Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1120: Wait for dark

"That being the case, we are going to find the cliff now." Ji Qian took out the map and drew dense contour lines on the map, and the places where the contour lines coincided were the cliffs with the highest level drop.

"Master Luna, there are dozens of cliffs on this map, and these are just the cliffs on the map. Baishan is so big and there are countless cliffs. What should we do?" Exclaimed Soul exclaimed, indeed The reason why nature is scary is that it always gives people a sense of despair, like when a dry-mouthed, dying person looks at the endless surrounding desert, he will give up the chance of survival and lie in despair, Withstood by the sun, he will not move in the slightest until he finally dies. Does he not understand the principle of holding hands? Of course not, he was "killed" by despair.

After all, people are too small in front of nature.

Everyone stepped on a mountain peak and looked at the rolling mountains in front of them, but also took a breath of breath, so many cliffs, where to find it.

"Although there are many cliffs, Baishan Snow Lotus is by no means only one. We will definitely find it." Ji Qian closed the map again and ordered everyone to pack up their tents and set off.

"Sir, here is a small road that leads directly to the top of the mountain. Let me show you the way." Zhang Lin pointed to the branch road in front of her. There are two forks here. She is referring to the road on the right.

"Let's go, everyone, please be careful." Ji Qian made a few gestures to signal the crowd to spread out. If those people are iron hearted to prevent them from obtaining Baishan Snow Lotus, then the threat of attack still exists, although now they have Shake off the attackers, but don't relax.

"Destroy the soul, can the drone still be used." Ji Qian asked.

"I'm afraid not. The temperature here is too low, but I can try it." Soul killer was not sure, but he still took off the drone from the equipment, which was quite heavy.

The battery of a drone is difficult to use, enough for half a month, but at such a low temperature, I don't know if the engine inside is good or not.

Rumble, Rumble.

The power of the drone is very large, but when it is used normally, this kind of noise will not be emitted. The soul killer can't help but feel a little flustered. After taking out the manipulator and tugging for a while, the drone finally flies up. .

"It's great, you can still use it." Destroyer took out the monitor, and because of the cold weather, even a thin layer of ice formed on the screen of the monitor.

"With this, we don't have to worry about ambush." ​​Ji Qian also showed a reassuring expression, the drone slowly flew into the air, because of the temperature, Soul Killer was afraid to drive the plane too high, a few minutes later The engine's operation should also start to be smooth, so I can use it with confidence.

"That's it, with this pathfinder, at least we won't be ambushed." Soul Kill turned on the drone's thermal imager, so that even if heavy snow covered up the attacker's trail, the thermal imager could find them.

"The drone's control radius is five kilometers, which means that the safety of this five-kilometer circle can be guaranteed." Soul-cleaner packed up his equipment and explained to everyone.

"That's great, let's move on." Ji Qian nodded.

"it is good."


Five p.m.

"I said, do we really have to wait until night?" Ji Qian and Mo Ji Soul Killer and others were sitting around the bonfire, with boring expressions on their faces, but Ji Qian alone, nervously looking at the cliff, Zhang Lin said Now, Baishan Snow Lotus can emit a brilliant blue light at night, so the way to find Snow Lotus on the White Snow Mountain ... is to wait until it is dark.

According to the local weather, it will soon be completely dark.

In fact, Zhang Lin is not 100% sure about this characteristic of Baishan Snow Lotus.

Only by luck.

Therefore, Ji Qian looked at the cliff so embarrassedly, hoping to wait for the "blue light" she wanted.

"Yeah, it's better to stay here and wait for the rabbit than to look for it, at least, it's still beautiful at night here." Soul killer said lightly, Baishan has no air pollution. Once it is night, the night sky is full of stars. If it is good enough, if there is Baishan Snow Lotus on other cliffs, they can also see it.

"Can the drone's thermal imager detect Baishan Snow Lotus?" The alligator asked.

"No, Xuelian doesn't emit heat, so it can't be detected at all." Destroyer took out the food and shook his head.

"Master, in fact, you don't have to worry about it so much. Baishan Xuelian's help to restore people's memory is only a half-truth rumor. It may be really useful. Memory can be restored. "Zhang Lin handed a glass of wine to Ji Qian. Now she looks lost and the sky has gradually darkened, but there is" Yingying Blu-ray "nearby.

"Zhang Lin ~ ~ The current situation, you do n’t understand, I have a hunch, if there is no ghost, the Hades is in Yanjing, no, it is difficult to establish a foothold throughout China, let alone development." Looked at the starry sky, sighed. "The lips are cold and the teeth are cold. The Moon Temple alone is difficult to support in China."

"Unexpectedly, the ghost is so important." Zhang Lin heard this, and her mood was a little down. Ji Qian never said a lot, nor was she arrogant, especially in such a major event, her comments were very objective.

"Except for Hades, he is the only person who can preside over the events of the Hades." Ji Qian said firmly, and everyone's heart was "stunned" a bit, indeed, the ghost has always been their think tank, and also in Hades Prestige is quite high.

"I heard that Jayton has already taken over the affairs of the Hades, hasn't he handled it well?" Zhang Lin asked curiously.

"Huh, that guy, I haven't obeyed the orders of the grown-ups anymore." Magic Ji bluntly and scorned, in fact, Magic Ji is more resentful to Chen Yuxin. Since she and Ye Shikai are together, Hades have been in trouble, even Even Ji Qian was affected.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Lin didn't quite understand, and asked with curiosity.

"Not that Chen ..."

"Enough, Mo Ji, are you energetic? Would you like to send you to climb the cliff?" Ji Qian glanced coldly, Mo Ji shut her mouth reluctantly.

"Zhang Lin, you don't need to care about these things." Ji Qian perfunctoryly.

"Sir, I seem to see Snow Lotus." Suddenly, Soul-killer shouted beside him, and everyone's attention was suddenly attracted to him. Soul-killer put down his telescope and pointed to the cliff to the east.

"There's something blue there."

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