Soon, the world received the news that the Kyoto monster Yasaka was protected by Bai Yu and spread it.

The reactions of various forces to this matter were small or large, but the big forces did not care about the small forces like monsters, and the small forces could not compete with Bai Yu.

The only big force that had a big reaction was the underworld. After hearing that Bai Yu had accepted the forces of the monsters, Sirzechs kept thinking. After

Bai Yu said to him after the last battle, he prepared a big show in the underworld for him, so what he did should never be unprovoked, and there must be some reason in it.

But no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn’t think of what kind of commotion the monsters could make in the underworld, and Bai Yu was really not simple.

He probably would never think that Bai Yu chose to protect the monsters in Kyoto just because he accepted Yasaka and Kunou.

Silently suppressing the idea of going to the monsters to attack Bai Yu, he knew that this would cause a big diplomatic problem, and he couldn’t be sure whether it was a trap.

The most important problem is that he has not been able to deal with Jue Wu yet. Even if he sells him out with Ajieka, Bai Yu can still escape.

On the other side, after Vali, who was defeated by Bai Yu, returned to the Fallen Angels from the Misfortune Group, he delivered a letter to someone.

The recipient of the letter was Kirkbol, a cadre of the Fallen Angels. After reading the contents of the letter, the other party pondered for a while, and then a smile appeared on his face.

“Holy Sword? Interesting, it looks like the opportunity has come.”……..

Bai Yu, after living in the Monster City for a few days, received a message from Vali.

“Kiba Yuto, let’s go, the good show I promised you is about to begin.”

After arriving in front of Kiba Yuto’s house and calling him, Kiba Yuto walked out with a look of ecstasy on his face.

“Really? Lord Bai Yu, can it be done today?”

Bai Yu told him a few days ago that he had to wait, and he thought he would have to wait for a while, but he didn’t expect that Bai Yu would invite him to watch the show just a few days later.

It was so fast that he was ecstatic and admired Bai Yu’s methods.

“That’s natural, why delay something that can be solved?”

Bai Yu said lightly.

He started planning a long time ago. After defeating Vali, he asked Vali to do two small things for him.

One is to investigate the location of several holy swords of the current church, and the other is to reveal the whereabouts of the holy sword to Kirkbol.

In the original book, this guy is a warmongerer who wants to use the holy sword to induce Michael to appear in a three-party war to destroy the peace treaty.

If the other party knows the whereabouts of the holy sword, then there will definitely be action. As long as the other party takes action, then his plan will succeed.

Now, he has received news from Vali that Kirkbol has successfully taken several holy swords from the church and escaped.

In order to track down Kirkbol, the church sent two holy sword users, Jenova and Shido Irina, to take back the holy sword.

“By the way, Lord Bai Yu, is this where we are?”

After Bai Yu used the Absolute Mist to move Kiba Yuto, Kiba Yuto came to a familiar place.

“”Kouou Town.”

Bai Yu explained.

He returned to this place again, mainly because the last place Kirkbol fled to was Koou Town.

What he wanted to plan was to trigger the Holy Sword incident that happened in the original book, which would trigger the meeting of the three major forces in the original book.

Kiba Yuto’s heart moved slightly. He didn’t expect the stage to be here.

This is where he grew up halfway. The first half was in the church. It’s good that the grudges in the first half can be resolved in the second half.

“It’s not too urgent now, we have to go to Kuoh Academy first.”

We need to go to see Shitori Sona, Bai Yu brought Kiba Yuto and came to Kuoh Academy.

There was no need to worry about the underworld finding out, after all, Rias had already left Kuoh Academy, and only Shitori Sona was left.

Shitori Sona was on the same boat with her, so even if he came to such a sensitive place, he didn’t need to be discovered by the underworld. He asked Kiba Yuto to wait outside, and soon he came to the student council president’s office.

“Come in.”

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhitou Sona raised her head from a pile of documents.

Recently, the holidays were approaching for Kuwang Academy, and she had a lot of things to do. Many of her relatives, even Shinra Tsubaki, were sent out to handle various procedures, leaving her alone in the student council president’s office. When she heard the knock on the door, she thought it was someone from a department in the school. When the door of the office was opened and she saw the face of the person she least wanted to see, her already slightly cold face became even colder.

“You are here again, tell me what you want to say.”

I didn’t expect it to be this man.

Even though she and Bai Yu are in a cooperative relationship, she couldn’t look at Bai Yu well when she thought of what Bai Yu did to her.

“What’s wrong? Can’t I come to visit my woman?”

Looking at Zhiqu Cangna with a cold expression, Bai Yu couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“I am not your woman, you can’t have my heart, and before you say this, you should cover up what you did in Kyoto.”

Zhiqu Cangna sneered.

Others may not know the reason why Bai Yu protected the Yasaka family and the Kunou family, but she can see it.

Isn’t it just that he took Yasaka and Kunou as women? Otherwise, she didn’t think that someone like Bai Yu would protect two people he didn’t know for nothing.

Come to visit her? For so long, he has time to take women outside but no time to visit her? Only ghosts would believe this.

“Haha, Xiao Cangna is paying so much attention to me?”

Bai Yu was a little surprised that Zhi Qu Cangna knew this, and used this to tease Zhi Qu Cangna directly.

“Your story has long been spread outside, I can’t help but hear it. If you are just bored and want to tease me, please go away, I have something else to do.”

After being teased, Zhi Qucang’s face became even colder.

If that was all, she didn’t have anything to talk to Bai Yu about. She didn’t want to have too much small talk with the man in front of her.

“”Okay, okay, I do have something to talk to you about.”

Bai Yu knew that he couldn’t tease Zhi Qu Cangna anymore, so he got down to business.

“You should know about Kirkbol, right?”

He mentioned a sensitive name, and Zhiqu Cang’s face suddenly became serious.

“Why did you mention this guy?”

Obviously, she knew this guy.

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