Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1103: Kiss

"Now you are not in good health, don't go." Chen Yuxin urged the driver to drive the car to the mansion. Ye Shikai was helpless and could not jump.

"Xiao Kai, why are you kidding?" After returning to Chen's house, Ye Shikai refused to get out of the car. Chen Yuxin grabbed his hand and wanted to let him down.

"You can tamper with my phone, don't I even have the right to go out." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Xiao Kai, I am also for your good, your health is not good, I am also worried about you." Chen Yuxin's complexion changed slightly. The last time Ye Shikai knew about the problem on the phone, Chen Yuxin was particularly nervous. Now Ye Shikai has revisited the topic , Her tone changed immediately.

"I'm okay, you can take someone to go in advanced." Ye Shikai refused directly, and before he knew it, his heart grew more anonymous and angry.

"Xiao Kai, or forget it." Before Shi Yuxin finished, Ye Shikai drove directly to the Chen family.


"Do you have any orders, homeowner?"

"You take someone to follow him. If you have any actions, report to me immediately."

"Yes, the owner."

Jingle Bell.

Ye Shikai drove the car alone, and before driving far, the phone rang. Picking up the phone and looking at it was Chen Yuxin's phone.

Ye Shikai didn't know where the anger was coming from, he just hung up the phone and even picked it up and turned it off.

Ye Shikai didn't turn on the navigation. He didn't even know where to go in his mind, but his hands were expertly on the steering wheel.

Hey, hey, hey.

There was a knock on the heavy wooden door. Su Qingyu walked quickly to open the door, but was stunned by a scene outside the door.

Ye Shikai gasped, his face looked as if it were on fire, as if he had just run a long distance race.

"Why are you, oh ..."

Before Shi Qingyu finished speaking, Ye Shikai's strong kiss was kissed on her lips, and she took the opportunity to push Su Qingyu against the wall. Ye Shikai passionately kissed her, Su Qingyu's eyes opened. Yuan Da, apparently did not respond, how did Ye Shikai suddenly do this.

Ye Shikai stretched out his hands and hugged Su Qingyu tightly.


With a crisp slap in the face, the whole room was quiet.

"Ye Shikai, are you crazy?" Su Qingyu roared loudly, hissing and exhausting, his faces turned red, Ye Shikai's eyes flushed, and he gasped heavily.

"Yes, I'm crazy." Ye Shikai said word by word. He didn't know why. Perhaps it was too much time. He just came here almost instinctively just now. He didn't want to deceive himself. The person in his heart has always been Su Qingyu.

"Do you know that you are married ..." Before Shi Qingyu finished speaking, Ye Shikai embraced again.

five minutes later.

Ye Shikai slowly let go of Su Qingyu. If the first time, he was impulsive, then this time they kissed, the two were indulgent and wishful thinking, even Su Qingyu did not choose to resist.

"Pour rain, sorry." Ye Shikai burst into tears, and her voice sounded choked. They said that the men and women who broke up can still be friends, but in reality it is extremely difficult. Forget about the rivers and lakes ...

Ye Shikai once wanted to forget Su Qingyu, but today he met again. It is only today that he realized that this woman would never be forgotten in his life.

He once promised to give Su Qingyu the best. However, the vows are easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to keep them, especially the promise of emotion. Time is the most ruthless thing. Many lies will be torn by it. This big city with a population of more than 20 million is performing a daily drama of love, separation and reunion, or external disturbances, or inner changes. The original intention is no longer. Ye Shikai ’s experience is special to ordinary people. Yes, he will come to this step, perhaps by accident, but more is inevitable.

"Go back, you already have her by our side, and we are over." Su Qingyu said lightly, and the two fell into reality from the illusion.

"I'm sorry, today ... it's my impulse." Ye Shikai sighed and turned to leave slowly, and the drizzle fell from the sky, just like he felt at this moment.


East China Sea.

"Grandson Zheng, we have been in the East China Sea for some time, but our companions still have no news. Do you know what you can do?" In the hotel, Ji Qian and Hades were sitting around the table, while Zheng Zheng was Sitting in the middle position, these days, he is almost a feast every day, but in the East China Sea, looking for someone is a needle in a haystack, and these days, there is a shadow of "despair" among all people ~ ~ Ghost is a practitioner with outstanding strength. If you are really alive and want to contact the Hades, there are countless ways to do it, even if you make a call in a public phone booth, but it has been so long. There was no response, and everyone didn't say it, but it was unspoken.

"Don't worry, it's not easy to find someone, but I will try my best."

"Grandson Zheng, if you are not sure of finding our companion, then we will not bother anymore." Ji Qian was about to leave, Zheng Zheng quickly stood up and stopped.

"Haha." Zheng Yan laughed suddenly.

"Mr. Zheng, what do you mean?" Ji Qian frowned and asked curiously.

"I solemnly introduce a friend to everyone." Zheng Ye stood up, said word by word, patted his palm, slowly walked into a man from the door, and looked carefully, wasn't this man the wolf brother.

"You guys, meet for the first time, fortunately." Wolf brother glanced at the crowd and said lightly.

"Brother, please, please."

"Please be assured, Mr. Zheng, I have arranged things properly, and I brought you a gift." Wolf brother took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Ji Qian.

"Miss Ji, please see if this person is the companion you are looking for." Zheng sipped his tea, and sat back to his place.

The crowds gathered their heads and looked at the photo curiously. Ghost and Gu Xin were holding hands and shopping in a shopping mall in Donghai.

"It's him." The sad faces of the crowd finally showed a look of hope.

"Zheng Gongzi, may I ask where he is now and where this picture was taken from." Ji Qian quickly asked.

"Haha, Miss Ji, Mr. Ghost is so powerful that Wolf wants to accept him as a deputy leader, but now it seems that the position of the deputy leader is empty."

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