Haitang City.

early morning.

It had just dawned, but the entire city's upper echelons and nobles were already in chaos.

A total of sixty-eight corpses were nailed densely on the outer wall of the Jiuxin Haitang family. All sixty-eight people were soul masters, and they were all high-ranking members of the Jiuxin Haitang family. The weakest ones were all soul emperors. The patriarch of the Xin Haitang family and many elders all died.

Suddenly, the entire Haitang City was filled with tremors. The city lord immediately ordered the entire city to be sealed off, and immediately sent people to report to Tiandou City, the capital of the Tiandou Empire.

Of course, the lord of Haitang City also understood that the blockade in the city was in vain. Since the Jiuxin family was able to kill the strongest members of the Jiuxin Haitang family in one night, how could his soldiers and generals be so powerful? What can be resisted? He just prayed that those who killed the Jiuxin Haitang family soul master would not find him.

The Tiandou Empire naturally has its own special communication method. In just two hours, the capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City, had already received the news.

Emperor Xueye sat in the main hall, looking at the urgent document in his hand, he couldn't help frowning, subconsciously clenched the document in his hand, and ordered: "Call Qinghe."

"Okay, Your Majesty. I'll go right away." The servant serving at the side quickly walked out of the palace.

"My son, I pay my respects to my father." In less than a quarter of an hour, Xue Qinghe's figure appeared in the main hall.

"Qinghe, how did you handle Master Shi's matter?" Emperor Xueye asked in a deep voice.

A flash of light flashed in Xue Qinghe's eyes, he raised his head and told Emperor Xue Ye again the reply he gave Shi Quan in the Prince's Mansion.

After hearing this, Emperor Xue Ye could not help but be slightly silent, because there was no problem with Xue Qinghe's handling.

"Look at this document. It was sent urgently from Haitang City this morning." A servant took the document from Emperor Xue Ye and handed it to Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe took the document, and when he read the contents of the document, he couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that Shi Quan would attack so fast and so fiercely, hunting down sixty-eight people in one night, and also... No one from the Jiuxin Haitang family noticed anything unusual.

"Qinghe, isn't this too much of a coincidence?" Emperor Xueye's scrutinizing eyes fell on Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe said directly: "Father, I don't think it is a coincidence. I think this matter was exactly what Master Shi did."

Emperor Xue Ye said in a deep voice: "According to the report of the document, the people who were killed were divided into five situations, one was penetrated, one was poisoned, one was entangled and restrained, and one was hit hard. , there is also a kind of person with no obvious injuries on the surface of the body, who should be killed by a spiritual soul master. In other words, at least five people, even if it rains heavily, can kill so many people silently in the Jiuxin Haitang family. These five people Their strength is probably above that of Contra."

Xue Qinghe said calmly: "Father, the three major education committees have always been in Tiandou Royal Academy and have nothing to do with this matter. I don't know where Master Shi got the help from. It must be the friends he met while traveling."

Emperor Xueye continued to ask: "How do you think this matter should be handled?"

"The Jiuxin Haitang family has been severely damaged, and the empire can take this opportunity to recruit them under the pretext of investigating the murder. Whether this matter was done by Master Shi is just a conjecture by the ministers. There is no evidence. The empire wants to investigate, so naturally needs time."

Emperor Xueye pondered for a moment and said: "You are responsible for following up on the recruitment of the Jiuxin Haitang family. This matter is very important. There are sixty-eight soul masters, and their strength is higher than that of the Soul Emperor. For the empire, this loss is It’s not young anymore, there are still people who did it, let’s investigate clearly.”

"My son understands." Xue Qinghe nodded.

"Go." Emperor Xueye waved his hand.

"My dear, please leave." Xue Qinghe immediately turned around and left.

Looking at Xue Qinghe's leaving figure, Emperor Xue Ye was silent for a while before he said slowly: "Send someone to investigate this matter secretly."

"I understand, Your Majesty." A dark shadow walked out from behind Emperor Xueye and disappeared into the hall.

The sudden emergence of forces behind Shi Quan made Xue Ye a little more wary of him. On the mainland, a soul master family with two soul Douluo could be destroyed silently in one night. Except for the Wuhun Palace, Besides, Emperor Xueye really couldn't think of other forces.

It would be good if the investigation revealed that these mysterious people did not belong to Wuhun Palace. If they were related to Wuhun Palace, Shi Quan could only nip them in the cradle even if they were beneficial to the empire.

Qibao Glazed Sect.

After Xue Qinghe left the hall, he ordered people to convey what happened in Haitang City to the Qibao Glazed Sect in the form of letters.

Ning Fengzhi looked at the contents of the letter and his expression became serious.

He didn't expect Shi Quan to strike so harshly and decisively.

"Fengzhi, there are so many masters hidden behind Shi Quan?" Sword Douluo said in surprise.

Ning Fengzhi frowned and said in distress: "Unknowingly, it seems that Shi Quan has grown to a point where we have to face it. It seems that these three soul bones need to be better."

"Silently assassinating sixty-eight members of the Jiuxin Haitang family, including two Contras." Bone Douluo's expression also became serious, "Killing is easy, but if you want to kill quietly, even if Even the old guy Chen Xin and I couldn't do it, how did they do it?"

"Judging from the investigation of the corpses, there were at least five people involved in the operation, and Dugu Bo must have been involved. As for the other four, it's hard to say, especially the mysterious weapon Wuhun strongman who was injured by the hole. He killed the most people, and one of them He's still a Contra, at least a Titled Douluo, and he's probably even stronger than Dugu Bo."

Sword Douluo said fearfully: "As for the strength of the other three people, they are at least about the same as Contra. Two Titled Douluo and three Contra. Shi Quan can actually mobilize so many strong men? I'm afraid there is some force behind this. Pushing?"

"Uncle Jian, you want to say it's Wuhun Palace?" Ning Fengzhi looked at Sword Douluo.

Sword Douluo nodded and said, "There is no such possibility."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "This Shi Quan is extremely smart and has a calm mind. If he is really a secret chess piece of Wuhun Palace, how could he be exposed so easily for such a trivial matter."

Bone Douluo said, "Fengzhi, isn't there a saying that people who are clever will be misled by cleverness? Is it possible that he just wants to take advantage of your understanding of him and deliberately mislead you? Otherwise, how can we explain this sudden strong appearance?" By?"

"Uncle Gu, what you said makes no sense. His Majesty will definitely be suspicious of Shi Quan because of this matter and investigate Shi Quan. However, if there is no problem with Shi Quan, this may be an opportunity for us to make good friends with him."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed, "The matter of soul bones must be done as soon as possible..."

On the other side, Tiandou Royal Academy.

After Shi Quan nailed the bodies of the Jiuxin Haitang family members to the outer wall, they returned to Tiandou Royal Academy overnight.

At this time, everyone was doing their own things leisurely, as if nothing had happened.

After one night of assassination, Shi Quan and others also gained a lot, including four soul bones.

One of them was obtained from the Jiuxin Haitang family's treasury, and the other three were obtained from the bodies of the soul masters they killed.

Three of them are thousand-year-old soul bones, and only one is about ten thousand years old, but its age is only about ten thousand years.

As for attributes, from a perceptual perspective, two of them are biased toward explosive power, one with water attributes and one with thunder attributes.

Although his age is not high, Shi Quan, who owns the soul bone transformer, has no age requirements. As long as the number is sufficient, he can use the soul bone transformer to fuse and transform these soul bones into a top-quality soul bone suitable for everyone.

As for the rest, apart from money, most of them are rare treasures, such as special metals, some soul tools with special uses, and some medicinal herbs. Although they are not of much use to Shi Quan, after Shi Quan classified them, Put them all in the treasure bag. Anyway, the treasure bag has unlimited space, so you might need it at some point.

"Xiao Quan, Xue Qinghe is here." Shi Quan was studying souls in the house, and Ye Lingling's voice came from outside the house.

Hearing this, Shi Quan walked out of the room immediately.

"Brother Xue, why are you suddenly here?" Shi Quan greeted him with a smile on his face.

Xue Qinghe said with a smile, "Brother Shi, don't you know better?"

Shi Quan pretended to be confused and said, "I don't understand what Brother Xue is talking about?"

Xue Qinghe shook his head, "Let's go to your room and talk."

"Let's go."

Shi Quan smiled and led Xue Qinghe into the room.

"You really surprised me." As soon as he sat down in the room, Xue Qinghe's helpless voice rang out.

"I said I would figure it out myself."

"If you had just gone to make a big fuss, this matter would have ended easily, but you chose to attack and kill the sixty-eight soul masters of the Jiuxin Haitang family on a rainy night. The lowest in strength was the soul emperor, and you didn't attract anyone's attention. This move is too shocking." Xue Qinghe shook his head, "Although you didn't leave any evidence for this matter, we can guess that it was you who did it after a little investigation. Your Majesty has already become suspicious of you. Even the teachers.”

"Suspicion?" Shi Quan said slowly: "No problem, they are just worried that these powerful people come from Wuhun Palace, and they are worried that I have an affair with Wuhun Palace. As long as I can explain the origin of these powerful people, this matter will naturally be resolved. Let it go.”

"What are you going to do?" Xue Qinghe raised his eyes and looked at Shi Quan.

Shi Quan raised his hand and touched the treasure bag, and a body frozen by ice appeared in the room.

Xue Qinghe looked at the corpse in front of him and froze on the spot, his eyes turned blood red, he stared at the corpse and said, "Did you kill Tang Hao?"

"That's right." Shi Quan nodded and said: "When I went to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul ring, Tang Hao got the news from nowhere and secretly followed us to the Star Dou Forest, wanting to keep me in the Star Dou Forest forever. The forest failed to be attacked, but fell into our hands..."

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