Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1123: Cold lake

"Hanhu, this is ..." The man looked puzzled, apparently he had not heard of it, "Boss, forgive me, what is this place."

"You haven't heard that it is normal. This place is very hidden. Cold Lake is a mysterious place in Baishan. There, it has the energy of all things frozen in the world. As long as you bring them together, they will die. The woman said coldly, there was a chill in her speech. There are many mysterious things in the depths of Baishan. In fact, Baishan is also one of the relics, but compared to other relics, such as the holy mountain or the relics of Baiqi. Baishan appears very "barren". There are no important people buried here, and naturally there are no treasures or secret recipes. Besides, Baishan has very few people and is cold all year round, so no one wants to come. If not, Finding Baishan Snow Lotus to help the ghost restore memory, Hades will never come.

"That's the case, I understand. If this cold lake is so powerful, then they must die. Please be assured that Boss will definitely fulfill my mission." The man said again and again, and then slowly exited the cave.

Baishan, the third day into the mountain.

"Master, this is already the seventeenth mountain, and still no snowdrops have been found." Desperate souls came down from the mountain with a team of dark guards, with a low expression, threw the mountaineering axe in his hands, sat cross-legged and panted. Cruelly, after listening to her, her heart tightened and she bit her lip gently, and she began to blame herself again. For a full day, they didn't find anything.

"No, it's too difficult to find snowdrops during the day." Ji Qian shook her head, Baishan snowdrops were transparent and white, and mixed with snow in the daytime, it was difficult to find. Only at night did the snowdrops emit blue light to see them.

"Sir, in this case, we might as well reverse the time, rest during the day, and look for it at night." Soul killer suggested.

"It makes sense to destroy the soul. The efficiency during the day is too low. Rather than searching hard, it is better to have enough rest during the day, keep up your energy, and do more with less at night." Zhang Lin nodded.

"Well, all right, we rest until five o'clock in the evening, and all set off to look for Xuelian." Ji Qian ordered thoughtfully.

"Master Luna, I'll take someone to look for it first." Moji asked me again.

"Forget it, Magic Girl, if you are tired of running away, not only will it not work, if there is another sneak attack, the other party will be at ease, we will suffer." Mohun went forward and persuaded.

"All camped and rested, sending some people on alert."

"Yes, sir."

"My lord, there are many hills here, but from one hill to another, although it is not far away, it takes a lot of time because the mountains are steep and steep. It is better that we spread the staff, and every ten people are in groups, and we look for them separately. Signals are fired when found, so that the search speed can be doubled. "Zhang Lin suggested.

"This is also a good method, but ... many people are now staring at each other in the dark. If we disperse our staff, we will be in trouble if we encounter danger." Ji Qian hesitated, and shook her head, she did not want to have More casualties.

"This is true, and judging from the strength of the first two groups of people, the people who stopped us this time are also diverse. Perhaps, there are stronger masters we have not yet encountered."


The East China Sea, the Zheng family.

"Master, the elders have begun to put pressure on the homeowner again. If this goes on, I'm afraid the homeowner's side ... it's hard to do." A middle-aged man stood in front of Zheng Zheng, respectfully reporting, The man is an elder of the Zheng family, and Zheng Ye's internal strength and martial arts are taught by him. However, this man is Zheng Ye's "master". Similarly, he is also Zheng Ye's confidant.

"Damn it, these bastards." Zheng Zheng heard it, and patted it on the wooden table with a firm palm. The hard red wooden table turned into a pile of sawdust and scattered to the ground.

"Master Mo, it's hard for you." Zheng Zheng turned to look at the man, making a deep noise.

"Master, don't be too polite, my husband is willing to go to the fire for the master, so as long as it is the task that the master orders, I will definitely fulfill my mission." Elder Mo said firmly, his face turned "but master, many powers in the family now It is not easy to fall in the hands of those with two hearts, and it is more difficult for them to say that this is a family struggle. "

"Master Mo is right. Those people look at me Zheng Jiahu. If it is only an internal plan, but if they do not hesitate to collude with outsiders, then the Zheng family will be divided up by these maggots." Zheng Zheng was extremely distressed, family members Ding is thin, and power will naturally fall into the hands of outsiders. Since ancient times, even powerful organizations, even empires, have been destroyed by internal and external enemies.

"As long as I have a breath at ~ ~, I will protect the Zheng family." Elder Mo knelt on one knee and showed loyalty to Zheng Ye.

"Master Mo, right now, if we want to settle them, we must first investigate who killed my sister, or they will definitely make a fuss about it." Zheng Zheng analyzed.

"So ... Master, do you have an idea?"

"Ms. Ji has a message. She has to rush to Baishan in the northeast. I heard that she still wants to help the ghost of the Hades to restore her memory. She can come back up to one week. Those elders spare no effort to marry Ms. Ji. I am afraid that The Ji family has a relationship, and I want to use this as a breakthrough. "Zheng Zheng said with a word.

"Yes, if the Ji family is successfully marred, then the murderer behind the scenes will most likely be the Ji family's enemies. They want to use the Zheng family's knife to weaken the Ji family's strength by marrying the evil, and the clams compete for the benefit of the fishermen. . "Elder Mo thought deeply.

"So, I want to make a trip to Jijing's house in Yanjing to find out everything. If I guess well, Miss Ji will definitely return to Yanjing after leaving from the Northeast. At that time, I will be able to Talk to her. "

"In this case, I will immediately arrange manpower to protect the young master, and I will pack my luggage ..."

"No, this time I'm going to Yanjing, I just need to take the guard with me. Master Mo, I need you here to help me take care of the family." Zheng Ye waved his hands, and those in the family looked at each other with jealousy. .

"That being the case, I would like to heed the orders of the young master." Elder Mo said stubbornly.

"The situation is too complicated. Frankly speaking, I'm not sure if I can investigate the real killer, but I can at least prove that Miss Ji is not the killer. In this way, the two will not lose each other.

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