"Yes. Tang San nodded seriously.

"Okay, okay." Zhao Wuji laughed out loud, "In this case, our time in the Star Forest should be extended this time."

"It's done." Shi Quan raised a smile on his lips.

For the rest of the time, he just had to stay in the forest for another two days with peace of mind under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, waiting for the Titan Giant Ape to come and kidnap Xiao Wu.

Because Zhao Wuji was worried that Mr. Long would come back with Snake Po when he appeared, that night, he took seven Shrek students and walked about ten miles in one direction. After covering up all traces, they settled down.

The next day everyone started looking for Tang San's third soul ring.

I searched like this for another two days.

Just like the original work, Tang San never found a suitable spirit beast. At the same time, Shi Quan also got Tang San the choice of his third spirit ring. It was obvious that because of him, Tang San's third spirit ring did not He plans to continue hunting soul beasts with poison attributes, but instead plans to choose to devour soul beasts that absorb attributes.

Euphemistically speaking, it is enough that the toxin can have a paralyzing effect. Hunt the soul beast that devours and absorbs the ability, so that the Blue Silver Grass can gain the ability to devour and absorb it. When trapping the enemy, first use the toxin to paralyze it, and then absorb and consume it. The enemy's soul power makes the enemy even less able to resist.

Hearing what Tang San said, Shi Quan couldn't help but be speechless. It was obvious that the master also knew that there was a problem with adding poison attributes all the time, so he started to change his direction. He was tricked so clearly. In the end, Tang San was still against the master. A look of total determination.

I don't know if Tang San is stupid or blind.

It is true that love is stronger than gold, and there is no turning back.

"It would be great if Tang San killed the master, and then I would pass the news to Bibi Dong. Then..." Shi Quan thought to himself.

Night has fallen again, and it's time to rest.

Calculating the time, tonight is the time for the Titan Giant Ape to arrive.

"Ah Quan, quickly take back your spiritual consciousness." Xiao Meng's urgent voice sounded,

Shi Quan was so excited that he quickly gathered his spiritual consciousness and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Meng explained: "The Titan Ape is here. It is very powerful. If you still maintain this large-scale spiritual scanning, the Titan Ape will attack you."

"So that's it."

"Everyone get out of the tent, quick."

At this moment, Zhao Wuji's rich voice came into the tent.

Everyone quickly got out of the tent.

"If something happens later, Zhuang Zhou, please help everyone leave the Star Dou Forest safely."

Just when everyone was confused, everyone suddenly saw a strange scene.

Two tall trees suddenly slowly parted to both sides, and a huge figure walked out from there quietly.

In an instant, almost everyone's breathing stopped.

"Ah Quan, this giant ape, is here for Xiao Wu. If you detect it now, there shouldn't be any danger."

After seeing the true appearance of the Titan ape from his spiritual consciousness, even though he was prepared in his heart, he still couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

The Titan ape stood in the distance like a big mountain, its dark hair exuding a faint brilliance under the cold moonlight.

The shoulder height alone is over seven meters, and the entire body height is at least fifteen meters!

Those eyes, which were as big as lanterns, shone like yellow crystals, emitting a chilling light like two lasers in the dark night.

While Shi Quan's spiritual sense was exploring the Titan ape, its gaze also fell on Shi Quan.

"This is totally more King Kong than King Kong."

Shi Quan was shocked and took a deep breath, but he was not afraid because he knew that the Titan Ape would not hurt them for the time being because Xiao Wu was here.

He was just shocked by this giant beast that he had never seen before.

This is the real body crushing. Just standing here gives people a feeling of despair. The whole body combined is less than half the size of the opponent's sole.

"It's the king of the forest, the Titan Ape!"

Tang San's voice was trembling.

This kind of terrifying soul beast, even if you don't know its name, its size alone is scary enough.

Fortunately, the Titan ape stopped not far ahead and stopped moving.

Everyone was too scared to move.

This feeling is like being stared at by a tiger. If you move, it will pounce on you and bite you. The instinctive consciousness prevented everyone from taking any action.

"To be precise, it's a 100,000-year-old Titan ape..." Shi Quan's slanderous voice rang in his mind. Of course, he couldn't say it out loud, otherwise Tang San wouldn't chase him and play with a hammer.

"If it weren't for Xiao Wu, it would be harder to encounter a soul beast of this level in a place like this than winning one billion for one dollar."

Shi Quan thought, Zhao Wuji couldn't help it anymore, and said in a deep voice: "Dear King of the Forest, we do not mean any offense. If this is your territory, we will leave immediately..."

Zhao Wuji couldn't understand it at all.

Why would this titan ape in front of me, which was at least ten thousand years old, run outside and cause trouble for these soul masters?

At this time, Zhao Wuji had no intention of thinking about these things!

What he needs to think about is how to lead everyone and escape safely!

Then after listening to Zhao Wuji's words, the Titan Giant Ape took a step forward.

This simple step immediately made Zhao Wuji break into a cold sweat.

"I'll stop him, you guys eat Oscar's mushroom sausage immediately and get out of here! Quick! Don't hesitate! Once you hesitate, none of us will be able to leave here alive!"

After saying that, without any hesitation, the soul ring on Zhao Wuji suddenly lit up and he rushed forward.

Several soul rings lit up in an orderly manner, and soul skills were used crazily as if they didn't require soul power.

Shi Quan was slightly silent. He knew that the Titan Ape would leave as soon as it caught Xiao Wu. However, it was naturally impossible for him to push Xiao Wu out. He could watch everything develop from the perspective of a bystander. If he hadn't encountered that at the last step, He really suffered a big loss with the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Not surprisingly, everyone chose to stay.

Dai Mubai released his third soul skill and rushed out first.

"Zhuqing, don't attack. You can't break the defense of the titan ape with your attack. Instead of attacking, follow my command, pay attention to everyone's movements, and provide support at any time."

Shi Quan's voice sounded in Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and jumped onto the big tree.

The next second, everyone's attacks had just landed, but before they touched the Titan ape, they let out a roar in the face of everyone's attacks.

A burst of black terrifying energy erupted all around, blowing like a hurricane, causing countless big trees in the sky to bend and break. The scene was extremely shocking!

Even Zhu Zhuqing, who was not attacking, was directly thrown away by the terrifying air wave.

At the same time, the huge body of the Titan ape finally started to move, flying up at a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. The huge body fell from the sky and went straight to the direction where everyone was gathering and pressed down.

Shi Shen's figure immediately jumped into the air, hugged Zhu Zhuqing who was flying upside down, and quickly escaped from the attack range of the Titan ape.

As for the others, Oscar threw Ning Rongrong down and protected him. Dai Mubai and Zhao Wuji saved themselves. Tang San saved the fat man next to him and kicked him away. He wanted to go again. By the time he saved Xiao Wu, it was already too late.

"No—, let go of Xiao Wu."

Tang San could only watch helplessly as Xiao Wu was caught in mid-air by the Titan Ape.


Zhao Wuji, who had just stabilized his figure, immediately released his martial spirit avatar and rushed towards the Titan Giant Ape.

But facing the 100,000-year-old Titan ape, Zhao Wuji's full blow was easily blocked by the Titan ape with one arm. Not only did it shake it in the slightest, but he staggered back seven or eight steps before he managed to escape. Stand firm.

With another roar from the Titan ape. The black air wave erupted again, and everyone was once again lifted away. At the same time, the Titan Giant Ape suddenly rose up. With only one rise and fall, it was already a hundred meters away and disappeared into the woods.

Zhao Wuji wanted to chase, but soon discovered that his speed was not at the same level as the Titan ape.

Because of her training, Ning Rongrong did not faint under the protection of Oscar's attack.

Everyone stood up from the ground and finally recovered from the attack of the Titan ape.

Zhao Wuji couldn't accept the ending of his student being captured by the Titan Gorilla and not knowing whether he lived or died, and Tang San couldn't accept it even more.

"I'm sorry everyone, it's all my fault, I couldn't stop him from taking Xiao Wu away. Tang San, you, please forgive me..."

I can't accept it...but I can only accept it.

"Xiao Ao, if you still treat me as a brother, give me a mushroom sausage. Don't make it public and don't let anyone see it."

Oscar was stunned when he heard the faint sound of mosquitoes but the clear voice in his ears. At this time, how could he give it to Tang San? He was not willing to watch Tang San die.

"Xiao Wu is my sister and my relative. Now she has been kidnapped and her whereabouts are unknown. But even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I must try. I beg you. Oscar, give me a mushroom sausage. "

Looking at Tang San's blood-red eyes, Oscar finally moved.

"That's all."

Oscar sighed and threw the mushroom sausage he had made before to Tang San.

"Xiao Ao, what are you doing!"

Zhao Wuji shouted loudly. Although he was discovered immediately, speed was not his strong point after all.

Just as he was about to stop Tang San, Tang San had already eaten the roasted sausage, and a pair of transparent wings like butterflies sprouted from his back, and he flew out.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Zhao. I have to find Xiao Wu. Even if she is dead, I have to retrieve her body." Tang San's sad and angry voice came.

"The Seven Treasures are famous, and the second is: speed." Ning Rongrong's clear voice sounded, and a brilliant light fell on Tang San, "Xiao San, go quickly. I support you. I increased my soul power output and increased the speed. The effect should last for one minute after leaving the range of my soul power. I must find Xiao Wu, she is also my roommate."

Everything is developed according to the original work.

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