People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 80 Devouring the Blue Silver Emperor

Shi Quan was still drinking tea leisurely, waiting for Tang San Xiaowu to disappear from sight. After another quarter of an hour, Shi Quan stood up and paid for the tea, and walked towards the Holy Spirit leisurely. Take the official road in the direction of Hun Village.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, his body shape changed again, and his movements became faster.

The Nine Shadows moved with their feet, and as they approached the Holy Soul Village, the spirit soul possessed them, and then quietly sneaked into the dilapidated blacksmith shop at the head of the village.

When we came to the back room of the blacksmith shop, it was already empty, except for a wooden bed.

There is a small window on one end of the wooden bed, which floats onto the wooden bed.

The scene in front of him was just as Shi Quan expected. If he were on the wooden bed, he would be able to see the mountains in the distance through the window.

Following the gaze, the direction almost coincided with the mountains marked by Shi Quan on the map.

This also made Shi Quan more certain of his guess.

Passing through the stone wall of the blacksmith shop, Shi Quan's figure quickly disappeared into the mountains. He had the ability to float and fly. The cliffs of the mountains in front of him had no effect on him at all.

Flying all the way, four hours later.

A faint roaring sound began to be heard in the ears. The air gradually became humid.

The waterfall is almost here!

After four hours of flight, the moon was already in the sky.

Under the moon.

It is the sound of roaring and rushing water.

Looking at the large waterfall in front of him at an almost 90-degree right angle, Shi Quan couldn't help but have a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Shi Quan floated to the bottom of the waterfall, and sure enough he saw a pool of crystal clear, quiet and deep water, like a huge sapphire.

Looking up at the waterfall that looks like a jade belt across the nearly 200-meter-high mountain wall, everything in front of me is almost the same as what was described in the original work. It is almost certain that this is where Tang Hao planted Ah Yin to hide the soul bones. The place.

"Tang Hao rolled back the waterfall more than half the distance with one hammer. This power is so amazing." The record about Tang Hao in the original book came to mind, and Shi Quan couldn't help but be speechless.

Then the figure leaned against the waterfall and slowly floated to a height of 100 meters and began to search.

The rushing waterfalls passed directly through Shi Quan's body. As a spiritual person, these waterfalls had no impact on him at all. After passing through the waterfalls and looking at these smooth stone walls, Shi Quan began to have a headache.

The original book only said that it was more than half the distance, and there was no other detailed record. He could only search slowly.

Fortunately, with the help of spiritual sense, with the help of spiritual sense exploration and Xiaomeng's assistance, one person and one soul quickly discovered the cave hidden in the mountain wall.

I have to say that Tang Hao really knows how to choose a place. The terrain around this mountain range is difficult, and there are no soul beasts inside. Most of them are wild beasts. There is also a primary soul hunting forest outside the mountain range, so there are very few people in this kind of place. .

Even if someone comes, who would have thought that there is a small cave behind the 200-meter waterfall?

No wonder Tang Hao dared to hide Ah Yin and the soul bone in such a hidden place.

Passing through the mountain wall, it was pitch black inside.

From the snow jade bracelet, he took out a piece of fire, the flames rose, and the surroundings suddenly lit up.

"Just in case, we can't delay." Shi Quan suppressed the excitement in his heart, took advantage of the firelight, and quickly drifted inside.

Not long after, Shi Quan arrived at the innermost stone room.

There is no furnishings in the stone room, it is empty, but there is a small earth bag, and on the earth bag, a slender blue silver grass is fluttering in the wind. The blue silver grass looks longer than ordinary grass blades, and the most peculiar thing is the golden fine lines on the grass blades.

This is none other than Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

Without any hesitation, after revealing his body, Shi Quan squatted down and dug up the soil with both hands, directly threw out the entire body of Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, then put it into a jade basin, and then received it into the treasure bag.

After doing this, Shi Quan's eyes fell on the stone hole above the stone chamber.

When he first arrived at the stone room, Xiaomeng had already discovered a groove hidden in the stone hole above, and a box hidden in the groove.

It doesn't take a guess to figure out what's in this box.

He summoned the Blue Silver King, rolled up the vines, and quickly took out the iron box from the hole.

Shi Quan didn't even open it to take a look, but he already knew it was what he wanted.

Because the voice of the system in my mind has sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor soul bone and the Blue Silver Emperor's seeds, triggering the plundering treasure chest, which has been opened for the host. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the soul bone transformer."

One word is cool!

Not only did he obtain the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor soul bone and the Blue Silver Emperor's seeds, but the system also triggered a plundering treasure chest. This time, the harvest can be said to be bountiful.

Shi Quan, who had put everything away and was about to leave, suddenly paused on the spot, touched his chin, and showed a wicked smile on his lips.

He raised his hand and landed on the stone wall, and the thick earth martial soul blended into the stone wall.

Writings began to appear on the stone wall.

"Tang Hao, my son, I will accept the hundred-thousand-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone as compensation for your blow back then. The Blue Silver Grass in the soil should be the Blue Silver Emperor's sacrifice to you back then, right? One hundred thousand I was very interested in the fact that the Nian Soul Beast survived after being sacrificed, so I took it back to study."

"As for who I am...the name is in the lower left corner, you can see for yourself."

After doing all this, Shi Quan's figure quickly became blurred and then disappeared into the stone chamber.

After leaving the waterfall, Shi Quan started to move forward at full speed, heading towards Shijia Village.

Holy Soul Village and Shijia Village were in two completely different directions. They were floating along the way without leaving any traces. Even if Tang Hao was extremely powerful, he could not find Shijia Village anyway.

Moreover, Shi Quanliu's words were very suggestive.

Both the words and the words are about the war of that year.

Only people from Wuhun Palace knew about A Yin's sacrifice. When Tang Hao saw these words, the first thing he thought of must be Wuhun Palace, and he could not think of him.

After flying for a day, Shi Quan arrived at the Lianyun Mountains near Shijiacun.

Shi Quan found a steep and high mountain. After a brief search, Shi Quan dived directly into a cave with a narrow entrance that was inaccessible to ordinary people.

system space.

Shi Quan was the first to check the rewards in the system treasure chest.

Soul Bone Modifier: A special tool in a certain Douluo mobile game that can transform soul bones and enhance their power.

Note: Soul bone transformation is not 100% successful and may cause the soul bone to be damaged.

"Everything in the game is available, but unfortunately, it's not as easy to get soul bones in reality as it is in the game." Shi Quan shook his head.

After extracting the soul bone transformer, the content of the system description is only a rough outline. The specific functions and uses must be extracted and then understood in detail.

After some simple exploration, Shi Quan also understood the specific functions of the soul bone transformer.

The soul bone transformer has only two functions.

First of all, the first function, fusion, can fuse two or more different soul bones into one soul bone.

The second function, strengthening, can use some special precious items to absorb the energy in them to strengthen the power of the soul bone, increase the life of the soul bone, and enhance the strength of the soul bone.

Like in the original work, Tang San's head soul bone, the wisdom skull, absorbed the power of the Vast Sea Universe Barrier, and then evolved into a soul bone that was over a hundred thousand years old. This enhanced function is almost similar.

After understanding the specific purpose of the soul bone transformer, Shi Quan looked a little weird.

His eyes fell on the sacred dragon's bloodline crystal. Can he use this sacred dragon's bloodline crystal to strengthen his soul bones?

Maybe it will work.

The only thing to note is that this transformation is not 100% successful. If it is ruined, he will suffer a big loss.

Compared with the automated alchemy furnace, the better thing about this soul bone transformer is that there are no restrictions on its use.

"As for the soul bones, let's take it easy for a while."

The one hundred thousand year blue silver emperor soul bone soul skill is flying and the other is healing.

Shi Quan already has the ability to fly. The ability to heal has no effect on the current Shi Quan. It is better to save it for fusion and strengthening later.

Shi Quan raised his hand and the Blue Silver Emperor's seeds appeared in Shi Quan's hand.

Blue light bloomed, and the Blue Silver King's martial spirit emerged.

When the Blue Silver King sensed the Blue Silver Emperor's aura, Shi Quan clearly felt that his heartbeat had skipped a beat. He could clearly feel the throbbing of the Blue Silver King's martial spirit. If he faced the previous Blue Silver Grass The Blue Silver Emperor's words may only mean surrender.

But now the Blue Silver King.

Black lines appeared in the crystal veins of the Blue Silver King. The Yin-attributed internal force in Shi Quan's body was drawn by the Blue Silver King and integrated into it independently.

Under the rich vitality, an extremely evil devouring power of darkness emerged.

After the martial soul mutated, Shi Quan almost never used the devouring attribute of Blue Silver Grass because this attribute was too evil.

According to Dou Er, the blue silver grass with devouring properties should be called dark blue silver grass, and it belongs to the evil spirit.

After the devouring attribute bloomed, the Blue Silver King didn't even need to be controlled by Shi Quan. The thick vines directly enveloped the Blue Silver King in Shi Quan's hand.

Black light bloomed, blue halo bloomed from the martial soul, and wisps of halo began to merge into the Blue Silver King.

The originally thick and long Blue Silver King shrank strangely, and a strong breath of life began to brew in the Blue Silver King, and then turned into a faint golden line.

It's a pity that even when the last blue halo was integrated into the Blue Silver King, the faint golden lines were not completely formed.

"I still think that the Blue Silver Emperor is too simple."

Shi Quan looked at the shrunken Blue Silver King in his hand, with a black halo flowing under the veins of the crystal clear leaves.

Although there is no change in appearance, compared with the previous ordinary Blue Silver King, the current Blue Silver King has the blood of the emperor, and both vitality and toughness have increased to a certain extent.

Judging from the current situation, simple devouring cannot directly transform the Blue Silver King into the Blue Silver Emperor. He may need the help of the 85,000-year-old Blue Silver King Soul Beast to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Although he has not evolved directly, at least the current Blue Silver King has the qualifications to become an emperor..."

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