People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 62 The Great Tonic Pill

Return the alchemy furnace to the system space.

Shi Quan took out his book, briefly wrote down the medicinal properties of a few herbs, and then resumed his practice.

At noon the next day, Dugu Bo took the lead in returning to the Eye of Ice and Fire.

"Grandpa Dugu."

"Eat something first. Yanyan is up there. When you finish eating, I will take her down."

As he spoke, Dugubo took out a lot of food from the soul guide on his waist.

Shi Quan originally thought of going back to buy some food today before coming back, but he didn't expect that Dugu Bo actually brought him food, and there was a lot of it.

While eating, Shi Quan handed Dugu Bo the medicinal properties of several herbs he wrote yesterday, "Grandpa Dugu, I tried it yesterday. If I specifically sensed it, I could indeed sense part of the medicinal properties of the herbs. It's just this process. The trouble is that the speed is very slow, and I can only sense a rough idea, so I don’t know if I can help you.”

Dugu Bo looked at the book in his hand with surprise in his eyes. Although the content in the book was not very detailed, one thing is certain, Shi Quan's perception of the medicinal properties was correct, because some of the medicinal materials in the book Dugu Bo It is familiar, and the summary in the book is consistent with the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials themselves.

"Grandpa Dugu, I'm not sure that my induction is absolutely correct. My content can only be used as a basis. You still have to test the specific efficacy of the medicine."

As he spoke, Shi Quan also paid attention to the change in Dugu Bo's expression, because the medicinal power of the fairy grass not far from him had been absorbed by the alchemy furnace. At such a close distance, if Dugu Bo had not noticed it , then he can confidently and boldly absorb the power of other fairy grass elixirs.

"Hahaha, I understand, eat quickly." Dugu Bo said with a smile, and after reading the book in his hand, he asked: "Xiao Quan, why don't you go back to the academy during this period, and help grandpa first Do you want to confirm the properties of the medicine in the drug store?"

"No problem." Shi Quan agreed with a smile. He originally wanted to stay in the Ice and Fire Eyes and naturally go down the slope.

"Then please, Grandpa Dugu, please come and bring me some food every day."

"Hahaha, no trouble, no trouble, this is what grandpa should do."

As soon as Shi Quan finished eating, Dugu Bo took Dugu Yan down without stopping and started to force out the poison.

Once raw, twice cooked.

An hour later, Dugu Yan ended the day's torture.

Judging from the current progress, it may take another month for the toxins in Duguyan's body to be released.

As the two left.

Shi Quan immediately started his great work of extracting the power of the medicine without stopping.

Cyan light flashed continuously in the eyes of ice and fire. In less than half an hour, the alchemy furnace extracted all the medicinal power of all the medicinal materials.

The content of the light screen changed again, becoming Energy Absorbing, with a progress bar below.

According to the content on the screen, the alchemy furnace still needs to absorb a certain amount of energy before it can start refining alchemy.

The speed of the progress bar is not slow, but in a quarter of an hour, it has increased by 20%, and it will be absorbed in almost an hour.

It had been almost an hour since Dugu Bo left. In case Dugu Bo suddenly came back and discovered the existence of the alchemy furnace, after the progress bar reached 40, Shi Quan took the alchemy furnace back into the system space and prepared to continue tomorrow. .

The day passed quickly.

At almost the same time as yesterday, Dugu Bo came to the Ice and Fire Eye again with food.

After helping Dugu Yan complete the poisoning for the third time, Dugu Yan's hair color also showed some slight changes. The original purple hair had a faint black color at the roots.

After the two left, Shi Quan immediately took out the alchemy furnace again. After an hour of absorption, the light screen of the alchemy furnace finally changed again and turned into alchemy.

The alchemy furnace that was originally the size of a palm also suddenly enlarged, and within a few breaths, it had exceeded two meters. At the same time, a hot breath also emanated from the alchemy furnace.

The same progress bar, but the speed of elixir refining is obviously much slower than the speed of absorbing energy. After a quarter of an hour, the progress bar still remains at 1%. At this speed, I am afraid that the refining will not be good all day and night.

The huge Dan furnace stone must not be left in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

Shi Quan originally planned to put it back into the storage space of the system, but found that all functions of the alchemy furnace would stop.

The alchemy furnace exudes a powerful aura of energy, and the snow jade bracelet cannot be stored. Fortunately, there is a treasure bag.

After putting the alchemy furnace into the treasure bag and confirming that the alchemy furnace was still continuing to refine pills, Shi Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

The Shiquan Dabu Dan, which is made from more than 50 kinds of fairy grass elixirs, makes me excited just thinking about it. When the elixir is ready, I don't know how big the improvement will be.

Three more days passed like this.

"Grandpa Dugu, this is a new medicinal property." Shi Quan skillfully handed the book from the snow jade bracelet to Dugu Bo, but today he seemed hesitant to speak.

Dugu Bo, a talented person, saw the change in Shi Quan's expression at a glance, and took the initiative to ask: "What's wrong, Xiao Quan? Is there anything you want to tell grandpa?"

Shi Quan paused and then said, "Grandpa Dugu, I want to ask you for a herb."

"It's just a herb. Just say it. Will grandpa still not give it to you?" Dugu Bo smiled lightly and asked doubtfully: "Xiao Quan, did you sense that there is any herb that is suitable for you? You Tell Grandpa first? Grandpa will help you check whether it is safe or not."

Shi Quan smiled and touched his head, pointing towards the corner of the medicine garden, "It's the bamboo that looks very similar to the black jade bamboo."

"Perhaps it's because the second soul ring of Blue Silver Grass is the Black Jade Bamboo. In fact, on the first day I came here, I had a feeling that this bamboo seemed to suit me very well. I originally thought it was just my illusion, but these days Judging from Tian's cultivation induction, this feeling is getting clearer and clearer, so I want to study it to see if I can eat this bamboo."

Shi Quan looked at Dugu Bo with a smile, "Grandpa Dugu, what do you think?"

"This bamboo is indeed very similar to the soul beast such as the black jade bamboo. I have studied it before. This bamboo is very tough, and there is a bit of strength in the toughness. It may be useful for making weapons. In my opinion It's not even considered as a medicinal material. Can it be eaten?" Dugubo shook his head, "I'm afraid this bamboo cannot be eaten."

"No wonder you are sitting on a treasure mountain without knowing it..." Shi Quan sighed speechlessly in his heart.

The majestic Black Jade Divine Bamboo was directly demoted to useless in Dugu Bo.

Shi Quan said in time: "Grandpa Dugu, according to my induction, this bamboo contains very strong medicinal power. I feel that this medicinal power can not only enhance my martial spirit, but also improve my strength." , I still want to try.”

"Really?" Dugu Bo looked a little surprised after hearing Shi Quan's words. After approaching and looking carefully up and down, he shook his head and said, "If you like it, I'll give you this bamboo. Take it and study it yourself, but I still want to remind you, Xiao Quan, that medicine cannot be taken indiscriminately. Since you say it is medicine, you should pay more attention to it. "

"I understand." Shi Quan smiled and nodded.

With Dugu Bo's consent, things would be simple.

The reason why he suddenly asked Dugu Bo for the Black Jade Divine Bamboo was because the Shiquan Dabu Dan in the alchemy furnace was about to be successfully refined.

At the end of today's practice, Shi Quan noticed that the progress bar on the alchemy furnace had jumped to 80%.

It only takes a day or two at most.

He asked for the Black Jade Divine Bamboo in advance. With the effort of the past two days, he had mastered the Shiquan Dabu Dan. After eating it, he could push the change in martial soul and increase in strength to the Black Jade Divine Bamboo.

However, Shi Quan is also worried that the efficacy of this Shiquan Dabu Dan is too strong, and the black jade sacred bamboo alone will arouse Dugu Bo's suspicion.

Because he has absorbed the soul ring of the Black Jade Bamboo Soul Beast, the Black Jade Divine Bamboo is currently the best choice and the best explanation.

Another day later.

Shi Quan watched the progress bar of the alchemy furnace in the treasure bag turn to 100, with uncontrollable excitement in his expression. As the alchemy ended, the fiery aura emitted by the alchemy furnace also dissipated, slowly shrinking, and once again returned to its previous palm-sized appearance.

Take out the alchemy furnace from the treasure bag, press it lightly, and the top of the alchemy furnace opens, and a blood-red jade-like elixir full of lines appears inside.

Shi Quan carefully took out the elixir from the alchemy furnace and returned the alchemy furnace to the system storage space.

After looking up and down at the elixir in his hand, the entire elixir seemed to be in one piece. It did not emit any unique medicinal fragrance or any special feeling. It was just like a blood jade.

"This elixir looks too ordinary, doesn't it? It has also absorbed the power of so many immortal grasses." Shi Quan looked at the elixir in his hand hesitantly, wondering if the alchemy furnace was being used to enrich himself.

"You'll know after you eat it." Shi Quan tightly held the elixir in his hand and his eyes fell on the ink jade sacred bamboo not far away.

Before eating, he had to arrange it to make it look like he had eaten the black jade sacred bamboo.

Call out the Blue Silver Grass to dig out the Black Jade Divine Bamboo from its roots, and then move it to the open space. The hardened Blue Silver Grass is chopped on the Black Jade Divine Bamboo. Not even a trace is left. It can be seen that the Black Jade Divine Bamboo is How hard is sacred bamboo?

However, no matter how strong the black jade sacred bamboo is, it does not possess spiritual intelligence. When it is separated from the earth, it is just a lamb to be slaughtered. Its roots are its weakness.

Along the root, Shi Quan also spent a lot of effort, and finally broke the internal nodes of the black jade sacred bamboo from the root position from the middle.

Use a jade instrument to collect all the bamboo liquid inside the black jade sacred bamboo without leaking. It may be because the alchemy furnace has extracted the medicinal power of the black jade sacred bamboo, so there is only a small amount of bamboo liquid left in the black jade sacred bamboo. One bottle.

After collecting the bamboo liquid, he put it into the treasure bag and put the treasure bag back into the system space. Shi Quan then leaned on the ink jade sacred bamboo and sat down cross-legged, making the illusion that he had eaten the ink jade sacred bamboo. Opening and closing his mouth, the bloody Shiquan Dabu Dan went directly into his stomach.

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