People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 52 Personal Training

After an afternoon of training, the seven people present except Shi Quan quickly fell down tired.

One by one, they complained. They had never experienced such a harsh training method. If Qin Ming hadn't been watching over them, they would have given up their training long ago.

"What do you call it? Have you seen Xiao Quan complaining? Didn't he train with you? He can persist. None of you are weaker than him. I'm sorry to scream here! Give you three seconds, all of you Everyone, stand up!"

Under Qin Ming's sharp scolding, everyone reluctantly stood up.

"Xiao Quan, do you train like this every day?" Yu Tianheng asked feebly, his hands hanging by his side as if paralyzed. Over the course of the afternoon, he lost track of how many barbells he had lifted.

"Absolutely." Shi Quan nodded.

He has internal energy skills that complement each other, so he won't be as tired as them during training, and after years of training, he has become accustomed to such high-pressure training.

"Don't you know what it means to be tired?" Yufeng asked with a sad face as he leaned on the exercise equipment with trembling legs.

Shi Quan waved his hand and said with a smile, "You'll get used to it gradually."


Everyone was silent for a while.

On the contrary, Qin Ming said sternly: "You all learn from Xiao Quan. Don't you all want to be like Xiao Quan and absorb soul rings through leapfrog levels? Physical fitness and willpower are all necessary factors!"


Everyone answered in unison, who wouldn't want to skip absorbing soul rings?

"That's pretty much it." Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction and looked at Shi Quan, "Xiao Quan, come and tell them your next training plan."

Shi Quan immediately said: "Later, I will customize a unique training plan for you based on each of your martial souls and soul skills. For example, captain, your martial soul, Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, has its own thunder attribute. I will customize it for you." The direction is to improve the ability to control thunder, and Yanzi is how to use toxins flexibly, etc. This is just a general direction. For specific implementation, I will arrange and plan based on your actual situation, but you may need to cooperate with me when making specific plans. it should be no problem?"

"no problem."

Everyone responded in unison. Although they had not known each other for a long time, Shi Quan's various talents, knowledge and strength had already been recognized by everyone.

Especially the scene where Shi Quan and Sword Douluo fought today was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

After training ended in the afternoon, and after returning to the dormitory to simply wash up, everyone gathered again in the restaurant on the first floor.

As for Ning Rongrong, since she would be practicing here with Shi Quan, Qin Ming simply arranged a room for her in the dormitory as her residence.

Everyone was talking and laughing at the dinner table, as if all the hard work during the day was in vain and only enjoyment remained.

After dinner, Shi Quan still had to go back to the forest where he practiced mimicry.

"Wait for me." Ning Rongrong quickly followed.

Shi Quan asked in surprise: "Aren't you going to rest here?"

Ning Rongrong glared at Shi Quan and said, "All my things are in the dormitory over there. I have to go over and move some things over? Isn't your brain so smart? You can't even think clearly about such a simple thing."

Shi Quan waved his hand and said helplessly: "Okay."

The two walked side by side towards the dormitory.

The evening breeze in the middle of the mountain is neither warm nor light, especially in such an open place. When walking on the road, the cold wind blows, making the grass blades rustle.

"My performance today is very good." Perhaps out of fear of embarrassment, Shi Quan spoke first. Ning Rongrong lasted much longer than usual during practice today. Shi Quan could see that she was really training hard now.

Ning Rongrong raised a smile on her lips and said, "That's not true. Let me tell you, I am not a vegetarian. You should be careful and don't accidentally be surpassed by me."

Shi Quan shook his head and chuckled. Ning Rongrong was really unworthy of praise. This praise made him feel like he was flying to the sky.

"Hey, the wind feels a bit cold today."

As the cold wind blew by, Ning Rongrong shivered, rubbed her hands, and subconsciously leaned back against Shi Shenquan.

Shi Quan looked at Ning Rongrong's still wet hair and said, "Who told you to follow me out without even drying your hair?"

"It's not my fault that your training was too tiring. After taking a shower, you only thought about eating and didn't want to do anything about it." After saying that, Ning Rongrong angrily punched Shi Quan from behind.

The wind at night was already cold, and Ning Rongrong's hair was still wet. If it blew for a while longer, she might get sick. Thinking of this, Shi Quan helplessly shook his head, turned around and grabbed Ning Rongrong's neck, and his inner strength flowed along her smooth hair. The neck poured into her body.

"Go well, don't resist, I'll help you warm up, don't get sick by then, and you accuse me of bullying you again."

"Hmm~" Ning Rongrong felt the warmth coming from her neck, and she screamed happily. After she screamed, she immediately regretted it, and her face turned red with embarrassment, but she still said very arrogantly: "Humph! You He has been bullying me."

"Yes, yes, who made you Miss Ning? You have the final say. As long as you don't ask Senior Sword Douluo to come and beat me up in the future." Shi Quan nodded in agreement.

Ning Rongrong said: "As long as you don't bully me, Grandpa Jian won't beat you."

"It's best." Shi Quan nodded.

"That's what it is."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Hmph! You're bullying me again!"

"How could I bully you again..."

"You are perfunctory with me, aren't you bullying me?"


They were having a good chat at first, but as they were chatting, the two of them started to quarrel. They were noisy along the way, but they were very harmonious.

"Okay, okay, we've arrived at your dormitory. It's cold at night. You can rest here today. Remember to dry your hair when you get back." Shi Quan ordered like an old father.

If you calculate it carefully, he has a mind in his thirties, and there is a ten-year-old girl in front of him. If you calculate the age, it is not without a chance.

"Huh. Got it." Ning Rongrong still looked arrogant and walked into the dormitory without looking back.

The door closed with a bang.

Seeing this, Shi Quan couldn't help but shake his head slightly, turned around and walked towards the mimicry training forest down the mountain.

In the room, Ning Rongrong had just closed the door and put her ear to the door, listening to the movement outside the door. When she heard there was no movement outside, she sat down against the door with a rosy face, raised her head and touched her own. After feeling the residual warmth on the back of her neck, her face became more rosy.

"Hmph, Stinky Stone Quan actually dared to grab my neck." Ning Rongrong clenched her fists and murmured softly.

"But the feeling just now was so comfortable. My whole body was warm and not cold at all."

As if remembering something, Ning Rongrong covered her face with her hands, "Did he also help me that night?"

When Shi Quan used his inner strength to help Ning Rongrong block the wind, Ning Rongrong felt a little familiar. Now she remembered that this warm feeling seemed to have been the same in Shi Quan's dream that night when she rested. She originally thought It's a dream.

It seemed that Shi Quan must have used his soul power to do something for her. No wonder when she got up that morning, her whole body felt indescribably comfortable, and her legs were not sore or painful. It was much more comfortable than taking a medicinal bath.

"Hmph, this stinky Shi Quan doesn't look so annoying after all..."

Ning Rongrong moved her fingers in front of her chest, and the girl's confused heart beat for some unknown reason.

The next day, early in the morning.

Shi Quan arrived at Team Tiandou's dormitory.

As he said yesterday, he planned to spend the morning studying the martial arts and soul skills of the six people, and then make further training arrangements based on the physical conditions of the six people.

The first day started with the strongest Yu Tianheng.

"Captain, please release the martial spirit first and show it to me."

"no problem."

At Shi Quan's signal, the two came to the training ground. With a low dragon roar, three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, appeared. Yu Tianheng's right arm expanded rapidly, and the sleeves on his right arm also disappeared. Burst into ashes.

This is the legendary Qilin Arm...

Bah bah bah.

No, it should be called Thunder Dragon Arm.

"What a waste of clothes."

Shi Quan secretly complained, his eyes falling on Yu Tianheng's dragon arms.

Unlike ordinary beast soul possessions, Blue Lightning Overlord's possession will not change significantly before level 30. It will not be until after level 30 that the animal transformation effect of the beast soul possession will appear. Moreover, this change will only affect one part of the body at the beginning, and then one part will be added every ten levels. This effect is called dragon transformation.

Although the changes in dragon transformation are small and late in the early stage, the changes are more obvious compared to beast transformation.

Like Oslo's ghost leopard spirit, after the spirit possessed him, only his ears changed, his hair grew thicker, and the nails on his hands became sharp, making him look a bit like a ghost leopard.

Looking back at Yu Tianheng's dragon transformation, his current arms are extremely thick, covered with blue-purple scales, and his hands have directly turned into claws, covered with the same scales, and every joint in his hands has become extremely thick. , you can’t see the appearance of the hand at all, it looks exactly like a dragon’s claw.

This kind of completely beastly transformation can only occur when a person uses the martial spirit avatar, which will turn a person completely into a beast and look like this.

The innate dragon form only needs to break through level 30 to appear, which is also one of the main reasons why the blue electric tyrant dragon spirit is so powerful.

After all, the description in the original work is limited. Now that I have seen it in detail, Shi Quan still has to praise it. This dragon claw is indeed very visually impactful, especially the blue-purple snake electricity hovering around the entire dragon arm. Condensation or flow makes this visual impact reach its peak.

"There is a reason to be strong."

After retracting his thoughts, Shi Quan asked Yu Tianheng to release three of his soul skills, and then after some detailed inquiries, he let Yu Tianheng go and started to make a plan for him.

He had to make some achievements in the six-person training plan in order to convince Dugu Bo with his martial arts theory.

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