People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 69 Martial Soul Fusion Skill

"It's about distraction control. I have been practicing distraction control according to the training method you mentioned, and training to refine the treatment directions, but for some reason, I have made no progress after so long.

"No progress at all?" Shi Quan asked with a frown.

"Absolutely." Ye Lingling nodded slightly.

"How could this happen?" Shi Quan stepped forward in confusion. With Ye Lingling's talent, it was impossible to train for nearly half a year and still get nothing.

"I don't know either." Ye Lingling's voice was very hollow, with no emotion or sorrow to be heard.

"With your talent, you shouldn't." Shi Quan murmured in confusion and said, "Lingling, let me see your martial spirit?"

The white Nine-Hearted Begonia appeared in Ye Lingling's hands with a faint fragrance.

Shi Quan looked around and found nothing unusual.

"Lingling, don't be nervous, I'll check what's going on inside your body."

The light blue light condensed, and the vines of the Blue Silver King gently rested on Ye Lingling's arm.

Using his internal energy, Shi Quan carefully felt Ye Lingling's breath. It was a warm and soft breath, like light and life. This breath made people feel an indescribable feeling of comfort.

As the internal force entered Ye Lingling's body, Shi Quan was surprised that the breath of life in this gentle breath became more intense. As the breath of life became stronger, Shi Quan suddenly felt a sudden change in Ye Lingling's body. There is an extra sense of intimacy, and this sense of intimacy is increasing with the richness of the breath of life.

This, this is...

Shi Quan's eyes gradually widened, and Ye Lingling's empty expression became a bit surprised, because she felt the same as Shi Quan.

The Blue Silver King seemed to have sensed something, and automatically extended up along Ye Lingling's arm, and a faint white halo appeared on Ye Lingling's body.

Ye Lingling was cooperating with Shi Quan and also kept observing Shi Quan. She could feel that when the rich breath of life on Shi Quan's body came into contact with the white breath on her own body, it would produce an indescribable sense of comfort, which made her The whole person relaxed.

Shi Quan gave her the feeling of softness, thickness, and a feeling that the sea is open to all rivers and all things are born from the earth.

No matter which feeling she felt, she couldn't help but be immersed in it.

"It can't be a martial soul fusion skill, right?" Shi Quan couldn't help but think in his mind as the breath of Blue Silver King and the breath of Jiuxin Haitang merged together.

"According to the soul master world, Ah Quan is indeed a martial soul fusion technique." Xiao Meng's voice sounded.

"How could Blue Silver King and Jiuxin Haitang produce martial soul fusion skills?" Shi Quan was puzzled.

Xiaomeng immediately explained: "Ah Quan, the main reason is actually because of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang magic skills you practice."

"According to the theory of martial soul fusion skills, in fact, two different powers have exactly the same two auras. These two auras can be divided into yin and yang. Yin and yang complement each other. When the two are combined, a powerful force will naturally burst out. , the same situation will also occur with the same yin and the same yang.”

"And because of your martial arts, your soul power has two attributes of yin and yang, forming a whole on its own. In other words, in your current situation, as long as there is a certain resonance in the attributes of the martial soul, you can create a The dominant martial soul fusion skill."

"Ye Lingling's Wuhun Jiuxin Haitang has a special healing attribute. This healing attribute is a mutated attribute that combines life and light. Among them, the life attribute is the dominant one. It is this life attribute that resonates with the Blue Silver King. In addition to the Blue Silver In addition to the king, the thick earth martial spirit in your body also resonates with Jiuxin Haitang."

"Earth attributes and healing attributes shouldn't be related, right?"

"Attribute resonance does not necessarily have to be the same attribute. Thick Earth Martial Spirit is heavy and mellow. There is a word called Houde Zaiwu, which can be used to describe your Thick Earth Martial Spirit. The growth of plants depends on the nutrients brought by the land. .

Your thick soil martial soul is nourished by the power of yin and yang. Although it is not as exaggerated as carrying all things, it is a great tonic for the plant martial soul. Just like the yin and yang eyes, it can nourish all plants, so to a certain extent Generally speaking, your thick soil martial soul can produce martial soul fusion skills with almost all plant martial souls. "

"Can this still happen?"

"Of course, all things in nature interact with each other and have countless laws. Some things may seem unrelated, but sometimes they can exert powerful power when they are together. This is the magic of nature."

Shi Quan understood in his heart, but he still had many doubts in his heart.

"Ameng, according to you, why didn't you feel this way before?"

"It should be related to your consumption of elixirs. The power of elixirs improves your talents and makes you more suitable for the exercises you are currently practicing, so this change occurs."

"So in the final analysis, my talent was not high enough before..." Shi Quan felt somewhat helpless in his heart.

Feeling this strange feeling that made them more and more comfortable, Shi Quan also stopped communicating with Xiaomeng and gradually became immersed in it. Their consciousnesses also began to intersect and sublimate.

"This is..." Qin Ming, who was not far away, was the first to notice the changes in Shi Quan and Ye Lingling. A look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he shouted loudly: "Everyone stops training. Everyone stay away."

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Qin Ming's stern voice, everyone had to stop practicing without knowing why. Only then did they notice the abnormality of Shi Quan and Ye Lingling.

"Teacher Qin, what happened to Ling Ling and Xiao Quan?" Yu Tianheng asked in surprise, looking at the halo of light surrounding the two of them.

"It should be a martial soul fusion skill. You should all stay away. The martial soul fusion skill is amazingly powerful. The two of them were in an unconscious state when it was triggered for the first time. It is still unclear what type of their martial soul fusion skill it is to avoid accidental injury. , be careful."

After all, as a teacher, Qin Ming naturally has much wider knowledge than the others.

"Martial spirit fusion skill?" Everyone looked at the two people in the distance in surprise.

On one side is Shi Quan, who is surrounded by blue and silver kings.

On one side is Ye Lingling, holding a white nine-hearted begonia with a white halo.

When the brilliance of two martial spirits intersect.

Everything within a radius of ten meters around the two people seemed to be frozen, and a special wave bloomed from them.

That kind of light is very strange, a kind of blue and white interlaced, and mixed with this strange brilliance of black light. The rich breath of life is still the main body, but under the life, there is also a terrifying breath of soul power.

Behind Ye Lingling, a huge phantom of the Nine-Hearted Begonia appeared. The phantom turned into spots of light and turned into pieces of snow-white petals that enveloped the two of them.

As the petals fell, the Blue Silver King around Shi Quan's body seemed to burn with a layer of blue-white flames.

When the last petal falls.

In an instant. The figures of Shi Quan and Ye Lingling were shaken violently, and the soul power in their bodies suddenly exploded like a blowout.

The flames on the burning Blue Silver King instantly shined brightly, and the Blue Silver King instantly dispersed in all directions. Wherever it went, everything was swallowed up by the light. Wherever the flames touched, all the flowers, plants and trees withered, along with the earth. All dried up.

"Stay back!" Qin Ming's face changed in shock, and violent soul power suddenly erupted, and red flames turned into a barrier to block the front.

After this period of training, Yu Tianheng's reaction speed has improved a lot. As soon as Qin Ming's reminder sounded, he immediately retreated back.

Qin Ming did not expect that the attack range of the two soul fusion skills would be so wide. They had already retreated twenty meters away, but they were still affected.

The moment the intertwined blue and white flames came into contact with Qin Ming, Qin Ming immediately felt that the energy and vitality in his body were simultaneously activated by the strange flames. Strong soul power fluctuations suddenly erupted. After forcibly suppressing this abnormal movement, Qin Ming quickly He grabbed Ning Rongrong, who was the slowest, and stepped back.

It wasn't until they retreated thirty meters away that the light flame dissipated. Although the light flame dissipated, it still left a faint black-gray halo wherever it went, looking heavy and depressed.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in horror. With Shi Quan and Ye Lingling at the center, all the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of thirty meters had dried up and died, exuding a sense of death.

"Is this the martial soul fusion skill?" Yu Feng couldn't help but swallowed as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Although no one felt the power of this blow personally, the impact of the scene in front of them was enough.

"The control system's Blue Silver King and the auxiliary system's Jiu Xin Haitang, these two martial arts soul fusion skills are actually attack-type soul skills?" Qin Ming looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

"Teacher Qin, this shouldn't be an offensive soul skill." Shi Quan's voice came from a distance, and there was a hint of exhaustion in his voice. The Blue Silver King's martial spirit and the Nine Heart Haitang martial spirit had disappeared. In his arms was the unconscious Ye Lingling.

The martial soul fusion skill has always been a very powerful skill. Shi Quan and Ye Lingling accidentally triggered it, during which they went through the process of merging the two martial souls into a skill. The consumption of soul power and mind was huge, and coupled with the final explosion, it directly drained Ye Lingling's soul power, causing her to faint.

As for Shi Quan, because of his powerful skills and mental strength, he did not fall into unconsciousness directly. However, even he could not withstand the powerful consumption of the martial soul fusion technique. Although he was not unconscious, he still felt unusually tired.

The reason why the effect of this martial soul fusion skill is so amazing is largely because of Shi Quan.

"Xiao Quan, are you okay?" Qin Ming looked at the two people in the distance, looking at the halo around them and wondering whether he should step forward.

"It's okay. Apart from feeling tired, my physical condition can be said to be as good as ever." With that said, Shi Quan walked out holding the unconscious Ye Lingling.

"Your martial soul fusion skill..." Qin Ming pointed to the wasteland behind.

Shi Quan said tiredly: "Teacher Qin, don't worry, it will dissipate soon. Don't come into contact with these halos until they dissipate. Let Lingling and I take a rest before talking about anything else."

This fatigue does not originate from the body, but from the exhaustion of the soul.

"No problem, you go and rest first." Qin Ming nodded.

"Sister Yanzi, please come with me and help me take Lingling back to the dormitory first."

"No problem." Dugu Yan walked over quickly.

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