People trigger treasure chests in Douluo

Chapter 19 Marder’s Inquiry

Jingle Bell.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Shi Quan did not stand up immediately, but after carefully reading the last few pages of the book in his hand, he slowly stood up, looked at the empty classroom, picked up the book in his hand and walked out of the classroom, towards the book Go to the room.

He borrowed these books before the holidays last semester, and it had been more than a week since the semester started before he had finished reading them.

"Dean, I'm here to return the book."

Shi Quan gently knocked on the door of the library and looked into the library. After seeing Marder's figure, Shi Quan walked in.

Marder smiled and asked: "Is the book difficult to understand this time?"

Shi Quan smiled and touched his head, shook his head and said, "That's not true. It was just that I was delayed for a while when I went home, so I was a little slower."

Marder looked at the smart Shi Quan, stepped forward to take the book in his hand, touched his head kindly, and said gently: "My child, I have two questions to ask you. Can you answer me truthfully?" ?”

Shi Quan raised his head and looked at Marder's somewhat cloudy eyes. After thinking for a while, he said, "Dean, just ask, and I will tell you the truth."

"Good boy." Malde nodded happily, took Shi Quan to sit down, and then asked: "My child, your Blue Silver Grass martial spirit should be a mutated martial spirit, right?"

Shi Quan nodded and said, "Yes, Dean."

"Can I see it?"

"No problem, Dean."

Shi Quan raised his right hand and released his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

"Such a strong vitality." Malder's eyes lit up when he looked at the blue blue silver grass in Shi Quan's hand. He had a somewhat serious look just now, but he relaxed and smiled at the corner of his mouth. meaning.

As the saying goes, a layman can watch the excitement, but an expert can watch the door.

Malde's martial soul theory is also not low. The vitality breath exuded by Shi Quan's blue silver grass martial soul is mellow and warm. Such a martial soul cannot be an evil martial soul at all, and Shi Quan cannot be an evil soul master. It is certain. Upon realizing this, the tight strings in Malder's heart relaxed for the most part.

It's not surprising that Malde suddenly asked Shi Quan. After breaking up with Tang San, how could Tang San not be protective with his character? In Shi Quan's view, Malde's sudden question must be related to Tang San and Yu Xiaogang. This guy has nothing to do with it.

Shi Quan has already been prepared for this. Since the martial soul mutated, Shi Quan has discovered that he can change the way the martial soul's attributes appear by injecting internal force. For example, he only injects yang-attributed internal force into Blue Silver. When it is in the Grass Martial Spirit, the life attribute of the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit will be enhanced and its own devouring attribute will be hidden, and vice versa.

Therefore, when faced with inquiries and investigations, Shi Quan was not at all confused.

"You read that right, the direction of your martial soul's mutation should be life, right?" Marder sighed in surprise. Judging from his feelings, the vitality of Shi Quan Blue Silver Grass is much stronger than that of ordinary Blue Silver Grass. In this way The mutation should not only be the first level of innate soul power.

"Yes Dean."

Malder looked at Shi Quan's neither humble nor arrogant expression, and he loved him even more from the bottom of his heart. He asked again: "My child, can you tell me your current soul power level?"

"Soul power level?" Shi Quan murmured softly, pretending to be thoughtful. After a long pause, he showed a firm look and said, "Dean, my soul power should be at level seven or eight. .”

"What!" Marder stood up immediately, grabbed Shi Quan's shoulders with both hands, and asked again word for word: "Shi Quan, you said your soul power is already at level seven or eight! "

"That's right, Dean."

"Don't resist." Marder frowned, and the soul power in his body surged towards Shi Quan. After feeling the internal power flowing inside Shi Quan, his expression became a little dull, and he murmured to himself: " It’s not just level seven, it’s level eight! And the soul power is even much purer than that of ordinary people.”

Shi Quan also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Marder's murmur. The only thing he was not sure about now was whether someone would find something abnormal in his body when he checked his soul power level. Judging from Marder's reaction, , he did not find that the internal power in his body was special, he just felt that it was purer than ordinary soul power.

After a long time, Malde came back to his senses and asked in a deep voice: "Is your innate soul power really only at the first level?"

"It should be. Isn't that what is written on the martial arts certificate?"

After listening to Shi Quan's answer, Malde couldn't help but fell into deep thought. It was impossible for the innate level 1 to be cultivated so fast. Unless the evil soul master used special devouring methods, it was possible to go from level 1 to level 1 in just one year. Advance to level seven by leaps and bounds.

But no matter from the perspective of Shi Quan's martial soul or soul power, Shi Quan cannot be an evil soul master.

So there are only two situations now, either there was an error during the inspection and his innate soul power was more than one level, or Shi Quan had some special training method that could increase his soul power level so quickly.

Of course, Marder was more inclined to the first option, but he had never heard of Wuhundian's detection being missed. After thinking about it, he thought about it. Malde wanted to confirm, and then asked: "How do you practice?"

This time, Shi Quan did not answer directly, but asked: "Dean, what do you think are the characteristics of Blue Silver Grass?"

"What are the characteristics of Bluesilver Grass?" Marder was stunned for a moment, "What characteristics can Bluesilver Grass have? Can it be found everywhere? Is it highly adaptable? Has a strong vitality?"

"That's right, it's life." Shi Quan moved his fingers lightly, and the blue silver grass in his hand bloomed with a faint blue light, and wrapped around Shi Quan's arm intimately, "There are so many blue silver grasses on the mainland, blue silver grass. Silver grass can survive in almost any environment. It relies on its own tenacious vitality. Wildfires cannot burn it out, and spring breezes blow it again. This is the blue silver grass. Tenacious life is the characteristic of blue silver grass. .”

"Indeed." Malder nodded.

Shi Quan raised his head and looked directly at Malde, "Dean, in the past, our human race was weak. In front of the soul beasts, humans were as fragile as the blue silver grass. However, through our own efforts, we have spread across the continent with our own strength and become a continent." The dominant one, and Bluesilver Grass also stands out from all kinds of plants and is spread all over the continent. In my opinion, Bluesilver Grass is very similar to us people."

"It's quite similar." Marder was stunned for a moment, it was hard to imagine that a seven-year-old child would have such an idea.

"Although Bluesilver Grass is common, its own life and tenacious attributes are not comparable to those of ordinary plants. My Bluesilver Grass is said to be a mutation. In my opinion, it is more like an awakening, an awakening of its own power. , mankind has risen because of the awakening of martial souls. In my opinion, the awakening of the life attribute of Blue Silver Grass is a sign of its rise. Humanity has its own emperor, and various soul beast races also have their own beast kings. That Blue Silver Grass Is there an emperor among the grasses? Can my Bluesilver Grass become the emperor of the countless Bluesilver Grasses on this continent?"

Speaking of this, Shi Quan's eyes burst out with intense brilliance.

After listening to Shi Quan's words, Malder was stunned on the spot. He actually saw such a powerful ambition in the eyes of a seven-year-old child.

"The Emperor of Bluesilver Grass?" Malder felt that his throat had become a little dry.

Marder himself didn't know whether this road was feasible, but he didn't want to undermine Shi Quan's confidence. After recovering, he asked again: "My child, do you know how difficult this road is?"

Shi Quan smiled and said: "Dean, I think I have found my own way. Doesn't my soul power level prove it?"

"What! Did you find it?"

Even as the head of a hospital, Malder still lost his composure after hearing Shi Quan's words, and his horrified voice resounded throughout the library for a while.

Marder continued to ask gaffefully: "How did you do it?"

Shi Quan did not answer, but looked at Malde quietly in front of him.

Only then did Malde realize that he had said the wrong thing. How could Shi Quan, a child so smart, not know what to say and what not to say? His ability to tell him all the directions proved that Shi Quan trusted him.

If asked in detail, this would be like asking about other soul masters' soul skills, which is a taboo for soul masters, let alone their cultivation methods.

Marder patted his head again and said angrily: "I was reckless."

Shi Quan shook his head and said: "It's okay, Dean, if possible, I hope you can help me keep my secret, especially Yu Xiaogang."

Hearing Shi Quan mention Yu Xiaogang, Malde looked a little more embarrassed, understanding that Shi Quan should have guessed, "Don't worry, good boy, I won't tell anyone your secret."

Seeing Malde agree, Shi Quan said: "Thank you, Dean, it's actually not a secret that I practice so fast. In fact, it has a lot to do with the mutation of my martial soul.

The vitality of my Bluesilver Grass is much stronger than that of ordinary Bluesilver Grass. During my research, I discovered that the strong vitality in the Spirit of Bluesilver Grass can resonate with other Bluesilver Grass under certain circumstances. This resonance It's very strange, allowing me to sense the fluctuations of life in the surrounding Blue Silver Grass.

Under the guidance of this fluctuation, the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit can absorb part of the life breath of the surrounding Blue Silver Grass. After absorbing these life breaths, the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit will become more powerful. At the same time, under my Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, Under the influence of the soul aura, the surrounding Bluesilver Grass will not only not decay, but will become stronger, forming a climbing cycle.

It is precisely because of this that while my Blue Silver Grass martial soul is becoming stronger and stronger under the nourishment of a large amount of life breath, I feel that my talent is also growing, and the soul power growth rate has also been greatly improved. increase in magnitude. "

"It turns out to be like this! The Blue Silver Grass martial spirit can actually resonate with a plant like Blue Silver Grass. The two nourish and improve each other, and can also improve the quality of the martial spirit. So can other martial spirits be similar to Blue Silver Grass? Regardless of whether the effect is possible or not, just the fact that the quality of martial arts can be improved will definitely cause a sensation in the entire martial arts world. This discovery is most feasible for those plant-type soul masters..."

Malder's face was full of fanaticism, his whole person fell into some kind of crazy mood, and he kept talking to himself.

Shi Quan watched this scene quietly from the side without disturbing him. He understood the value of what he just said to a martial soul scholar.

And all this he said was deliberately designed based on a plot in the original work, and he was indeed able to achieve similar effects.

In the original work, when Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Emperor, countless blue silver grasses gave up their vitality to help Tang San awaken the Blue Silver Emperor. After the successful awakening, the Blue Silver Emperor also fed back with his own higher level life breath. Nourished those ordinary bluesilver grasses.

Naturally, the life breath of his current Blue Silver Grass martial spirit cannot nourish other Blue Silver Grass, but when combined with the internal energy of Yang attribute, the life attribute of Blue Silver Grass will become more powerful and can nourish other Blue Silver Grass. The effect is that the nourished Blue Silver Grass will also feed back a certain amount of life energy into the Blue Silver Grass. If things go on like this, his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit may transform into a Blue Silver King or even a Blue Silver Emperor.

"Shi Quan, do you know how much impact your discovery will have on the soul master world?" After Malde came back to his senses, he held Shi Quan's shoulders with excitement and said.

Shi Quan shrugged and said helplessly: "Dean, my situation is just a special case. My method cannot be promoted at all. Another reason why I can resonate with you is that Bluesilver Grass is naturally weak and easy to establish connections. In addition, my Blue Silver Grass martial spirit has awakened its life attribute, so that I can conquer those Blue Silver Grass. It is almost impossible for other martial spirits to establish contact with the same plants."

"Indeed." Marder nodded and gradually calmed down. Most of the plant soul masters possess plant souls that are derived from plant soul beasts. Soul beasts and soul masters are hostile to each other, so it is impossible for them to appear. A connection similar to Shi Quan, and the establishment of the connection is only the foundation. It is not so easy for the two to cooperate with each other to nourish and grow.

Just like Shi Quan said, he is a special case, and it is the special characteristics of Basic Bluesilver Grass that cause such a climbing cycle pattern.

"Dean, you should understand my situation. Can I apply not to go to class? The content of the class is useless to me anyway. If you are free, can I study with you for a while?"

Now that Tang San and the others have found Malde, it just so happens that he takes the opportunity to further reduce his interaction with Tang San Xiaowu. After all, there is a Haotian Douluo behind Tang San. Although the titled Douluo has his own pride, he rarely lowers himself. He used his position to kill some weaklings, but Tang Hao was not sure. If he found out that he had the ability to rob his son Blue Silver Emperor, he would probably not even be left with a single blow.

As the saying goes, many friends have many paths. The mutation of his Bluesilver Grass martial soul and the special training method he specially prepared will definitely be announced later. Telling Malde now will not affect the overall situation. Keep a good relationship with Malde. It's beneficial and harmless, and in the academy, Malde can be regarded as one of his supporters, which makes it convenient for him to do things.

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