone only felt the mountain shaking, the ridge was originally a vulnerable place, Ji Qian again It was a heavy blow that almost broke the ridge.

"Water element." Ji Qian took advantage of the internal forces to form an ice wall, blocking the two sides, and Ji Qian and Selina took the opportunity to leave the ridge.

After half an hour.

"Sir, we are here." When the two women came down the mountain, they heard someone calling them in the bushes, and it was Zhang Lin who looked at them again.

"It's great, sir, you're fine." Zhang Lin saw Ji Qian safe and sound, so she calmed down, Changshu breathed a sigh, Ji Qian looked around, there were more than twenty mercenaries, her eyes were open Looking at Ji Qian.

"Master Luna, we were deceived and harmed you before, and we hope that the adults will not remember the villains and give us a chance," said one of the mercenaries.

"Sir, we are willing to be loyal to you." Other mercenaries should also reconcile.

"Let's get up, you are willing to help me in times of crisis, how can I harm you." Ji Qian hurried everyone up. Although these mercenaries are fighting for money, they have instincts against the Lord God. Belief ~ ~ If they are cultivated well, they can be used for their own use, not to mention, they have really helped Ji Qian a lot. If not for them, it will be difficult for everyone to go down the mountain.

"Thank you, Lord."

"You are willing to help me, that is one of my temples of the moon." Ji Qian said to everyone.

"Thank you for your generosity."

"Those who hunted us down, and the woman in black, do you know her identity?" Serena hurriedly asked, if these mercenaries were entrusted by the woman in black, then they You should also know the identity of the woman. If you can get information from these mercenaries, at least, you can know the identity of the other party. When she returns to Ji's house, Ji Qian will use her family's power to thoroughly investigate this. thing.

"This ... I can say, but I'm afraid that the adult will not believe it." A mercenary was a little embarrassed, lowered his head, and seemed afraid to see Ji Qian.

"You have something to say."

"We just use money to do things. As for the identity of the other party, we really don't know."

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