People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 227 The powerful Tang Hao

Shi Quan's main focus is that he has many soul skills and his soul power can be restored quickly. Naturally, he can be very willful when using his soul skills.

Tang Hao stared at the surroundings, and the fifth soul ring under his body lit up.

"The fifth soul skill, Haotian's Heart."

The dark golden light mixed with blood shined brightly, and the aura of the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand increased sharply, and then he violently swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, which was exactly the random cloak hammering technique!

At the moment when Tang Hao just raised the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Soul Spirit Stone is finally released!

"The third soul skill: Glory of the Dark Moon!"

The black full moon appeared in the mid-air and shrouded Tang Hao in its brilliance, causing Tang Hao's movements to pause.

The radiance of the dark moon reduces the soul's defense strength and reduces the enemy's reaction speed, which is just the beginning!

"The fifth soul skill: Dream Soul Seizes the Heart!"

The fifth soul ring under the soul martial soul suddenly lit up, and a large amount of memories and chaotic consciousness poured into Tang Hao's consciousness.

After a brief period of confusion, Tang Hao obviously lost the best opportunity to use the cloak hammer technique.

At this time, Dugu Bo took action. The eighth soul ring lit up from Dugu Bo's body, and the black light painted the snake's body, suddenly turning the turquoise green into dark green. Emerald green beads spurted out from his mouth.

The eighth soul skill, time and space solidification.

Tang Hao, who was already in a state of confusion, suddenly froze in place when faced with Dugu Bo's most powerful soul control skill.


A large amount of soil formed a pyramid-shaped high-density burial seal, accompanied by sharp thorn-like vines, directly covering Tang Hao.

Weaken connection control.

The cooperation between Dugu Bo and Shi Quan was surprisingly tacit this time.

Faced with such an advantage, Shi Quan and Dugu Bo showed no sign of slackness in their eyes, but more solemn expressions of preparedness.


Boom boom!

Boom boom boom...

Continuous terrifying roars came from the underground burial seal of the pyramid. The terrifying energy seemed to turn into substance, and a huge Clear Sky Hammer suddenly exploded from the pyramid.

Tang Hao's angry and embarrassed figure was revealed. His clothes were dyed red with blood, but it did not affect his violent aura at all. Tang Hao was seen taking a step forward, his left foot heavily hiding on the ground, and an invisible aura The wave exploded instantly, taking the place he stepped on as the origin. The ground within a diameter of twenty meters sank ten meters with a loud bang, along with countless smoke and plant fragments. It can be seen how terrifying Tang Hao's power is at this time.

At this time, Tang Hao only had seven soul rings left under his body!

That's right, it's the Haotian Sect's most powerful secret method, the Great Sumeru Hammer Secret, Ring Explosion!

Tang Hao also relied on the ring-exploding power of the first and second spirit rings to knock down ten benefits with one force, completely erupting the most powerful power and forcibly breaking the blockade and attacks of Shi Quan and Dugu Bo.

"You are worthy of being proud of being able to push me to this point!" Tang Hao held the handle of the huge hammer with both hands. The bloody God of Death domain turned into bloody lines and was imprinted on the huge Clear Sky Hammer. Although there was no domain oppression, but the terrifying pressure brought by the Clear Sky Hammer spread all over the world, and the pressure brought by Tang Hao increased instead of falling.

As Tang Hao's Haotian Hammer danced, the third soul ring on the Haotian Hammer exploded and merged into the Haotian Hammer. As the hammer was swung, the earth was producing flesh, and surging dark golden light emitted from the hammer. Crazy injection on the handle.

"I'll do it!" Shi Quan of the Earth Martial Spirit stepped forward. The Blue Silver Emperor Tree Shi Quan and Soul Stone appeared behind Shi Quan of the Earth Martial Spirit, raising his hands and placing them on his back.

"Soul Bone Skill: Mountain Dragon Control!"

The power of the earth domain reached its peak at this moment. In an instant, Shi Quan seemed to turn into a giant dragon. The dragon was as majestic as a mountain. The earth-yellow dragon shadow emerged, turning into a huge barrier to isolate the huge Haotian Hammer.


The whole world trembled, a terrifying energy erupted, and not a single tree within a kilometer radius was intact anymore.

Countless earth-yellow rays of light shattered and scattered, and Shi Quan's body also swayed and retreated violently, a flash of paleness flashed across his face.

After succeeding with the hammer, Tang Hao's face was not happy. Instead, his whole body trembled violently. Although he broke Shi Quan's mountain dragon control, the powerful counterattack force also made him particularly uncomfortable. Shi Quan's eruption Its powerful defensive capabilities exceeded Tang Hao's expectations.

Of course, Tang Hao was not ready to stop. After turning around, the Clear Sky Hammer in the sky swept forward again. At the same time, the fourth soul ring on the Clear Sky Hammer exploded instantly. .

He was not prepared to give Shi Quan and the others any chance to breathe.

"Tang Hao, don't force me!" Dugu Bo's sharp voice came, and the ninth soul ring under him also lit up at this time.

"The ninth soul skill, green scale divine light."

The phantom of the Jade Lin Snake transformed by Dugu Bo flickered, opened its bloody mouth, and the green pill reappeared. The soul power and toxins were condensed and integrated into the pill, and finally turned into a terrifying ray and flew out, hitting everyone it reached. Here, living things wither and all things wither.

"A little snake dares to threaten me!" Tang Hao's eyes were full of disdain, and the black light of the Clear Sky Hammer flashed past, directly hitting the green scale divine light released by Dugu Bo.

With a loud bang.

Dugu Bo groaned and flew backwards. The huge Clear Sky Hammer was knocked back again, but Tang Hao just swayed and spun in mid-air again. The fifth soul ring on the Clear Sky Hammer had already exploded. Tang Hao He really tried his best, and the soul ring exploded without any pause at all. He was not prepared to give Shi Quan and others any chance to breathe.

"Soul Bone Skill: Ten Thousand Cave Cold Erosion!"

Dugu Bo was flying upside down, but his movements did not pause at all. A terrifying chill suddenly erupted from the illusory Jade Lin Snake silhouette, and a ball of ice-blue mist condensed and spat out fiercely.

It was one of the soul bone skills brought by the real dragon soul bone that Shi Quan brought to Dugu Bo.

The cold air is scattered in all directions, and the poison is hidden in the air. Wherever the terrifying cold poison touches, it turns into frost!

Frost condensed on the Haotian Hammer, and amid the violent roar, Shi Quan and others quickly retreated backwards.

At the same time, a powerful energy wave also condensed in the three stone figures. As early as when Dugu Bo released his ninth soul skill, the auras of the Blue Silver Emperor Tree Martial Spirit, the Earth Martial Spirit and the Soul Martial Spirit had already begun. blend.

It is different from the self-spirit fusion skill.

When one Qi transforms into three pure beings, the inner strength of the incarnation and Shi Quan are separate, which is equivalent to the trinity of martial soul fusion skills!

Martial soul fusion skills are basically the existence of one plus one, which is greater than two. The more soul masters who use martial soul fusion skills, the more terrifying the power will naturally be.

The compatibility of Shi Quan's own martial soul fusion skills is as high as 100%. Once activated, the power generated will also increase geometrically.

When he was in the sea, Shi Quan used his own martial soul fusion skills to drive back an almost hundred thousand year old soul beast. At that time, Shi Quan's own martial soul fusion skills were only the Earth Martial Soul and the Blue Silver Emperor Tree. The dual martial soul fusion skill has not yet absorbed the Blue Silver Emperor soul bone, nor has it absorbed the fifth soul ring of the soul martial soul.

Now not only the strength has been improved, but also the trinity of martial soul fusion skills!

The fluctuations that broke out made even Tang Hao feel palpitations in his heart.

Tang Hao had the ability to interrupt, as long as he was more decisive and exploded a few more soul rings at once, but it was a pity that he underestimated the existence of Shi Quan, the soul king.

Dugu Bo's two outbursts successfully bought time for Shi Quan's trinity spirit fusion technique.

The interlaced light of black and white becomes more and more dazzling. With the soul and martial soul as the center, and relying on life and the earth, the interlaced black and white light beams condense into countless mysterious runes. Under the interlaced runes, it looks like a black hole, but the center appears strangely. is white.

There was no hesitation in Tang Hao's expression, and the sixth soul ring on the Clear Sky Hammer exploded. A surging dark red-gold light covered his body and the Clear Sky Hammer. The huge Clear Sky Hammer rolled up in the air. The whole person soared up. He saw that Dugu Bo had lost his ability to resist. He had to understand Shi Quan and others from this attack!

Seeing it, the Clear Sky Hammer was about to fall.

Shi Quan's black and white eyes also burst out with brilliant light, and the samsara core in his body vibrated crazily. He slowly raised his right hand and pointed towards the Haotian Hammer!


Along with Shi Quan's abyss-like whisper, time and space seemed to stand still. Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer stood strangely in mid-air, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was like being illuminated by Doraemon's shrinking lamp, and it changed like crazy.

The Clear Sky Hammer that was originally as big as a small hill, in just two or three breaths, the Clear Sky Hammer of the martial soul's true form degenerated back to the size of an ordinary Clear Sky Hammer, and continued to dim, turning into an ordinary iron hammer. !


Tang Hao spat out a mouthful of blood, and the soul power brought by the ring explosion also directly backfired due to the change in martial soul.

"What's going on?!" Tang Hao's pupils were full of horror and fear. He only felt that his soul skill soul ring and martial soul had lost contact.

Only the Clear Sky Hammer can withstand his power, and the ordinary hammer in his hand cannot withstand the majestic soul power and the energy of the soul ring in his body.

What kind of weird martial soul fusion skill is this? It actually caused his martial soul true body and the Clear Sky Hammer with the blessing of the Great Sumeru Hammer Os to degenerate into this ghostly appearance.

The true form of Wuhun!

That is the strongest state of Wuhun, and no one can resist it!

"Now!" Shi Quan roared, almost at the moment Shi Quan's words rang out.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure disappeared from the spot.

The bone soul skill of the soft-bone rabbit's left arm: teleportation!

Zhu Zhuqing's figure instantly appeared behind Tang Hao, and at the same time, his right leg also emitted a strange wave, and time around him seemed to slow down.

This is the soul skill attached to the right leg bone of Zhu Zhuqing's Time Dragon: Time is like passing water.

Mobilize the power of time to slow down the passage of time around you by twice as fast as the main body.

This is equivalent to Zhu Zhuqing's speed increasing by two times, and Tang Hao's speed in all aspects slowing down by two times!

Before Tang Hao could finish spitting blood, Zhu Zhuqing's attack had already struck.

The brilliant flash of blood is the strongest attacking soul skill of the 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit soul ring, which can kill eight levels of thorns!

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