Chapter 53: Tony: I never thought that I would be bullied as a rookie one day (One update, please subscribe!)

At the moment of using the Phoenix incarnation, Bai Yu seemed to turn into light, becoming faster than Tony's magic sword, entering the state of divine speed, and easily dodged the slash across the sky.

At the moment when Bai Yu dodged, Tony's attack tore the earth, forming a deep gully; tore the sea, forming a huge ditch, and the sea water on both sides poured into the gully. Even

Andre and Erica, who had been hiding several kilometers away, were almost affected, because such a gully was formed in the ocean, and the yacht was almost swept into it.

Looking at this terrifying attack, even Erica, who had seen the battle of gods, felt her scalp tingling and difficult to adapt.

Andre, on the other hand, seemed to have seen many battles between Tony, the King of Swords, and other godslayers or gods of disobedience. He calmly used the spell to stabilize the yacht and continued to look into the distance.

At this moment, on the deserted island, Bai Yu, who had entered a state of super speed, dodged Andre's attack and dodged into the air.

He floated in the air, surrounded by howling winds and surging lightning, making him look like a god.

At the same time, lightning balls in the sky also fell one after another.

Facing this attack, Tony had given up dodging and could only choose to resist.



The next moment, countless thunder balls exploded, forming a terrifying stream of lightning, turning that area into a manic sea of thunder.

In the area covered by the thunder balls, the ground was smashed into deep pits and became charred, a doomsday scene.

Even the entire deserted island was shaking violently. Bombed by so many thunder balls, the island had already shown signs of being sunk.

The bombing of the thunder balls lasted for three minutes before stopping.

At this moment, the entire deserted island had become riddled with holes. A huge pit occupied one-third of the deserted island, and countless spider-web-like charred cracks were all over it, which was shocking.

In the deep pit, a charred figure stood there.

That was Tony.

Although Tony looked extremely miserable at this moment, he actually had not lost his fighting power.

"Hey, Bai Yu, your move is really powerful. I almost thought I couldn't make it."

In the middle of the pit, the charred Tony spoke.

Although he said this, his injuries were obviously not that serious. Although he was indeed seriously injured, this level was far from losing combat effectiveness and death.

"You are really tough."

Bai Yu stood in the air, complaining speechlessly.

He naturally knew what power Tony used to survive his attack.

Steel Protection, another power of Tony, can give the flesh the hardness and weight of steel, and the power to protect himself. The general collapse is not even as good as rain for him.

The power is unmatched in terms of weight and hardness, so Tony will not be blown away easily, and his movements will not become sluggish due to the increase in weight. Therefore, this super weight can be used in attack, and it is very effective to attack the enemy with such a body.

The biggest weakness of the Undying Steel Body is high temperature, but even so, it can withstand the high-temperature attack equivalent to the explosion of a solar flare for more than ten minutes, and it is only the skin. Sunburn.

It can be said that if it weren't for the lightning attack, which has a certain restraining effect on the power of Fullmetal Divine Protection, I'm afraid that Tony wouldn't even be injured.

After all, the densely packed lightning ball attack, although it looks scary and is a group attack that is difficult to avoid, but this group attack has an obvious weakness, that is, the lethality is not as strong as a single attack.

Perhaps, for the general top level, it is still fatal, but for a god killer like Tony, it is impossible to severely injure and defeat him.

In fact, if Fullmetal Divine Protection, which is a defensive power, was not somewhat restrained, it would at most cause minor injuries and paralysis if it were replaced with other defensive powers.

"I don't deny this." Dongni grinned, stared at Bai Yu, and slowly said:"Bai Yu, you just used the power of God Speed, this should be another power of yours. It seems that I have figured out your details. To be honest, it's quite difficult to deal with. After all, I have no way to deal with the power of God Speed."

""Haha." Bai Yu smiled slightly and did not explain the meaning of his power.

【[Phoenix] incarnation, although it can gain faster agility and jumping power than the opponent when it is attacked quickly, and enter a state of super speed, but his ten incarnations can only be used once a day, and there are various restrictions.

The use of the [Phoenix] incarnation puts a great burden on the body, and the chest will hurt severely.

Depending on the length of time of use, the heart will feel a corresponding strong pain.

There is no magic that can directly eliminate this pain, but the pain can still be relieved through oral healing magic.

After a certain period of severe pain, the whole body becomes weak and cannot move for a period of time.

In other words, Bai Yu actually released the [Phoenix] incarnation before the side effects of the [Phoenix] incarnation came, when he bombed Tony just now.

【Phoenix] incarnation, has entered the cooling state.

However, in such a battle, Bai Yu will not be like the silly protagonists and villains in the anime, explaining his abilities in a stupid way to let the enemy know his weaknesses.

Giving the enemy wrong information to gain an advantage in the battle is what a qualified warrior should do.

"Although this kind of battle is not what I want, for now, if I want to win, this is the only way. Perhaps, this is karma. When we first met, we drew swords and became friends in the most simple way. Now, it's time to decide the winner in this way."

Tony grinned and said slowly.

In his opinion, Bai Yu's power restrained him a little.

With divine speed, he could evade his magic sword. And the power that controlled the sky had developed the trick of thunder ball, which could bombard him like a sandbag.

Therefore, he felt that he really had no choice but to use that power.

Seeing Tony say this, Bai Yu's expression changed slightly.

He could already guess what kind of power Tony would use.

Tony's power, at this point in time, should be only four.

Two are his most common powers, and they are also the core powers of his battle, the Torn Silver Hand and the Steel Protection.

The other two are Return to the Ancient World and Divine Chaos.

Return to the Ancient World, this power can make the surrounding civilization degenerate to the level of medieval Europe for about half a day. The range of effect is a small city, and the duration is about half a day.

This power is not very helpful in combat, but it is a unique way to destroy the world.

As for the other one, it is a bit dangerous.

Its name is Divine Chaos.

This power can form an area where magic, cursed power, and even powers can run wild and out of control. It is powerful enough to cause Tony's own powers to run wild as well.

On the surface, this power seems to have low practicality, just like"Return to the Ancient World", but depending on how it is used, this power can become a terrifying trump card.

Because using this power can force the opponent to engage in pure hand-to-hand combat with him, which he is best at. It can be said to be Tony's last trick.

Although it takes a lot of time to prepare for full use, it doesn't require so much trouble if it is used on a small scale.

Obviously, Tony intends to use this power to fight him with bayonets.

"Oh, priestesses of the god of wine... call upon the Son of God. Intoxicated by the violent wine of God, abandon your homeland, and get lost in the mountains and forests. Worship our God!"

Sure enough, the next second, the cursed power in Tony's body began to surge out, and he chanted the words faster.

Then, with Tony as the center, a runaway area covering one-third of the deserted island was formed.

In this area, magic, power, and even cursed power will run wild and become difficult to control.

In this area, only hand-to-hand combat can be carried out.

Although, because Tony was not prepared, the scope and duration of this area were not large and long, but as long as Tony wanted, it was enough to decide the outcome during this time.

At this moment, because this area was affected by Tony's power of divine confusion, Bai Yu could not use the power of the ruler of the sky to fly in the air, and fell directly to the ground. The cursed power and magic power in his body were also in a runaway state, and there was no way to mobilize them easily.

"Then, let's have the most primitive hand-to-hand combat."

Tony looked at Bai Yu who fell to the ground, grinned, drew the sword at his waist, stepped on the pit, and rushed towards Bai Yu quickly.

In response, Bai Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he was not panicked at all.

For other God Slayers, unless it is a martial arts master like Luo Hao, other God Slayers will have a headache facing Tony who has used this power.

However, for Bai Yu, the impact of Tony's power on him will be smaller than imagined.

Because, although the power can't be moved, he can still take out weapons and other things from the system storage space.

In addition, his own physical strength is also very powerful, reaching the upper peak level, which is much stronger than Tony.

At the beginning, he could rely on the intermediate level of physical strength to fight Tony. Now, for Tony, it can be described as a dimensionality reduction attack.

The next second, Bai Yu directly took out the Sword of Promised Victory from the storage space and held it in his hand.


Seeing this, Tony was slightly stunned, a little surprised, as if he couldn't understand how Bai Yu could take out this kind of weapon through space-related techniques within the range of his power.

"Tony, you said at the beginning, 'My swordsmanship is useless against a swordsman of the same level. As long as the strength is sufficient, my slash can be easily blocked.' Right?"

Bai Yu looked at Tony who was rushing towards him quickly from the pit, grinned, and said slowly

"I did say that, is there any problem?"

Dong Ni said with interest

"You are right. But when my strength is far stronger than yours, then my swordsmanship will be fatal to you. Because this swordsmanship is essentially a skill to bully weaklings."

Bai Yu smiled, tightened his grip on the Sword of Victory, and took a stance.


After Bai Yu finished speaking and took this stance, Tony's pupils suddenly shrank, and a sense of danger rose in his heart.

""The Breath of the Moon·Seventh Form·Evil Mirror·Moon Reflection!"

The next second, Bai Yu swung the Sword of Promise of Victory and slashed out five giant shock waves that extended across the ground in a fan shape. As the giant shock waves moved forward, many small arc-shaped shock waves also appeared.

It can be said that this huge range of slashing directly blocked all the areas where Tony could dodge.

The range of its slashing even covered one-tenth of the deserted island, which looked extremely scary.


In the distant ocean, Andre looked at this scene with a face full of shock, dumbfounded.

When Tony used the power of divine confusion, Andre guessed that Tony was forced into a desperate situation and needed to use this power to decide the outcome.

In this regard, Andre was still very confident in Tony. After all, Tony was suppressing Bai Yu at the beginning.

In the end, Bai Yu still used the means of self-destruction to tie with Tony.

Therefore, Andre firmly believed that Tony would definitely win in a hand-to-hand fight.

However, Bai Yu's explosive slash really scared him.

This is really too outrageous.

Although it is said that after becoming a god killer, the physical strength will be improved and the muscles and bones will be strengthened, but your improvement is too scary.

Is this really the same person who slashed at him and Tony at the beginning?

On the side, Erica was also shocked, with a strange look in her eyes.

There is no way, this blow is really too amazing.

Although it has not reached the level of the power of the God of Disobedience and the God Slayer, it has undoubtedly surpassed the level of the Paladin or the Divine Beast.

You have to know that this is an attack based solely on physical strength and swordsmanship, without any blessing of spells or mantras. It is pure swordsmanship.

In this world, perhaps the only one who can do something similar is the martial arts king Luo Hao.

At this moment, on the deserted island, Tony's scalp was tingling. He held the knight's sword in his hand and wanted to block these slashes.



However, the next second, Tony's knight sword exploded and was crushed by the slash.

Then, the slash swept across Tony's body, cutting a huge vertical sword mark on his body.

Even around, there were many small sword marks.

Blood gushed out of Tony's body, and vaguely, one could see the bones and internal organs with many cracks.

It can be said that Bai Yu's terrifying slash directly injured Tony.

This is something that even the previous power bombing could not do.

After all, at that time, Tony had the power of Steel Protection, which was both offensive and defensive.

And now, he is really relying on his flesh and blood to resist.

In this situation, it is naturally unstoppable.

"Ahem, I lost."

Dong Ni stuck the broken sword into the ground, half-knelt on the ground, steadied himself, coughed up blood, looked at Bai Yu with eyes like he was looking at a monster, and admitted his defeat.

"However, your physical strength is too strong, isn't it? Also, I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would be treated as a rookie and bullied." After a pause, Tony continued to complain.

To be honest, Bai Yu was right. His swordsmanship was indeed a magical skill for bullying noobs. He could completely crush those who were weaker than himself.

It was just that being directly the object of abuse was a bit painful even for the thick-skinned Tony. However

, what shocked, annoyed and puzzled him even more was why Bai Yu's physical strength was so exaggerated.

If he had known that Bai Yu's physical strength had become so abnormal, he would never have used the power of the Divine Derangement.

Although he was indeed a bit suppressed in the battle of powers, it was still hard to say who would win or lose.

At least, he was confident that if he fought hard, it was very likely that both sides would suffer losses.

"I am physically strong, so you blame me?"

Bai Yu looked at Dong Ni's miserable appearance, with an innocent face and said with a smile.

This made Dong Ni roll his eyes and was speechless.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the Sword King Salvatore Tony and receiving a golden sign-in gift pack."

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded at the right time, making Bai Yu's eyes light up and look forward to it.

(ps: It's on the shelves, please customize, please reward, please flowers, please vote, please anything!!!)

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