After getting on the carriage, Shi Quan was driving the carriage and then he thought about checking the system prompts.

"Integrate the treasure chest? What does this mean?" Shi Quan looked at the system prompts with confusion on his face.

At this time, the system prompt sound came again.

"Ding, when the host can trigger two or more treasure boxes of the same type in a short period of time, you can choose to delay opening the treasure box. When the next treasure box is triggered, the treasure boxes of the same type will be integrated into one, and the integrated treasure box will be opened. Give better rewards.”

"Is there such a mechanism?" Shi Quan raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a while and then agreed. For him now, he naturally does not pursue quantity, but rather quality.

Instead of two ordinary rewards, it is better to wait for a better reward.

Shi Quan's current soul power level is already sixty.

Before entering Dragon Valley, Shi Quan's soul power had exceeded fifty and was close to fifty-six.

Because he absorbed the power of reincarnation, his soul power also skyrocketed.

He didn't know the exact amount himself, but now he knew that it had increased directly to the next bottleneck.

His current soul martial spirit and blue silver emperor tree martial spirit are both four rings, and only the earth martial spirit is five rings.

If you want to break through the sixth ring, you only need to directly try to use the earth martial soul to absorb the power of the dragon god and evolve the god-given soul ring.

But he hasn't figured out which martial soul he will use this god-given soul ring on.

Arrangements have been made for the fifth soul ring stone of the Blue Silver Emperor Tree. As long as he returns to Douluo Continent, he can have the Blue Silver King sacrifice it to him.

The sixth soul ring of the Earth Martial Spirit, Shi Quan’s plan is the Titan Giant Ape. The Titan Giant Ape is obviously an earth-attributed soul beast. It not only possesses the field of gravity, but also possesses unparalleled strength and speed, with almost no flaws in attack and defense. .

And if you kill the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python, you may be able to trigger a new loot chest.

As for the Azure Bull Python Soul Ring Stone, it will naturally not be wasted. It can be used as the sixth soul ring of the Blue Silver Emperor Tree.

In fact, there is no need to consider the attributes of a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast. As long as it can be absorbed, a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast will give you the most powerful and comprehensive improvement of your martial soul.

In fact, if you calculate it this way, it seems that the most suitable target for this god-given soul ring is the soul martial soul, because currently only the soul soul ring has not yet been found.

"Currently, the Soul Spirit is indeed the most suitable choice." Shi Quan muttered to himself as he played with the golden crystal ball in his hand.

If he hadn't absorbed the soul ring in Dragon Valley, he would have been expelled directly from the Dragon Valley world if his soul power exceeded level 50. He would not be able to come out with Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, and Duguyan. However, he could try to absorb this spirit ring in Dragon Valley. A god-given soul ring.

Coming out now is another matter. They are only two days away from Hai Long's territory. With his current physique, he can turn this god-given spirit ring into a hundred thousand year spirit ring. In the original work, Tang San absorbed the hundred thousand year spirit ring. It took a full hundred days to give the soul ring.

Naturally, it won't take him that long, but it can't be absorbed in a short time.

Shi Quan planned to go to Hailong City first before making further arrangements.

Hailong City, the lord city of Hailong Territory.

The huge city was built along the sea. After two days of travel, everyone finally arrived outside Hailong City.

Before entering the city, everyone could already smell a faint salty smell.

at this time. They had arrived at the city gate and got off the carriage for routine inspection.

Zhu Zhuqing frowned and said, "What does this smell like? It's weird."

"This is a salty smell. In a coastal city like this, when the sea breeze blows, there will naturally be a salty smell." Shi Quan explained with a smile.

Of course, the soldiers guarding the city gate didn't understand what they said.

When had the soldiers at the city gate seen beauties of this level, and there were only three of them at once? However, one look at Shi Quan's majestic appearance, and they knew that Shi Quan was not an ordinary person. More importantly, they recognized the four. The extraordinaryness of people's carriages.

One of the soldiers guarding the city stepped forward and asked: "Everyone in Kuanglong Territory, do you know why you came to Hailong City this time?"

Shi Quan raised his brows slightly, looked back at the carriage he was sitting in, and immediately understood that the soldiers guarding the city must have misunderstood their identities.

However, he could just use this identity to act in Hailong City, and then said: "We came to Hailong City to buy a ship."

"Buy a ship?" The city guard was stunned for a moment, nodded, and allowed Shi Quan and his party to walk into Hailong City without embarrassing Shi Quan.

After watching Shi Quan and the other four people go away, the soldiers guarding the city said a few words to their teammates, then turned and walked towards the city.

After a while, the soldiers guarding the city arrived outside the lord's mansion.

After many rounds of notifications, I finally came to an old man with white hair and beard.

"What's the matter?" The old man's gaze faintly swept over the soldiers guarding the city, with a calm and authoritative power about him.

The soldier guarding the city immediately said respectfully: "Lord, a man and three women just entered Sea Dragon City in Lord Mad Dragon's carriage, saying they wanted to buy a ship."

"Oh?" the old man said with some surprise: "That little guy Kuanglong is very arrogant. I have never seen him lend his car to anyone else. Are you sure you read that right?"

The soldier guarding the city said seriously: "Lord, I can be sure that I saw it correctly. I happened to have seen the special logo of the Mad Dragon Lord on the carriage before, so I came to report it as soon as possible."

"Interesting." The old man nodded, "You have done a good job in this matter. Your salary will be doubled this month. Come on."

"Thank you, Lord." The guarding soldier looked happy and quickly bowed and retreated.

"Hailey, go keep an eye on those four people, and then send someone to the Mad Dragon Territory to investigate."

"Okay, sir." A slim figure walked out of the Lord's Mansion.

Inside Hailong City.

Entering Hailong City, the salty smell became a little stronger.

Wherever the four of them went, they turned heads. After all, the three girls were all stunning girls.

Although the three girls could not understand what the people around them were saying, it did not affect their curiosity about all the new things in Hailong City.

Along the way, because they were not familiar with the place, the four of them discussed staying there for two days, shopping around and understanding the situation in Sea Dragon City, and then contacted them to buy a boat and a chart.

Relying on the induction of the Earth Domain, Shi Quan could only determine that Douluo Continent was in the northwest direction of Longteng Continent.

After wandering around for a while, they stayed in a luxury hotel on the coast.

There were also some hiccups when opening the room.

The three girls wanted to open two rooms. The three of them had one room and Shi Quan had one room. In the end, under Shi Quan's overbearing arrangement, only one room was opened. The three girls could only agree with a blush.

It was another night of three heroes fighting against Lu Bu, and it wasn't until noon the next day that a group of four people walked out of the hotel.

While wandering around yesterday, they had already determined the destination of their trip today, Hailong Shipyard.

Hailong Shipyard is the largest boat rental office in Hailong City, and it is also involved in the sale and purchase of ships. The ships here are the most comprehensive in the entire Hailong City, and Hailong Shipyard also has the most comprehensive nautical charts in the nearby waters.

After a brief inquiry, a group of four people quickly arrived outside Hailong Shipyard.

From the Hailong Shipyard, we can see that Lord Hailong attaches great importance to marine resources.

The decoration of Hailong Shipyard is very luxurious and grand. The tall porch is decorated with soul beast murals with golden patterns. The spacious hall covers an area of ​​nearly a thousand square meters, and the surrounding walls are full of exquisite carvings.

"Dear guest, it is my pleasure to serve you. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Shi Quan and others had just walked into Hailong Shipyard for a while when a voluptuous woman walked towards them not far away. The woman was wearing a tight-fitting uniform, which made her already perfect curves even more graceful and graceful. Every move exudes the charm of a mature beauty.

Shi Quan's deep eyes carefully looked up and down at the woman in front of him, a smile of unknown meaning appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "We want to buy a ship."

"Okay, guest, please come with me." The woman maintained a professional smile and asked while leading the way: "Guest, you can call me Haili. I wonder what type of boat the guest wants to buy?"

"I want to buy a ship that can travel long distances, preferably with better defensive performance, easier to operate, and faster."

"This guest, there are many ships on the voyage. Please come here for a while. I will get you the relevant information to facilitate your selection." The woman nodded after hearing this, and then smiled and Shi Quan and the four of them were taken to a gorgeously decorated private room before leaving.

As soon as the woman left, Shi Quan felt a pain in his waist.

"You just looked at that Haili without turning your eyes. Just put your eyes on her." Dugu Yan pinched the soft flesh around Shi Quan's waist and glared at Shi Quan fiercely.

Shi Quan was in pain and quickly begged for mercy and explained: "I don't have it. That woman is not simple. We should be targeted by people from this Hailong territory."

Dugu Yan was stunned for a moment, then let go and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever seen a Soul Emperor come to the gate as a salesperson?"

"That woman is actually a Soul Emperor?" The three women were all a little shocked.

"Well, she deliberately hid her aura, but I still noticed it." Shi Quan nodded.

Dugu Yan said suspiciously: "You won't deliberately deceive us just to make excuses, right?"

Shi Quan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Am I that hungry?"

"That's true." Dugu Yan couldn't help but blush a little when she thought about last night.

Zhu Zhuqing asked: "Xiao Quanyou said why the people in Hailong Territory are targeting us?"

Shi Quan thought for a while and said: "It should be the carriage we are riding in that attracts their attention, and it should have something to do with our slaying the mad dragon lord."

"Then can we still successfully buy a ship?"

"Why not? The relationship between the territories is just like the relationship between the two empires. They are not harmonious. We helped them kill the Mad Dragon Lord before they were happy. Moreover, they did not lose money when they traded with us. They had money. Make money, why don’t you trade with us?”

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