Chapter 117 The Call of the Nine Layers, Bai Yu Arrives! (Second update, please subscribe!)


Inside the shrine, seeing Yasaka fighting with Tsuchigumo and Shuten-douji, Kunou worriedly clenched her hands.

Because of Tsuchigumo’s incident, in order to ensure the safety of her daughter, Yasaka had kept Kunou inside the shrine to prevent the appearance of a second White Wolf. Therefore

, Kunou did not go to Baiyu’s house to play games with Baiyu for the past three days, just waiting for the day when Tsuchigumo would attack.

Watching her mother’s huge body collide with Tsuchigumo’s equally huge body, and being harassed by Shuten-douji around.

Gradually, her mother fell into a disadvantage, and it was too much effort to deal with two monsters of the same highest level.

“Where is Brother Bai Yu?”

Jiuchong anxiously scanned the entire battlefield.

Bai Yu once promised her that he would help her get rid of the earth spiders when they attacked.

After scanning the whole circle, she didn’t seem to find Bai Yu. Did Bai Yu lie to her?

Suddenly she remembered that Bai Yu seemed to have told her that she could just call his name when the time came.

She tried to call Bai Yu’s name.

In the distance at Bai Yu’s house, Bai Yu, who was playing games with Bai Yin at home, suddenly heard Jiuchong’s voice.

“I’m going out for a while and will be back soon.”

Put down the handle in his hand. This should be the attack of the earth spider.

Three days ago, he told Kunou how to call him. Today, he heard the voice of Kunou brought to him by the incarnation of wind.

“Do you need us to go over there, meow?”

Heige asked. They had also heard about this.

She could still deal with the two highest-level monsters, Tsuchigumo and Shuten-doji.

Baiyin’s body also moved slightly. She also wanted to help. In a sense, Kunou was her friend.

“No, how can my woman help with such a matter?”

Bai Yu patted Bai Yin, indicating that Jiu Chong was left to him.

He had not fallen to the point where he needed his woman’s help, and he was going to be a hero to save the beauty.

“Who is your woman?”

Bai Yin said indifferently, without saying anything more, he just sat there motionless.

Bai Yu directly passed through the incarnation of wind, and his body followed the wind and left in an instant.

The next second, Bai Yu suddenly appeared in front of Jiu Chong.

“Brother Bai Yu!

Jiu Chong was surprised and delighted. She didn’t expect that Bai Yu would actually appear in front of her when she called him.

Could it be that Bai Yu in front of her was the prince charming in the fairy tale? He would appear in front of the princess as soon as she called him.

“”Nine, what’s going on?”

Bai Yu came to Nine through the incarnation of the wind. Hearing the noise outside, he knew that the Tsuchigumo must have broken in. He did n’t know what the battle was like now, such as the mysterious top-level monster Shuten Douji.

“Oh, brother Bai Yu, please help mother, she is under siege now.”

Only after hearing Bai Yu’s voice did Jiu Chong wake up from her fantasy of being the prince charming.

Her mother was still fighting with Tsuchigumo and Shuten-doji, and she was already at a disadvantage. If she was a little later, her mother would probably lose directly.

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine when I get here.”

After comforting Kunou, Bai Yu got up and rushed to the battlefield.

Thanks to Yasaka’s preparation, the opponent’s shrine was not captured even though there were two top-level monsters. However, if Bai Yu hadn’t been there, the moment Yasaka was defeated would be the moment the shrine was captured.

On the outer battlefield, with the help of Shuten Douji, Tsuchigumo transformed into a mobile turret.

The huge figure’s monster power continued to surge, and a series of monster power cannons from its mouth bombarded Yasaka.

“Hahaha, is that all? Is that all? Yasaka, it seems that this is all you can do!”

Before, Tsuchigumo was a little worried about Yasaka’s hidden power, fearing that something might happen to that power.

Now that the fight has reached this point, Yasaka still hasn’t shown the power hidden in private. It seems that the power does not exist. If there is, she should have taken it out now.

It is probably because I have been sealed for too long and I worry too much. The disappearance of the White Wolf is probably because Yasaka used some special means, which made me misunderstand.

“”Haha, you’ll know in a minute.”

Yasaka sneered.

The other party certainly didn’t know what kind of evil star was standing behind her.

At the beginning of the Tsuchigumo’s attack, she had already sent people to inform Baiyu, and there was only one thing she had to do.

That was to delay, her people notified Baiyu, and delayed until Baiyu could get here.

After all, who knew when the Tsuchigumo would attack, and she couldn’t trouble Baiyu to guard them all the time. She could only wait for the Tsuchigumo’s attack, and then she would send someone to move Baiyu over, and then the two monsters in front of them would be no problem.

“Don’t be distracted when fighting me.”

A voice sounded next to Yasaka. Yasaka shouted in her heart that something was wrong and quickly used the nine tails to protect her head.

The next second, a huge force came from the tails. Yasaka, who couldn’t bear it, could only step back several steps.

“Hmm? Sure enough, she’s a bit hard to deal with.”

Shuten Douji looked at Yasaka, who only took a few steps back after his full-strength punch, and understood why Tsuchigumo told him that Yasaka was not easy to deal with.

He and Yasaka were both top-level monsters, but his full-strength punch only made the opponent take a few steps back. If they were to fight one-on-one, he would definitely lose.

Of course, one reason for this was that Yasaka had already reached the top level of monster a long time ago.

Another and biggest reason was that the monster generals in Kyoto were blessed with spiritual veins, and with the blessing of spiritual veins, they could exert greater power.

In Kyoto, if it was a 1v1 with a top-level monster alone, it would probably be difficult to win. No monster can be a match for Yasaka, luckily this time they are two top monsters.

Yasaka waved her huge tail to force Shuten-douji back, and feeling Shuten-douji’s power, she felt a little bad.

She was already beginning to feel tired, and she estimated that if she fought for a while, she would not have the strength to fight these two monsters.

When she fell, the two top monsters would attack the shrine, and the whole of Kyoto would basically fall, and even her daughter would be in danger.

Calculating the time, it is estimated that she still has at least half of the journey to deliver the letter, and she can’t hold on any longer, she doesn’t know what to do.

“Thank you for your hard work, I’m here.”

When she was having a headache about what to do, Yasaka heard a familiar voice.

She opened her eyes wide and saw a person next to her, it was Bai Yu.

(ps: Please subscribe, please reward, please flowers, please vote, please anything!!!)

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