People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 22 The First Soul Ring

Shi Quan is here.

Burning heat was Shi Quan's first feeling. The majestic energy surged into his body like burning flames. Some of it dispersed into his limbs and bones, and some rushed into his meridians. It was like a wild horse running wild and ramming around. Running around like crazy.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the feeling when practicing the method of Yijin Marrow Cleansing, but now this feeling is more fierce. It feels like the inside of your body is being roasted and melted like a furnace.

In addition to helping the soul master break through bottlenecks, the energy of the soul ring can also improve the soul master's physical fitness to a certain extent and enhance the strength of the meridians. These are somewhat similar to Yijin Marrow Cleansing.

"Does that mean that the method of changing tendons and washing marrow can assist the absorption of soul rings?"

With this thought in his mind, Shi Quan endured the burning feeling in his body, and immediately used the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art to speed up the method of Yijin Marrow Cleansing, trying to guide the violent energy in his body.

"It works!"

As soon as the method of Yijin Marrow Cleansing was started, Shi Quan clearly felt that the energy in the body became easier to absorb, and the impact of the soul ring energy also became nutrients for internal refining, making the effect of Yijin Marrow Cleansing obvious. promote.

"Well, it would be nice if the age was higher."

Shi Quan sighed in his heart. The five-hundred-and-fifty-year-old man-eating vine soul ring did not put much pressure on him. Even if there was no pressure, he had to pretend to grit his teeth and tremble, looking extremely painful, making it difficult to absorb. It really tested his acting skills.

In order not to absorb it too quickly, Shi Quan also deliberately stimulated the energy of the soul ring, making it more difficult for himself to absorb and prolonging the absorption time.

From the outside, one can only feel that the violent energy in the soul ring is impacting Shi Quan's body again and again. Shi Quan's trembling figure is like a small boat in the sea, teetering at any time, and the risk is abnormal.

Time passed little by little, and seeing that the time was almost up, Shi Quan finally chose to call it a day.

With the last trace of energy absorbed.

With a click, Shi Quan seemed to hear a broken sound, and felt that the scene in front of him changed, as if he had changed to a different world for a moment.

It seemed that he could see a blazing sea of ​​fire, and in the center of the sea of ​​​​fire, a thick blue silver grass was dancing in it, looking very flexible and domineering.

Wuhun looks inside.

After the soul master absorbs the first soul ring, he will master the internal vision of the martial spirit. This is also the main reason why the soul master of the beast martial spirit can only possess the spirit after he obtains the first soul ring. Only by mastering the internal vision can he be called a true spiritual master. He embarked on the path of a soul master.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, Shi Quan's Blue Silver Grass did not seem to be roasted by the flames, but was absorbing the flames. While absorbing the flames, the Blue Silver Grass also began to change. The branches and leaves that were originally thicker than the normal Blue Silver Grass were absorbing the flames. The flames seemed to be tempered, and began to become slender, and the branches and leaves began to gradually lengthen, while rendering a layer of light red color.

Through the smooth surface of the branches and leaves, you can see that the light red brilliance began to invade into the depths. Suddenly, a silent black suddenly appeared, and the light red brilliance disappeared completely in an instant.

The originally thick Bluesilver Grass has now become more slender and has no other changes.

As time passed, the billowing heat gradually subsided and turned into warm currents.

"Successful!" Marder, who was not far away, looked excited. He wanted to laugh but was afraid of affecting Shi Quan's final absorption, so he could only hold it in and dance with his fists, which looked very funny.

Dawson on the side looked at Shi Quan with a somewhat meaningful look in his eyes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through as a soul master and successfully embarking on the path of a soul master. The soul master's treasure chest has been triggered and opened for the host, and he has obtained a primary soul ring enhancement stone."

"The treasure chest was triggered again?" Shi Quan was a little surprised, but more of a surprise.

It seems like every time you break through a realm, you can trigger a treasure chest.


Shi Quan suppressed the joy in his heart and slowly opened his eyes.

Malde strode forward with a dancing step and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Xiaoquan. I knew you could succeed! Hahaha!"

"Haha, I knew my theory was right!" Shi Quan also stood up with a look of excitement that made him tremble. After relaxing for a while, Shi Quan then bowed deeply towards him.

"Teacher, Lord Palace Master, thank you. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to obtain this soul ring, nor would I have been able to verify my theory."

"Thank you for nothing. This is what I should do as a teacher." Malde's smile did not diminish.

Dawson on the side smiled and said: "We each take what we need. As mentioned before, you need to summarize your theory and submit it to me."

Shi Quan nodded and looked at Dawson solemnly, "Master Palace Master, I will summarize the theory after I go back, but I still hope that Wuhun Palace will keep this theory secret. Although I successfully absorbed the soul ring by leapfrogging, But this is just my first attempt. Different people, different martial souls, have different physical requirements and specific effects on the quality of soul power. How to judge? How to determine the specific limit years? I still need further attempts and practice. , now I can only briefly summarize my theory, and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the theory."

"I don't want my theory to be spread without being thoroughly tested to ensure its feasibility, because this will lead to many people trying it rashly and dying."

Shi Quan's words were sincere and sincere.

After hearing this, Dawson's eyes changed when he looked at Shi Quan. A child less than eight years old could think of things so perfectly.

"No problem." Dawson nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Then how many attempts do you think you need to make sure."

After thinking for a while, Shi Quan said: "It will take at least three times. I may not be sure until I finish attacking the Soul Lord."

"Soul Lord?" Dawson nodded.

Marder on the side asked hurriedly: "Xiao Quan, how does it feel to absorb soul rings beyond the level? Is the soul power increased so much?"

"The soul power is just over level 11. It feels like we are not far away from breaking through level 12. After absorbing it, my body feels more flexible and relaxed." Shi Quan smiled and moved his arms.

He was different from Tang San. Tang San had already accumulated a lot of internal strength before he obtained the spirit ring, so he could directly break through from the eleventh level to the thirteenth level after absorbing the spirit ring.

He has no soul power accumulation, and the age of his soul ring is not much higher, so this improvement is not bad.

"Not even level 12 yet?"

After hearing Shi Quan's reply, both Dawson and Marder frowned.

"Why is it so low?" Malder frowned and stepped forward, raising his hand and placing it on Shi Quan's shoulder, "Let me take a look."

"Is it really only level eleven?"

Dawson on the side also came forward and looked at it with a look of surprise.

Judging from the reactions of the two, it was obvious that both of them knew that Tang San, who was also a Blue Silver Grass spirit, had his spirit power directly raised to level thirteen after absorbing the four-hundred-year-old Mandala Snake spirit ring. However, Shi Quan absorbed The man-eating vine soul ring that has been around for about 550 years has a soul power of less than level 12.

"Although the soul power level has not been significantly improved, the physical fitness has been greatly improved." Malde carefully checked Shi Quan's body, and after confirming that there was no problem, he fell into deep thought.

"Is it because of the matching degree?" Malde asked quickly: "Xiao Quan let me see your martial spirit."

Shi Quan raised his right hand and summoned his martial spirit. The thick blue silver grass now became slender, with slightly curled branches and leaves. It looked a whole circle smaller than the previous thick blue silver grass.

"Such a big change?" Marder looked at the Bluesilver Grass in Shi Quan's hand in surprise.

Marder sighed: "Although the soul power has not improved much, the martial soul has further changed, and the physical fitness has also improved a lot."

Shi Quan smiled and said: "In any case, it is a leapfrog absorption of soul rings."

"Hahaha, that's right." Marder looked at the sky, looked at Dawson, and continued: "It's almost time. If we rush back now, we will be able to leave the Soul Hunting Forest at night, and we can spend the night in the market outside. Let's go Bar."

"No problem." Dawson nodded.

The three of them set off and returned the same way they came.

The sun set in the west and the bright moon slowly rose. Late at night, the three of them left the Soul Hunting Forest.

Returning to the station of Wuhun Palace, after a simple meal and drink, we rested directly in the tent of the station for a night.

As usual, Shi Quan practiced all night. When Dawson and Marder saw this, they both praised Shi Quan for his hard work.

Early the next morning, the three of them got into the carriage and set off back to Notting City.

After returning to Notting City two days later, Shi Quan went directly to the Wuhun Hall to test his soul power, registered, and received the soul master subsidy for the month. Then he and Malde said goodbye to Dawson and returned to the academy.

The office on the third floor of Wuhun Palace.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Dawson looked at Shi Quan and Malde who were gradually getting further away, and suddenly asked: "How is the investigation going? Is there anything unusual in Shijiacun?"

"This Shi Quan has been smart since he was a child. He has started reading and studying since he was about one year old. This has been the case for a long time, for five years. People in Shijia Village used to secretly call him a bookworm, and he only knows how to read books every day.

A year and a half ago, Su Yuntao helped him awaken his martial soul. At first glance, the martial soul was no different from ordinary blue silver grass. In addition, the innate soul power was only one level, so it was not taken seriously. When he awakened, Shi Quan took the initiative to ask Su Yuntao learned the basic cultivation methods.

Three months later, I enrolled in Notting College. I still maintained the habit of self-study every day. Instead, I practiced very hard. In addition to practicing every day, I also studied.

Shi Quan had had friction with a student named Xiao Wu in the academy. Xiao Wu was also a genius, the same age as Shi Quan, a martial soul soft-bone rabbit, with an innate full soul power, and also obtained a A century-old soul ring, with such a gap, Shi Quan relied on a special self-created soul skill to keep Xiao Wu away from him, but a soul warrior remained undefeated in front of a soul master.

Shi Quan likes to practice alone in the back mountains on weekdays. The place where he practices is lush with vegetation, which is consistent with the theory he reported. Noting College is on vacation, and when Shi Quan returns home, he will go to the Lianyun Mountains to practice every day. Following the trail, he also found a place with lush vegetation. From the current point of view, everything about Shi Quan seems to be able to be explained clearly with his gifted intelligence. "

"Really?" Dawson rubbed his head, turned back to his office and sat down, "He even succeeded in absorbing the soul ring beyond the next level."

The figure in front of the desk was silent for a while.

"Lan Yincao, with a first-level innate soul power, was able to achieve such an achievement, and it was done by a child less than eight years old." Dawson shrugged with relief and said with a smile: "These matters should be left to the superiors. Just struggle with the decision, and I’ll have to make another trip when the time comes.”

The figure at the desk smiled and cursed: "I am still a deputy palace chief, and you treat me like an errand boy every day."

Dawson smiled and said: "There's nothing we can do about it. This matter has a lot of impact. Just in case, it's better not to let too many people know about it. I'll find someone at Notting College to keep an eye on it these days. You should have a good rest, and when Shi Quan hands over the first draft of his theory, you will have to travel far away..."

The figure cursed and said: "It's really the official level that crushes people to death, I know."

Notting College.

Shi Quan, who returned to Notting College, was not idle, but began to further improve the soul ring life limit theory based on his own situation.

So many years of study are not in vain, coupled with the support of the original work, Shi Quan's theory is very clear and logical, much more accurate than the so-called masters.

This writing went straight into the night, and Shi Quan didn't even go to practice in the afternoon.

Back in the dormitory, Shi Quan disappeared for a few days. Some of the roommates didn't even know that Shi Quan hadn't been living in the dormitory these days. After all, Shi Quan left early and came back late every day, and he didn't go to class with them on weekdays. We often don't see each other for a few days.

Have a night's rest.

Back mountain.

"It's time to try soul skills." Shi Quan murmured to himself, raised his right hand, and summoned the martial soul. A yellow soul ring rose from his feet.

The internal force circulates and is injected into the soul ring.

The next second, the slightly curled branches and leaves of the Blue Silver Grass opened instantly and extended in all directions at an extremely fast speed. In just a moment, the branches and leaves of the Blue Silver Grass soared to fifty meters away.

"The growth rate is faster than using internal force, the range is wider, and the consumption is very low."

Shi Quan nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand, and the slender blue silver vines immediately spiraled up the tree trunk like a thin snake. In a few breaths, a large number of blue silver grass vines had covered the entire tree trunk. cover.

“Look at the toughness.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he clenched his fingers and tightened his grip on the blue-silver vine. The slender blue-silver vine instantly became straight.

As Shi Quan continued to exert force, the blue silver grass that would normally have broken long ago was still straight at this moment.

Click, click, that was the sound of tree bark breaking.

Zizzi, this is the sound of the blue silver vines tearing apart.

"The toughness of a single blue silver vine is still limited. Even if it is absorbed beyond the level, the blue silver grass is still blue silver grass. There is still a certain gap between the blue silver grass and the blue silver grass with the blood of the blue silver emperor."

I am still a little disappointed with the toughness of Shiquan, but after thinking about it, it is normal. After all, the toughness of the man-eating vine itself is not strong.

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