People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 217 Going deep underground

"This was discussed with Mr. Yin from the beginning..."

Shi Quan then told everyone about his experience of awakening the Blue Silver Emperor in the wild.

"...And Yin Lao didn't die, he just changed his way to continue to survive."

As he spoke, blue light flashed between Shi Quan's eyebrows, and a shrinking blue figure jumped out from Shi Quan's head. The figure was formed by intertwined slender vines. It was very cute and cute. This was the soul of the Blue Silver King.

"Emperor!" Blue Silver King's happy voice came.

The three women looked at this scene curiously.

"Xiao Quan, Blue Silver King has also become a soul?"

"Yes." Shi Quan nodded lightly. Under the influence of the power of reincarnation, the soul sacrificed by the Blue Silver King was directly transformed into a soul-like existence.

"What is a soul?" Now it was Dugu Bo's turn to be confused.

Shi Quan has not told Dugu Bo about the soul yet, and now he can only explain it to Dugu Bo again.

Even though Dugu Bo, as a titled Douluo, had strong endurance, first the soul bone, then the sacrifice, and now another soul, he still couldn't recover for a long time, and he couldn't bear the impact too much.

After a long time, Dugu Bo came back to his senses and said, "Forget it, you young people don't understand the world of us old people."

After letting out a long sigh, Dugu Bo then continued: "I just sensed that Yanyan's soul power has reached level 50, and your soul power has reached level 60. Let's get the soul rings for you first, and then we can go back. Bar."

Shi Quan shook his head and said: "Grandpa Dugu, in addition to Elder Yin, the other reason why I returned to the Ice and Fire Eyes this time is because of the Ice and Fire Eyes."

"What's wrong with the Ice and Fire Eyes?" Dugu Bo looked at Shi Quan in confusion.

"Grandpa Dugu, do you know the origin of the Ice and Fire Eyes?" Shi Quan looked at Dugu Bo.

"The origin of the Ice and Fire Eyes?" Dugu Bo looked back and looked in the direction of the Ice and Fire Eyes, "This kind of treasure is unique and must be naturally formed. What is its origin?"

Shi Quan shook his head and said with a smile: "Grandpa Dugu, there is actually a reason why the Ice and Fire Eyes were formed here."

"Oh? What's the reason?" Dugu Bo was also aroused by Shi Quan's words.

"During this trip to Dragon Valley, I learned a lot of secrets about the dragon clan's past from the dragon soul. The dragon clan has a god named Dragon God, and the dragon clan was created by the dragon god. The dragon god has nine attributes. , he gave various attributes from the evolution of his bloodline to his nine first-generation children, giving them the nine attributes of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, space, time, and stability."

"These nine children have also become the kings of the dragon clan, that is, the nine dragon kings. The torso bones of the mountain dragon king in my body are the mountain dragon kings who have inherited stable attributes. The dragon god is powerful, but due to some special reasons, he has set off a stir in the gods. During the World War, the gods fought against the Dragon God and the Dragon Clan. The Dragon God fell, the Dragon Clan was severely damaged, and almost all the nine dragon kings fell."

"You mean the battle between the Ice and Fire Eyes is somehow related?"

"Yes." Shi Quan nodded and continued: "During that battle, the two dragon masters, the Water Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King, among the nine dragon kings, fell at the same time, and their fallen corpses happened to fall here. "Shi Quan pointed to the land beneath him.

"The appearance of the Ice and Fire Eyes also appeared because of these two dragon kings."

"You mean there are two dragon corpses buried underneath?" Dugu Bo frowned and said, "When I discovered this place, I was also curious to see if there were any special treasures buried underneath that would lead to the creation of such a treasure place. But I didn’t notice anything unusual.”

"That's because these two dragon corpses are thousands of feet underground! Grandpa Dugu, you shouldn't be able to explore such a deep place compared to your exploration, right?"

"Ten thousand feet?" Dugu Bo took a breath, "It's really impossible for me to detect a corpse so deep. How much does its corpse have to weigh?"

"I don't know the exact weight, but it's not light anyway." Shi Quan smiled and waved his hand, and then said: "These two dragon corpses also have true dragon soul bones. This time when I come to the Ice and Fire Eyes, I am going to use these two pieces. Take out the true dragon soul bone."

"It's not that easy to dig deep underground."

"Don't worry, Grandpa Dugu, since I'm here, of course I'm ready." Shi Quan then summoned his Earth Martial Spirit, and the Blue Silver Emperor Tree Soul Ring disappeared into his body, replaced by five souls as black as ink. ring.

"Grandpa Dugu, you should absorb the soul bone first. You may need your help to protect it later to prevent others from noticing anything unusual."

"Then you try it first. I'll see your results after I've absorbed the soul bone."

When Dugu Bo heard this, he nodded, without any trace of ink, tiptoed, and walked towards the cave halfway up the mountain.

"Xiao Quan, do you need our help?" The three women came forward and asked.

"No, I plan to use the power of the Earth Martial Spirit to go deep underground. If possible, I will come back to take you down when the time comes. If it doesn't work, then we will find other methods."

Shi Quan shook his head and refused, then looked down below him, raised his hand and pressed it on the ground. The dark yellow earth martial spirit melted into the ground instantly, and there was a warm feeling under his body. Yellow light flickered on his chest, and the earth Yellow light bloomed, covering an area within two meters.

As the first soul ring under Shi Quan lit up, the soil under Shi Quan trembled slightly, then began to collapse, and Shi Quan's figure sank into the earth.

The soul skill of the first soul ring of the Earth Martial Spirit is called Earth Control, which can greatly increase Shi Quan's affinity for the earth, increase Shi Quan's ability to control the earth, and increase the thickness of the soil.

Submerged into the earth, it was pitch black all around.

However, Shi Quan felt extremely comfortable. Circles and circles of light yellow ripples bloomed from his body. The power of the earth continued to come from all directions, and Shi Quan's spiritual power spread out involuntarily.

For a time, Shi Quan's vision changed with his thoughts, and the dark underground became colorful. His perception seemed to spread infinitely, and every piece of earth and rock under the earth became Shi Quan's eyes.

He saw the roots of vegetation, the corpses of soul beasts, and the veins of mountains and mines, everything was so clear.

The weight of the earth, which carries all things, infected Tang San, which also gave Shi Quan a new understanding of the realm of the earth and its power.

While feeling the power of the earth, the earth domain also continued to spread with Shi Quan's perception. More and more lands joined the earth domain, and each piece of land released their heavy aura and injected it into the earth domain. among.

Although the scope of the earth domain is getting larger and larger, the more land the domain encompasses, Shi Quan's consciousness does not become blurred, but becomes clearer and clearer, and his mental power increases as Shi Quan's sinking figure continues. trend.

On the ground, three days had passed before I knew it.

Dugu Bo's powerful and vigorous aura erupted, and strong soul power fluctuations spread out.

"Hahaha, I finally absorbed it successfully!"

Before Dugu Bo appeared, his excited voice came over.

The three girls who were practicing were also awakened from their practice by Dugu Bo's exclamation. Looking in the direction of Dugu Bo, they saw Dugu Bo's tall figure jumping out of the cave, and his powerful aura spread out. , it seems that this soul bone has brought him considerable benefits.

"Grandpa, have you achieved a breakthrough in strength?" Dugu Yan looked at Dugu Bo with shining eyes.

Dugu Bo held his head high and said, "Haha, I have already broken through level ninety-four. With the help of this True Dragon Soul Bone, level ninety-five is just around the corner."

"Grandpa, you are so awesome!"

"No, let's see who dares to say that I am the weakest titled Douluo. Let's see if I don't kill him directly now."

Ye Lingling and Zhu Zhuqing also congratulated, "Congratulations to Grandpa Dugu."

"Hahaha, this is all thanks to Xiao Quan's soul bone." Dugu Bo glanced around and found no sign of Shi Quan, and then asked: "Where is that guy Xiao Quan? He hasn't come out of the ground yet?"

"Well, Xiao Quan doesn't know where the underground is now. After he sneaked into the ground, we couldn't sense his breath for a short time. Grandpa, can you sense Xiao Quan's breath?" Dugu Yan looked at Dugu expectantly. Bo.

"Ahem...Grandpa, try it." Dugu Bo coughed twice, and his soul power spread towards the ground to activate his induction.

After a moment of silence, Dugu Bo shook his head in embarrassment and said, "I can't find this guy's aura either. It seems like he should have gone deep underground."

"Okay." Dugu Yan curled his lips, "Then we can only wait until Xiaoquan comes out on his own. I don't know when he will come out."

"If what Xiao Quan said is true, then the dragon corpse is thousands of feet underground. How can he be able to dive to such a deep place in the future? It will take a lot of time. Don't worry, wait slowly. Well, that kid is steady and there won’t be any problems.”

Dugu Bo looked at Dugu Yan, and then said: "By the way, Yan Yan, you haven't told grandpa what happened after you left the Dragon Valley. Anyway, you have nothing to do. You can chat with grandpa. Don't you know these two things?" Nian, your absence makes grandpa miserable."

"No problem." Dugu Yan continued with a smile: "After leaving Dragon Valley, we arrived at a new continent. That continent is called Longteng Continent..."

While Dugu Yan and others were chatting and laughing.

Deep beneath the ground.

In Shi Quan's perception, a giant red and blue thing finally appeared in the range of perception. The hot and cold breath was only briefly perceived, and Shi Quan felt as if he was in a sea of ​​icebergs and fire, alternating between hot and cold. The breath shook Shi Quan's spirit.

Shi Quan could only use the power of the earth field to perceive a general idea. This huge red and blue behemoth covers an area of ​​more than several thousand meters, both horizontally and vertically. The whole thing looks like a huge cocoon of red and blue lights. The thing in the middle is wrapped and cannot be seen clearly.

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